

Shawn Lewis, the owner of the biggest lending company in New York City is known everywhere for being a young bachelor. Ruthless, a man who takes no for an answer. He is handsome. A billionaire. Hot and irresistible. Women will do everything just to spend a night with him and men want to be him. He has everything he needs. Wealth, fame, women, people’s attention, and he most certainly can get what he wants just in a flick of his wrist. Agatha Morrison, a simple and uneducated woman who flew all the way to New York City in a hope of changing her life, but found herself being betrayed by the people she trusted the most. With the last penny she has in her pocket, she'll make the most out of it and will soon find herself in a haven she doesn’t want to get out of. They will both meet each other and will be trapped in a so-called “Forbidden Love” that they will soon find too hard to escape. But will they really want to escape? After all the moments they shared? DISCLAIMER Everything you are about to read in this book is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to NAME, PLACE, EVENTS, or ORGANIZATIONS are purely coincidental. There are mature contents ahead so be warned and read at your own risk. A/N This is one of my few well-written novels I would be proud to share with you. I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Join Shawn and Agatha as they fight through the odds to get the love, they both deserve to have. Thank you for taking the time to read "Agatha". Much appreciated. With Love, Stellar

Stellar_Roots · สมัยใหม่
74 Chs

46. “What the fuck.”


"What do I deserve to know?!" 

Martin, Stacey, and Agatha looked in the direction of my voice and I can see in Agatha's eyes that she regretted looking at me. She knows I am hella mad, upset, and disappointed. 

"Shawn," she whispered and slowly stood up. 

"Tell me, Agatha. What do I deserve to know, huh?"

"He's going to tell you, man, just give her some time." It was Martin who talked for her and I felt more pissed. 

When my man told me she went to a café I knew very well, with a man and a woman, I already know who would it be, after all, Agatha doesn't know many people. She hasn't been here very long. I know I shouldn't be this mad without knowing the reason behind it yet, but how serious is this that she can't even tell me?

"I'm not talking to you," I replied without even looking at Martin.