
Against the Goddess, Kayla's counterattack

Kayla, a "normal" high school student is dragged into a summon to another world along with her classmates. But contrary to what Kayla first thought, her life wouldn't be easy in this new world! Kayla quickly realized that fact when, instead of opening her eyes to a castle with people eagerly waiting for her, she woke up to a town on fire! At that moment, Kayla's only reaction was to curse the fucking big-breasted kidnapper who brought her into this world! Swearing that one day he would get revenge! So what's in store for Kayla in this new world? Come and find out! ...... Hello dear readers! This is a revamped synopsis because my intentions with this book have changed! Now I come with every intention of staying and I will prove it by publishing a daily chapter! I hope you enjoy this journey with me in which you will find epic battles and even more importantly, curses towards the big-breasted kidnappers (Goddesses)!

litlefox4_5 · แฟนตาซี
120 Chs

Mia Liohard

"Damn it, I thought I could catch the little ice princess, but they were too fast!"

A reddish-gold-haired girl muttered angrily as she kicked a tree several dozen meters tall, knocking it down on the spot.

"I seriously almost caught that damn arrogant brat, if it wasn't for the fact that she suddenly got bitten by a weirdo and started running faster… Eh, wait, did she sense my presence and get scared?"

The girl, named Mia Liohard, muttered with a stupid smile on her face.

She was a beautiful yet rustic girl standing six and a half feet tall, towering over many human men in height. However, that was to be expected considering her anima blood running through her veins.

But leaving her immeasurable beauty aside, she was currently feeling upset.

She had recently discovered that her current ranking in the rookie jungle was too low, being the top eight. She, as the beloved princess of her family, couldn't afford to be less than the top five.