
Against the Fate

The God Child Messiah was dead, and the Devil Master of the North drenched the world in the blood of his enemies. He had saved the world once, and he would destroy it this time. His enemies were no more, and only his nemesis left. He died before he could pay back his agony. Before he could accept his fate, he was regressed in time. Back to when he was a renowned Child of the Heavens that would soon become the God Child Messiah. In this timeline, he would surely get everything right. He would protect his family and those dear to him by building his own king realm with the strongest legacy, make friends with countless experts, nurture successors, create unparalleled profound arts and finally, eradicate the dragons. This time, he would fight against the fate itself. It is the story of Yun Che in another timeline. Against the Gods fanfiction, Against the Fate. It takes place after the soul of Jasmine's brother, Heavenly Star Wolf Xisu, told him about the truth of the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. I advise you to read the original before reading this, as it contains spoilers up to the latest published chapter available. The cover is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please, shoot me a dm! Also, if you don't like chapters that don't have fights in them, then maybe this is not your cup of tea. I'd like to explore more about Yun Che's relationships with everyone he knew, so it will be somewhat slow-paced and won't have that much fight scenes until the later arcs. It focuses more on Yun Che's relationships, internal struggle, kingdom building, and politics. If you're into that, then you're in for a ride. The release rate is 3 chapters a week, unless something happens IRL and I can't write.

Lunoire · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Serve Your Purpose

"The first test has been concluded, My Lord. I have given the participants an hour break as you ordered."

Tumi kneeled before Yun Che, his head bowed low to show his respect for his master.

"Good. Are there any decent potential seeds among the participants?"

"Yes, there are quite a few, in fact. One young man in particular has scored perfectly, even. It is certainly a pleasant surprise."


Yun Che's eyebrow was raised as he heard that someone has actually managed to get a perfect score.

He had created the Myriad Lotus Tree mainly to flaunt his heaven-defying ability to the world. He never expected that someone was actually that talented.

Not even Caizhi was that talented, after all. There was only a handful of people that talented in his previous life.

But no matter who it was, they were either his greatest allies or his direst enemies. Only he knew the significance of such talent displayed by the flowers.

"It certainly is a good thing for us. Alright, I will handle the matter so you should refrain from showing interest in him for the time being, lest people from the King Realms do something annoying."

"Yes, My Lord. Your words is my command."

Yun Che waved his hand to dismiss Tumi from his room.

He sat on the ground and resumed what he was doing. The back of his left hand glowed a dim green and sweat quickly formed on his forehead.

After breaking through the first stage of Wonder of Life, his efficiency of making medicine has been given a tremendous boost.

His medicines would be far more potent than before, have less drawbacks and side-effects, consume less resources and required lesser quality ingredients.

It was such an important ability that he rarely use in his previous life. He was so blinded by hatred and all he was thinking was revenge, so he had neglected this ability and its importance.

Yun Che pour more Wonder of Life's power into the Sky Poison Pearl, and He Ling would help him refine the medicine together with him.

He guided the power carefully, blending it into the Sky Poison Pearl's refining power. After that, he coated the ingredients with a thin layer of the mixed power, increasing its intensity bit by bit and refined it carefully.

His movement was smooth and trained, as this was the thirteenth time he tried to do this.


The ingredients in his hand were shattered into dust as he was gasping for air. His back was drenched in sweat, and he lay on the ground, exhausted.

"Master, it's another failure. I think it's safe to assume that we can't recreate the medicinal effects of the 'Untamed World Pellet' that you spoke of with ingredients of this quality. It doesn't matter how well and careful we refined it. We need better quality ingredients."

He smiled wryly in response. These were the best materials that he could get his hands on for now.

The ingredients weren't shabby in quality, either. Each and every one of these was expensive and extremely valuable even for a King Realm like the Star God Realm.

But even so, recreating the medicinal effects of the Untamed World Pellet still seemed to be impossible.

He either had to break through more stages of the Wonder of Life or use better quality ingredients, both of which were impossible for now.

He could feel He Ling was as exhausted as he was. He felt bad for making her help him do this impossible task so many times, but he had to.

