
Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic)

This is a 'Modern Love Story' fanfiction based on Eternal Love of Dream drama series/Ten Miles Pillow Book Novel written by Tang Qi Gong Zi. The storyline would be similar to some parts of their novel but given with a modern twist. This is my first time writing a novel, I hope you enjoy my story! Disclaimer: The photos used in this novel do not belong to me. Credits to the owners. Synopsis: Dong Hua saved Feng Jiu's life when she met him for the first time. She was determined to repay his kindness. She gradually fell in love with Dong Hua, a person who is indifferent to everyone and everything and doesn't understand the meaning of love, in the process of repaying her gratitude. Feng Jiu loves Dong Hua but he doesn't know about her feelings and what she did for him. When Feng Jiu finally decided to move on, Dong Hua starts to notices her. He thought that she was interesting at first but he comes to realize that he has unknowingly fallen deeply in love with her. But was it too late? Flashback to Ancient times, Dong Hua Di Jun summoned the Elderly Fairy guarding the Stone of Destiny to inquire about his fate with Feng Jiu. The Elderly Fairy said that they have no fate. To go against fate, it will be a hard journey with hurdles and obstacles. However, the Elderly Fairy said that Destiny could change anytime. Dong Hua and Feng Jiu lived so many lifetimes without being able to be together. Will they finally be together this lifetime?

JOYHYT · อื่นๆ
90 Chs


Feng Jiu drowned herself in work, and she worked as many shifts as she could get. The motivation to pay off Ye Qingti's medical bills, kept her going.

She kept herself busy so that she wouldn't over-think as well. During her off days, she would either visit Ye Qingti or spent it with her friends and having fun together.


On the other hand, Dong Hua had been buried in work.

During Dong Hua's disappearance, Lian Song told everyone in Tai Chen Group that Dong Hua was away for an important business trip. He didn't want to cause any alarm or panic within the company.

But there were still rumors spreading about Dong Hua being missing, and that Tai Chen Group was going to go bankrupt.

Upon hearing such rumors, several employees left the company, after being poached by a rival company, Mo Jie International.

Lian Song also had his suspicions on Miao Luo for being the mastermind behind those attacks.

Although Dong Hua was already working around the clock for the past few weeks, Tai Chen Group was still in a dire situation, due to the lack of manpower.

Tai Chen Group had a very strict policy on their hiring process. To get a job there, candidates will need to apply through the internship program, or through recommendations by existing upper-management employees.

But Tai Chen Group also holds an Annual Mass Recruitment Event, where they would open up job positions for other candidates to apply.

Interested candidates would have to go through multiple interviews and a series of tests before they could successfully land a job there.


Dong Hua called for a small meeting among the management team, to address the lack of manpower issue. Lian Song was out for a business trip again, so he missed the meeting.

"I have decided. The 'Annual Mass Recruitment Event' will be brought forward this year." Dong Hua announced it to the management team.

"Do we have enough time to prepare for it?" A few concerned employees asked.

"The decision is final. Work overtime if you need to." Dong Hua replied firmly.

Dong Hua was known to be a cold and heartless person, to all his employees. He was indifferent to others' wellbeing, and work was the only priority to him. Nobody dared to speak up against him, or they risk getting fired.

"As all of you here know, we are dealing with the issue of having a lack of manpower. Due to the recent plagiarism incident, we will need to be more strict on the hiring process. A new Executive Manager will be joining us from next week, onwards. Si Ming is an old friend of mine, and he will be managing a new team under the design department, alongside Ji Heng."

"I'll be sure to help him out." Ji Heng replied to Dong Hua, trying to please him.

Dong Hua totally ignored Ji Heng, and he continued talking.

"I also looked through the list of past candidates from our internship program, and I have decided to hire Feng Jiu to be Si Ming's assistant. That girl is deemed trustworthy, and she would be a great addition to the company." Dong Hua announced.

Feng Jiu was actually the only one selected from the Internship Program, and this was also Dong Hua's way to make it up to her secretly. Although Dong Hua could have given her any job in Tai Chen Group, he wanted to make sure that he gives her a job that she would thrive in.

Back to when Feng Jiu was applying for the internship program, she also submitted a design portfolio along with her application. Dong Hua checked on her internship application and realized that she was talented in design, and thus the decision was made to put her in the design department.

Ji Heng instantly started to feel jealous. She didn't expect Dong Hua would remember Feng Jiu, what's more, putting Feng Jiu in the same department as her.

"Wouldn't it be better for Feng Jiu to join my team? Since Si Ming is new to the company, and I will be able to teach her more things." Ji Heng immediately replied.

Ji Heng was scheming to get Feng Jiu fired if she joined her team.

