
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Essence of purity: 13.The Silence of Cosmos...

The lord seemed to exist between my eyes as I saw the satisfaction of defeat within myself engage and spread my feelings of peace across this universe. He was gone after all and the sunken souls are left by until the subsequent encounter with him but I will be waiting.

The multiverse had gotten quite to the extent that everyone in it felt an abundance of peace and the pleasure of attaining nirvana. This was different, the multiverse had felt painful suffering just moments before but now utter silence and peace amongst its beings. The beauty of the spirits spread across the universe seemed magnificent in this state, their consciousness widened to the connection they have with the general nature of the multiverse. It so happened to be perfect in line with their soul and mind, thoughts crashing like waves against their forehead almost as if they feel no necessity to think anymore.

The true embarking of a journey through within does start with attaining complete silence, my thoughts seemed dim at this moment as I felt a being approaching me. I felt the need to see this being causing such an effect amongst its companions and the entire multiverse. Where does such a being come from and through what necessity does that being tended to do this at such a moment was not yet known to me, but some force drove me closer to its presence.

As I got close to it, A supreme immortal presence was standing amidst two giant clouds that seemed magical yet full of substance with complete depth of creation. Such a being must be another omnipotence in the multiverse.

The symbol or representation of peace all over was standing amidst the three magical clouds that seemed just too good to be existing in such a universe. It felt like my eyes had never felt this light ever since it actually rested in a while. The being slowly conveyed its message to the beings in the clouds that were formed through its body and came closer to me, assessing and noticing me from top to bottom. I was getting closer to a view of this superior being and its calming power.

It touched my eyes then head as I tilted it in confusion,"...that is something similar Wreaker Galante did to me--" and as soon as I knew that I was sucked into a portal within myself yet again but this time to another place. I was wrapped in a moment of silence as darkness surrounded me and the gentle breeze brushed my eyebrows out of nowhere. This just seemed like a simulation inside my mind to calm my soul down by giving me nothing at all...and that seemed to be the most pleasant gift after all.

Yet why was I here now, why does this soul seek me I never knew. In the grand scheme of things, the multiverse does have its beautiful secrets such as this plane that exists emitting but pure silence amidst a million superior entities. The design of such was fabricated by Silence of the Cosmos itself.

Yet I realize that this plane can only be discovered beneath ourselves, within depths of our past that we throw away, and achieving such insight of a plane must be valid to only rare of the rarest sorts and I am pleasured to be one of them. Then here I am, still unknown to the fact that silence was after a superpower even to the galaxies as it nurtures its kids.

I also now understood that things can hide well in silence, perhaps even undisturbed particles that could be destroyed through sound exist in this plane, my thoughts were gone, my mind rebuilt and I found a completely new feeling of peace with immense pleasure. The substance that existed here seems to be a devourer of sound, it feeds on the noise that it hears. It seems to be the warrior of Silence itself.

I sensed another such divine place nearby and as I could see the giant realm from afar, my mind revealed to me that it was rather Wreaker Galante. All these places seem to comprise a different verse altogether, my mission seems to be through here but where should I go and whom should I meet?

I felt a dim presence coming to me and at the same time I tried to search for her, we meet each other on that brink of excitement and curiosity, I suddenly found wisdom in all of this. That...did not make much sense, but the multiverse works in ridiculous ways after all.

The body of that supreme was feminine and her skin reflected the space around her, including the stars far away but slowly her face revealed. A true creation of nature and purity she seemed, eyes in search of something in its innocence. Nose and skin seemed like they just came into existence, hair smooth and wavery like it protected the space around. She came closer to look into my eyes and I looked back into hers.

Thats when I had an Idea about this wonder that I am looking at, "Might you be Wreaker herself in this form? Why am I seeing you here, in a form that i truly do adore actually." The soul looked around and held my arms tightly as I shook with her grip, "I'm not what you think I am."

I smiled at the pure innocence she was spewing as she talked, "You seem to be a completely new creation, are you lost?" I asked, softly pushing her away as I felt how smooth one's vessel could be after all. I was truly astonished at her look of her but before getting lost in her beauty, she gave me the feeling that would quite be disturbing. I really didn't think such a being would be having problems or even talk about it even so I had to shut my mouth as I listened to her intensely after understanding something way above the both of us was at a cost."Look,.." She said almost running out of breath. She softly pulled her hand and held it together, "I need your...your help. Your..friend or enemy that looks white. I mean the leader of the sunken souls..he..he"

How could that demon still be alive? Nothing now gave me peace as my focus shifted to what it was. I shook her to get her back into reality as she was shifting into her past and it seemed to have been a nightmarish memory."Divine spirit, please tell me what happened?"

She gasped and took a deep breath. After looking around and finally releasing her breath she revealed what I never thought in a million light years would ever be possible, "The Wreaker Galante is taken over by him...for now but this means..it means."

I turned to her and stopped her before she could speak. I was at the same disappointed and dumbfounded state as she was as I sighed and finished her sentence,"He has the ability to change the entire Multiverse...I know. We will take him down before there's doom upon everything...its time to also assemble our friends and you are?" I asked curiously and she smiled and said," Warrior of the Wreaker Galante.."