It was the quickest way to become stronger without going into the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm to train. He really didn't want to do that if he could help it.

"Hahh.. hah... I think you're right, He Ling. I'm sorry for putting you into doing this."

A green light flashed from his left hand as He Ling came out of the Sky Poison Pearl.

She still wore the same green dress as he remembered her to be. Just like in his previous life, she was so beautiful that anyone who laid eyes on her couldn't help to adore and cherish her.

But one thing was different.

The difference was so big that it took him a while to recognize that the woman sitting in front of him right now was the same person.

She was so bright and warm, with a tinge of hatred hidden in the deepest corner of her eyes.

He Ling in his previous life looked nothing like this.

She had been consumed by his hatred and bloodlust that she has become nothing more but a tool of mass murder and destruction.

She had become the embodiment of darkness and hatred and all ugly things, just like him.

He had been staring at her for too long now, and He Ling couldn't help but notice it.

Her mouth arched beautifully as she gave him that long forgotten smile. It felt warm... It felt soothing... It felt.. fake.

He had destroyed He Ling. He had robbed her of her warmth and gentle smile.

'Am I worthy of your smi--'

"..ster. Master."

He Ling's gentle voice brought him back to reality.

He had been embraced by her without realizing it. Her soft skin and warmth elicited an emotion that he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Master, do you remember that we shared a connection between us? Although I couldn't guess what you're thinking, I could still feel your emotion, vividly."

He Ling continued as she caressed his hair, gently running her fingers through his hair.

"I was quiet this whole time precisely because I can feel your emotions. Confusion, regret, self-hatred, gratitude, amongst other things I couldn't quite sure what to call. I feel each and every emotion that you were feeling, Master."

"I don't know why you suddenly changed since that day. I don't know what you've been going through, but I want you to know something. Me, Hong'er, and You'er are here for you. So do Master's families and friends. "

"We love and care about you, and we are worried. If you can't share that burden with us, that's fine. But please, stop regretting something that I don't know about everytime you see us. Stop hating yourself so much. You're hurting yourself, Master, and it hurts me too."

He Ling tightened her embrace. She embraced him so tight as if she wanted to squeeze his burden out of him.

Yun Che smiled wryly as he was being embraced by He Ling. He could feel that He Ling meant every word she just said from his connection to her.

But there's nothing he could do about it.

It's not that easy to recover from a lifetime's worth of trauma, regret, and all the suffering he has been subjected to by the fate's cruel hands.

It's not as if he could go back to become who he was before all those sufferings just because he wanted to.

He had been living in the deepest corner of the darkest abyss for so long that he forgot the existence of light.

And now that he could see and feel it again, all it does is blind his eyes and burn his flesh. The light was hurting him.

But even so, he didn't want to make them worry.

Real or not, illussion or not, he would gladly die to protect them this time. It was a sacred vow he sweared to the rotten heavens above ever since he came here.

Yun Che smiled and patted He Ling's back. He wanted to reassure her, even if it meant lying to her.

"I know. Thank you, He Ling. Let's continue crafting the medicines to gift the King Realms before the third test begin. We still have a lot to do today."

He Ling gently pushed Yun Che away and noticed his smile. She knew it was fake, but she went along with it anyway. Acknowledging her words just now was enough for her for the time being.

"Yes, seriously, we still have so much to do that we can't afford to rest."

"So let's get back to it before Hong'er eats all the ingredients in the Sky Poison Pearl!"

The two went back to crafting and refining the medicines once more.

In a planet near the Dragon God Realm, a man and a woman was thrown out of their house by some big, bulky men.

"No! You can't take our house, the deal isn't like this!"

"Mister Fang, please tell your subordinates! Me and my friend have been your biggest patrons for years, and this is how you wish to repay my kindness?!"

The man who seemed to be the leader of this rag-tag group was a rough-looking man with two women in their overly revealing clothes.

He was sitting on a carriage, calmly looking at the desperate couple trying to save their house.

"No, no. You got it all wrong, Mister Han. This is just issued this morning, please take a look."