Dong Hua stared coldly at Ji Heng, and said, "Si Ming has a lot of experience, so you don't have to worry about that. It's settled. The meeting ends here now. We have no time to waste; let's get back to work now."

Ji Heng was embarrassed that Dong Hua told her off. She smiled and acted like she wasn't hurt. Then she told herself that she would find all ways to get Feng Jiu fired.


*Buzz Buzz*

Feng Jiu received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, is this Miss Bai Feng Jiu? I am calling from Tai Chen Group." The lady on the phone said.

Feng Jiu's hands started shaking, and she couldn't even utter a word. Endless thoughts flowed through her mind.

"Tai Chen Group...? Did Dong Hua remember me? Why are they calling? Is Dong Hua in danger?"

"Hello, Miss Bai, are you still on the line?" The woman, on the other line, asked.

"Oh! Yes, sorry! I'm Bai Feng Jiu." Feng Jiu immediately replied.

"No worries, Miss Bai. I'm calling you because you applied for a job in Tai Chen Group a few months ago, through the internship program. I'm pleased to inform you that you had been selected to join Tai Chen Group as an Executive Assistant in the Design Department. Would you like to make an appointment to come to the office to sign an employment contract?"

"Umm... Would it be okay for me to call you back again, as I need some time to consider this job offer?"

"I understand, Miss Bai. Do feel free to call me back anytime at this number to schedule an appointment if you decided to take up this job offer."

Feng Jiu sat down on the sofa and silently thought to herself, "What should I do now..? If I take the job offer, it means that I'll have to face Dong Hua and Ji Heng often... But it's a once in a lifetime offer, and I badly needed this money to pay off Qingti's hospital bills."

Feng Jiu's mind was in a mess, so she decided to meet up with Cheng Yu and Cha Cha, to ask them for some advice.


The three of them met up at their usual hang-out spot. They ordered their food and settled down.

Feng Jiu: So... I got a job offer as an Executive Assistant, but I'm not sure if I should accept it.

Cheng Yu: Omg, I'm so happy for you, Feng Jiu! You should definitely take the job, and you need the money too!

Cha Cha: I'm so happy for you too! Wait, why are you still hesitating? It sounds like a great job.

Feng Jiu: Well, it's indeed a reasonable offer, but... it's Tai Chen Group.

Cheng Yu: What?! Did I mishear it?

Feng Jiu: No. It's true. I applied for a job there a couple of months ago. I don't really know what to do now.

Cha Cha: It might be hard for you if you work there, Feng Jiu.

Cheng Yu: It's hard to reject such an attractive offer, but you shouldn't force yourself, Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu: I know... But I need a better job, and the job market is terrible now. Despite taking up as many shifts as I can, it's still not enough to pay for Ye Qingti's hospital bills.

Cha Cha: I know it's hard, but we will support whatever decision you make, Feng Jiu.

Cheng Yu: If you take up the job, I'll ask Lian Song to help you out whenever you need it.

Feng Jiu: I'm so blessed to have both of you in my life! I am going to take the job. It's going to be hard, but I'll try to avoid them and just focus on working. What's important right now is Ye Qingti. I can't be selfish and think about myself.

Feng Jiu was already starting to move on, and she had accepted her fate that she wasn't meant to be with Dong Hua. Also, her priorities had changed, and all she wanted to do now is to earn more money.

Feng Jiu then called the lady from Tai Chen Group and scheduled an appointment next Monday.


Monday arrived.

Feng Jiu stood outside Tai Chen Group's building for a long time.

She thought that she could handle it, but now she was having second thoughts about accepting the job offer. Feng Jiu was in a daze when someone came behind her and tapped her shoulder.

Si Ming: What are you day-dreaming about?!"

Feng Jiu: Omg, Si Ming! What are you doing here, and why are you dressed up so formally?!

Si Ming: Well. This is my first day at work, and I'm working here as an Executive Manager now.

Feng Jiu: Wait! Did you get hired too? I'm also here to sign my employment contract. I'll be working as an Executive Assistant in the Design Department.

Si Ming: I'm in the Design Department as well! I heard that they would be hiring a new employee to be my assistant, but I didn't know that it was you.

Feng Jiu: Why didn't you tell me about you working in Tai Chen Group?

Si Ming: I'm sorry, Feng Jiu. I was afraid to tell you as I didn't want you to be reminded of the past.

Feng Jiu: It's okay, Si Ming. I was having second thoughts about accepting the job offer. But now, all my doubts were gone after knowing that I'll be working with you! I need to go now. I'll see you soon!

Si Ming: I look forward to working with you, Feng Jiu. I'll torture you at work! Haha, I am just kidding! Get going now!

Then they laughed and quickly headed into the building before parting ways.

"It's time for me to face my fears."