
Age of the humans

A novel that tells the story of a young man from a mere knight to the greatest emperor humanity has ever known

Moldy_Medic · สงคราม
3 Chs

The arrival

Andrew looked at the sun and saw it was nearing sunset. "Luthor, let's find a place to set up camp; the sun is almost completely down."

"Yes, sir."

Crack... crack...

"Andrew, I have some beef that you love. I prepared it especially for you."

Andrew took the meat from Baston and began grilling. "Thank you, Baston."

"You're welcome."

"Baston, I have a question for you."

As Baston waited for the meat, his mouth watering, he replied, "Leave it for after dinner."

"No, it's a light question. It's just about your men—where are they?"

Baston wiped his saliva and answered, "I ordered my son to lead them ahead of me when I heard you were summoned too. I wanted to travel like the old days, just you, me, and Luthor."

"Well, it seems the food is ready. Luthor, leave the horses and come."

"Yes, sir." Luthor finished feeding the horses and went to dine with his master and his master's friend. The three ate quietly, and when they finished dinner, Baston took out a bottle of wine and drank. Then he looked at his friend and asked,

"Andrew, are you going to lead the noble unit composed of those nobles who care only about accumulating achievements and avoiding paying taxes?"

"It seems that way. Speak respectfully; you are from a noble family."

"Who cares about respect in this world? You just need to be strong enough to defend those you love and your goals."

Andrew looked at Baston. "I didn't know you had goals; I thought all you cared about was fighting."

Baston scratched his head and laughed. "Andrew, why didn't you accept the thousand men that old man offered you?"

"Ah, well, he helped me a lot, so I didn't accept."

"But he's your father-in-law and considers you his son. He even brags about you among the nobles at every event. Haha!"

Andrew smiled. "Ah, he's like a father to me." He looked in the direction of the capital with a distant gaze. Baston noticed he had said things out of time and wanted to lighten the mood. He looked aside and saw Luthor, so he hugged him.

"Tell me, Luthor, what is your current level?"

"First level of the silver class."

"At your age, and you've reached that level?" Baston was impressed by the strength of his friend's protégé.

"It's not a big deal; you and my lord are at the peak of the gold level."

"What are you talking about? You are considered one of the best talents in the empire." Baston spoke, annoyed with Luthor for underestimating himself.

"Be happy, Luthor, and drink a lot. I was impressed by your strength and decided to marry you to one of my daughters. She's very beautiful."

Luthor dodged Baston and rubbed his neck. "Who said I want to marry? All I think about is training to reach a level where I can help my lord."

Andrew looked at his travel companions. "Well, it's an agreement, Baston. I've been thinking of asking my wife to find him a wife because I've noticed he loses focus during training, and when we go to the market, I noticed he focuses on every young woman who passes by."

Luthor's face flushed red. "My lord, uh, uh..."

Baston started laughing hysterically and looked at Luthor. "Haha, it seems your little friend has reached his limits."

"Haha," Andrew laughed. "Well, let's go to sleep; we have a long day tomorrow." The three went to bed after teasing Luthor once more.

In the morning, the three woke up early to continue the journey.

"Sir, it seems we are close to our destination; I see a lot of young nobles traveling in the same direction as us."

"Look straight ahead, Luthor; don't you see all that smoke?"

"I didn't notice it, sir."

After moving a little further, the road became busier with excited young men. Andrew and Baston covered their heads to avoid some unnecessary hassle. After some time, they arrived at the army camp, ending their journey that had lasted more than two weeks. The camp was crowded, so they registered their names and then headed to the camping area for Baston's men. Baston ordered his men to prepare a tent for his friend and his servant, who was closer to a student and more than that.

As night fell, Luthor went to get dinner for his master and himself, leaving his master to read a book. After some time, he returned. "Sir, I've brought the food, and there's someone who wants to meet you."

"I'm coming, Luthor. Leave the food outside so we can eat there."

"Yes, sir."

Andrew put his book down on his bed and went outside to see who had come to see him while eating. When he stepped outside, he found someone he loved and respected. He placed his right hand on his chest and bowed. "General Benroy Underburn."

"I still don't understand why you respect me so much; we were raised as brothers and more than that—you are my sister's husband." The speaker was a tall man, nearly Baston's height and build, with flaming red hair and the family crest on his chest—a fiery lion.

"Well, I heard you reached the platinum class and became the empire's third general after being the right-hand man of the military commander. How can I not respect you?"

"Well, it was a stroke of luck."

Benroy scratched his head shyly, then remembered something. "Tell me, how is Eileen, and how did she agree to you joining the war?"

"She didn't agree."

"Well, it seems she's boiling with anger now, but after what happened to you in the last war and your refusal to lead the men trained by our family and instead lead men from noble families from the countryside, I agree with her anger. We were even angry with you."

At that moment, Andrew smiled awkwardly. "The reason I refused the unit you prepared for me is because I wanted to prove myself alone without my lord's help."

"Well, that's why I respect you. Ah, and my father brags about you every day to his grandchildren, how he found you, discovered your talent, and how you proved yourself with your strength alone. Haha, so even though he doesn't talk to you much, he loves you and considers you one of his sons."

"I know that. So, are you the one leading this war?"

After that question, Benroy's face darkened. "No, it's not me; it's the crown prince trying to prove himself by using all his connections to lead this war. All three generals will participate, along with seven of the ten knights, so be careful. He holds an old grudge against you and is known for being highly vindictive."

"Yes... brother."

"Thank you for calling me that. Your extreme respect almost made me forget we are brothers and were raised by one man. Now I'll leave you to dine and rest because tomorrow the army will be announced and divided. Good night, brother."

Benroy left with a smile, while Andrew joined Luthor, and they ate dinner for the first time in two weeks in peace without Baston. After a few moments, Luthor's face darkened because he heard Baston shouting, "I brought my son to drink with us because this is the first war he will participate in and the first time he will drink to help him relieve some of the war's pressure."

Baston paused for a moment and looked at Luthor. "Luthor, you are sharing the same experience as my son, so you will join us."

"No, I don't want to."

"Luthor, you will join us for a drink with Baston and his son, and then we'll go to sleep."

Luthor responded to his master with irritation. "Yes, sir." The four drank together, and Andrew and Baston shared their experiences with the two young men, teaching them how to protect themselves and survive the war. They didn't stay long and went to sleep because what awaited them was tough, and they would wish they had rested enough.