
Against The Paradox

KingJet · ตะวันออก
19 Chs

Chapter 6: Falling in Love and Joining the Speed Clan

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 6: Falling in Love and Joining the Speed Clan

The next morning, Jett sat at the end of the bed, contemplating his next move. It dawned on him that he didn't know what he looked like. The only information he had was from Jack, estimating him to be in his mid-20s, and just by feeling it, he had long black hair. Rising, he made his way to the attached bathroom, swiftly opening the cabinet housing a mirror and taking it in hand.

As he gazed at his reflection, he noted his striking blue eyes and long black hair. Despite his current thinness from half a year of no food and exercise, there was still a certain charm to his face. He estimated himself to be around 175cm tall. It struck him that if he regained his fitness, he would outshine any man he'd known in his previous life, resembling more of a model than an average person. "I wonder if this body belonged to someone else before, or if it was crafted for me," Jett pondered.

Jett placed back the mirror and exited the room. As he stepped out, the aroma of bacon and eggs greeted him. Descending the stairs, Jett entered the kitchen to find Jang-mi, clad in an apron, busy at the stove. He was momentarily struck by her beauty. She stood a little shorter than him, at around 160cm. When she turned to face Jett, she greeted him, saying, "Good morning, I have made some breakfast, Come sit down."

Jett remained in a state of astonishment and simply took his seat. As he watched her turn, her long, lush black hair cascading, and her captivating green eyes meeting his gaze, Jett was thrown into confusion. He pondered to himself, "I've never found anyone so beautiful that it leaves me momentarily speechless. All my life, I've lived without a wife, girlfriends, or children. I've never felt this way about anyone before. But now, why... what am I thinking?"

Jett snapped back to reality when Jang-mi placed a plate in front of him, saying, "Here you go, I hope you like it."

"Tha… Thanks," Jett replied. He picked up the fork and started eating. Unaware, he failed to notice that Jang-mi was smiling and blushing while she said, "You are welcome."

Jang-mi had already developed feelings for Jett while caring for him. She had seen most of his body while tending to him during his coma. Her admiration for him started when he saved her brother. Shortly after they finished breakfast, Jack arrived.

"Hello sis, Hello Jett, How are you doing?" Jack asked.

"I am doing well. I have fully healed, and my cultivation is stable," Jett replied.

"That's wonderful. After you freshen up, come with me. The clan elders would like to meet you," Jack said.

"Alright," Jett replied, rising and clearing his plate with the assistance of Jang-mi. He ascended the stairs to change his clothes, then left with Jack.

"Do you know why they want to see me? I mean, I assume they need to talk, but do you think they might kick me out of the village?" Jett asked.

"You shouldn't worry that much. Though they might ask you to pay rent or something along those lines, they wouldn't just kick you out, especially after you saved us... I think," Jack reassured.

"That gives me so much relief," Jett said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. It only took a few minutes to reach a massive building in the center of the village. It appeared to be the town hall where the elders would convene.

Stepping inside, Jett noticed a crowd of people. Most were standing behind five individuals seated in chairs. One chair stood against the far wall, flanked by two more on either side facing each other, creating an 'n' shape. Jack's father occupied the chair to the right of the central seat, while three others, whom Jett hadn't yet seen, were in the remaining seats. They all appeared quite old with white hair. Seated in the main chair was a man in his late 40s, sporting a very serious demeanor. Jett surmised that this man must be the clan leader, given his appearance and standing in the realm. However, Jett couldn't discern the exact realm this man was in; even the scroll wasn't powerful enough to see things far beyond the wielder's cultivation.

Jett walked to the center of the room, bowing slightly as he greeted, "Greetings to all elders."

Jack's father, Jong, rose from his seat and spoke, "Allow me to introduce everyone, since Jett and I are already acquainted."

"As I just mentioned, this young man here is Jett. He saved my son, as well as Xiao and Bai," Jack stated, introducing Jett. He then turned to Jett and continued, "The three individuals seated in front, from my right, are the esteemed elders of our clan: Yu Xiao, Song Bai, and Wu Tian. On my left, we have our esteemed clan leader, Shen Wei. I also hold the position of vice leader. Furthermore, Song Bai is the father of Bai, and Yu Xiao is Xiao's father."

Acknowledging, Jett affirmed, "Greetings, Speed clan leader, vice leader, and esteemed elders."

"Greetings to you as well, Jett. Thank you for rescuing our three clan members. If there is anything you desire, please do not hesitate to express it," Shen Wei welcomed. This statement surprised the three elders. While two of them were pleased they were still worried, Jett possessing their manuals should be considered payment enough.

Jett found himself in a state of bewilderment. He had never anticipated such a question from the leader of the Speed clan. He pondered deeply. He reflected on how the clan had treated him thus far. He yearned for a place to call home, but was Shen Wei willing to grant him a permanent stay? Strangely, amidst these contemplations, Jang-mi surfaced in his thoughts, rendering him momentarily blank. "Why did she come to mind now? Have I grown so fond of her? I can't be certain... whether I have or haven't, I'm still reluctant to depart her."

After a few minutes of intense silence, Jett raised his gaze and then descended to one knee. This action sent shockwaves through the entire hall, startling the clan leader. Jett spoke, his words deliberate, "I cannot say for certain, but I earnestly hope you'll accept me as a member of the Speed clan."

As Jett's declaration echoed, the hall erupted into a clamor. Some voiced admiration for his heartfelt request, while others felt he was asking for too much. However, some recognized that Jett intended to benefit the clan, by ensuring the techniques he'd acquired remained within.

"SILENCE!" Shen Wei's voice thundered, immediately quelling the tumult. He rose and fixed his gaze on Jett. "Why do you seek to join the Speed clan?"

"I can't explain it fully. I just sense that this is where I belong. For some inexplicable reason, I'm reluctant to leave this place," Jett responded.

Shen Wei and Jong locked eyes with Jett. However, instead of Shen Wei, it was Jong who spoke next. "Could it be because of Jang-mi?"

Upon hearing this, Jett instinctively averted his gaze, almost without realizing it. Shen Wei appeared puzzled, turning to Jong and inquiring, "How did you know?"

"Bah, sometimes I don't know how you and your wife got together. He, of course, is smitten by my daughter and doesn't want to leave because of it," Jong replied.

Shen Wei only gave out an HMPH sound. Turning back to Jett, he asked, "If you become a clan member, what do you have planned?"

Jett looked back at Shen Wei and didn't say anything. A few seconds went by and then he said, "I don't know. There are some things I have to do in the outside world. And I don't know if I can come back... I don't want to commit to my feelings unless I can be certain to reciprocate."

"I see. I can tell you have some baggage that you don't want us to see or feel. I can also see that you do care about people," Shen Wei said, then sat back down. "You can join the Speed clan, but if you hurt Jang-mi's feelings, you should never think about coming back."

Jett visibly shook, his face wearing a grim expression. "I understand. Like I said, I don't want to reveal my feelings unless I can be there to reciprocate."

"Okay then, Jett, you will be appointed as a guest clan member for now. In the next month, we will give you a test for you to pass. So train hard with our manuals; if you fail, then though we won't kill you, we will cripple you," Shen Wei stated.

"Thanks, clan leader," Jett replied.

"You can leave now," Shen Wei said. Jett then bowed and turned around, leaving the hall.

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com