

Jessica woke up and saw that she was lying on the bed, alone. She rubbed her eyes and looked for Maverick in the room.

She smiled thinking about last night. She saw a small note kept on the table.

She reached out to it and read that Maverick had left for New Jersey for some meeting. Jessica sighed and kept the paper on the table.

She got out of bed and went for a shower. Her legs were paining but she didn't care about the pain. She was feeling a bit dizzy yet she needed to do her job.

She stood in front of the mirror in the washroom and saw the marks. Those marks which she received last night from Mark...

She took a hot bath, and the moments she spent with Maverick last night, replayed in her mind.

Jessica (thinks): Why him? Of all the men in America, why do I have to fall in love with Maverick Williams...?

She also thought about her mission, Ryan, the agency, Maverick, and herself.

She could never tell anyone what was going on in her mind...
