
ch 4 : The creation and formation

The spericaical sphere contractes to a tiny dot and exploded at full force surpassing the speed of everything and creating a shock waves in infinite void and ripples which form space and time .

After some time the pure energy split into many different form creating many diffrent forms of energy.

But there was a chunk of pure energy which split into 2 which can be said to be +and - or positive and negative

Form of pure energy. For time being

The blast was expanding in infinite void and will bounce back to become one again and the speed that will be was set by the origin .

After the blast many elements and chemical structures were created

After some time the 3 supreme will

Start to make the law's of universe by practicing in small place .

With some errors and changes they created a perfect law's for the expanding energy and use their energy to forcefully change the rule of the blasted energy .

And waited for some time

The name bestowed by origin was

1 . bhrama ( Creator )

2 . Vishnu ( Manager)

3. Shiva (Destroyer)

Were the 3 supreme wills of origin and

Won't discriminate to any things .