

Please don't leave me mum,i don't know what I will do without you,Felicia cried as she stood outside the hospital room while the doctors are trying to revive her mum who had an attack.

She looked up with a shocked expression as she saw the doctors shaking their heads and the next thing she heard them said was'time of death' 12:15pm,she couldn't believe her ears as her whole world came crashing down.

what is she gonna do without her backbone,her supporter,her mother is the only one she had and now she is gone.

No no no,it can't be,she shouted at the top of her voice as the nurse tries to caution her

you can't leave me momma

no,please doctor,you have to bring my mother back to me.

don't die on me mum,she cried as she grab the doctor's lab coat but she was pulled back by some nurse who were trying to hold her and calm her.

After making sure she won't let her emotions take over her,she was lead back to her mum's ward as she stare at her,

she couldn't control her tears as they kept on streaming down her cheeks but there was nothing they could do to revive her mother who has lost her life due to so many diseases Felicia herself didn't know her mother had because she was trying her best to make sure her daughter doesn't have to worry about her and so that she can concentrate on her. education