
Pure Light

[Pure Light (?) ✰✰✰✰✰]

[Description: A choker given to those who Kelvar blessed. With this choker, no evil can come near you.


Uncorrupted: No evil can come near you. You are immune to all curses related to darkness or negative emotions of a certain level. The effect is reduced if the curse is too strong.

Light of Salvation: All of your wounds, as long as they are not serious, will be healed instantly once every day.

Light Among the Darkness: After using Light of Salvation, you have the option to activate this skill that will improve your stats by 25%. It can only be used once a week.

Blinding Light: The choker will shine brightly, blinding your opponent. The light will not affect you. The more mana you spend on this skill, the brighter it will shine.]