The scary looking man threw a scroll of paper to the man on the ground. It was a permit to seize every asset and possession of the man, because they were registered as collateral for his friend's debt.

"No, no, it can't be true! I don't remember signing this paper with my signature profound energy, this has to be fake!"

The scary looking man clicked his tongue in annoyance. He just wanted to get this over with quickly so he could enjoy spending the night with the new slaves he just bought this morning.

"It is undeniably your signature profound energy, Mister Han. The auction house has confirmed it themselves. I am only here to seize your house and all your possessions as ordered, so don't take it out on me."

The man quickly examined the scroll of paper once again, carefully this time.

Sure enough, after injecting his profound energy into it, the paper glowed blue and let out a specific aura. It was his life-force aura, and he couldn't mistake it for anything else.

"How... But I don't remember signing it... Wait. Don't tell me?"

It was at this time that he remembered something. His friend had acted suspicious a few days ago, inviting him over to drink when he normally wouldn't.

His alcohol tolerance was low, so he quickly became drunk. Everything that happens after that was vague, but he could vaguely remember signing a paper with his profound energy.

"That bastard! That bastard tricked me! I knew something was up when he invited me to drink that night! I should've known that he wanted to flee the planet because he offended people from the Ling family, fuck!"

The scary looking man's patience was running thin, but he still kept it professional.

"Now do you get it, Mister Han? Although it is not my place to advice you, I'll give you an advice regardless considering all these years of your dedicated patronage. Be careful who you made your friends with."

"Now that you understand, please let me do my job properly. I don't want to be rude to you or your wife, considering your contribution to our family all these years. If you'd excuse me."

The man and his wife sat limply on the ground as those bulky men loaded his belongings to a carriage.

One of them put a sign at the front of his house that said "6th Warehouse".

His dream house that he had been spending his lifetime for was reduced to being the auction house's warehouse.

"Let's go, Shu'er. We can go to my brother's place and he will help us out."

The man had to drag his crying wife to move. Staying there would be dangerous, as those men were little more than mere thugs and bandits.

God knows what they would do to them if they remain there.

They had taken all of their belongings, sparing them only what they currently wear. Not even a single coin was spared for them.

Their house was situated in a remote place. It was in between rugged yet lustrous hills and dangerous forest.

Usually, they have no trouble traversing the forest because they were always accompanied by their bodyguards.

But now they had no one to protect them, as they too were amongst the list of his belongings.

Together, they traveled the forest extra carefully. They were careful not to make loud noises and trying so hard not to sweat.

Things were going smoothly until a wolf profound beast suddenly jumped in front of them.

The beast was at the seventh level of Divine Origin Realm, four small realms higher than his own. There was no way they both could survive, so he decided to throw his life away to buy his wife time to escape.


The man charged at the profound beast knowing full well that he would die soon.

But to his horror, the beast ignored him and go for his wife, instead.


The profound beast was proficient in wind element, so he was too slow for it.

In a flash, the beast leaped in front of his wife and chomped her head off of her body. Fountains of blood sprayed from the decapitated body, dying the trees and grass red.


The wolf turned its attention to its last offender, but the man didn't seem to care at all. He just stood there, his eyes devoid of any life.

The wolf charged at the man, ready to rip his head off in a single bite.

But before it could do so, the wolf was sliced in half by a purple light. The purple light erode the two halves and turned them into bloody, decaying gore.

The man was brought back to his senses seeing this, and he looked around to see what's happening.

A man wearing a purple robe came out from behind a tree not far away from him with a smile on his face.

There were strange markings all over the purple robe, and there was a symbol of a black dragon flying in a circle and bites its own tail on the purple robed man's forehead.

With a benign smile like a loving father, the purple robed man asked him in a gentle voice.

"Our encounter is not a coincidence. It is a divine revelation that our God has relayed to our holy child. This is fate, Mister Han. Will you join our order and serve your purpose?"

Second weekly chapter. Last chapter of the week.

Update: The next chapter will be posted next week on Monday!

Have a great week everyone!

Lunoirecreators' thoughts