

 'Lord Aries has returned' some of the kids in the city cried the news to the other part of the city. Soon enough it becomes a procession

Everywhere they were folks in their clothes, the young the old, the traders, the merchants, the shopkeeper, the minor lords, the low lords all were in attendance all welcoming my father back.

The music is pleasant like the warm breeze of autumn, filling the streets with harmonious melody.

And all the way back Arial could hear them greeting his father and mother, all words of praises and good and kind words.

The news traveled fast throughout the city. Soon enough, everyone was celebrating in the streets.

"Your parents are very famous," Kyle said, taking in the scene.

"They are," Arial replied, beaming with pride.

They finally reached the castle.

The guards quickly opened the gates and Lord Aries and his wife entered the castle followed by their entourage.