
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

A MERCILESS REDEMPTION:-12.A Knack For Absorption

I was floating through the cosmic white blood of my own and the evil of my making sucking all the powers as I struggle to breathe and then just go numb as I find peace in this unstable and hopeless moment, drifting into the past and love i had left for others in my heart. The peace was me being numb from the excessive pain that I have let go to feel no more of it and dissolve in this pain and guilt that does make me way worse at the moment.

The knowledge of all the pain across the multiverse increases with the amount of agony from the dissipation of my cosmic vitality and the pain of a thousand generations of all the possibilities that I made in my mind to get out of it. Here I am, feeling and taking it all by choice, trapping the pain of every being in the multiverse in my body and soul,

the extreme measures that I had gone with just my mind and complete power that scoured the entire multiverse touched deep within the nerves and feelings of every entity and sucked its pain into mine... is something I would have never done until now. A very pale face with a smile and a lifeless body was what I had become at that moment floating in space.

My death was nearing and I felt it again... I close my eyes tighter and deeper getting myself sucked into my memories and the past.

It was silent... Again. It felt like the exact beginning of my awakening in the afterlife but here I was yet again opening my eyes in the realms beneath the deepest paths in my mind. Finding myself as whom I was before all of this and then a light sparkling made me follow my own footsteps to something.

But these footsteps I didn't take.. Yet and it carried me to the unknown and something I already knew was going to be unexpected. The feeling of demise strikes me again in a gentle and admiring way pulling my heart from within and letting it be free, all the while my mind splits open.

This was all replicating the past of what I was and how I became into this after all of it. I was becoming internally absolute and externally extinguished all the same time. Both my life energies fighting themselves and trying to stay alive or survive before one another yet in very different ways for very different reasons.

The ways of the past rebuilding itself through my memories and neurons and taking into a very different form and light. The ends of the destination following this light were seen under a dark hole of instability and dead movement and the place replicated like a metaphor to everything that I have been through into a substance.

The place was high and a completely immersive realm to lose the stability of a mind. I am fortunately a God and it doesn't really affect me but now I knew how amateur my powers and my ways still are in the vast major multiverse and its very clever beings.

The place for me wasn't Earth though it does show me my life in it, the daughter that saw my demise and everything that happened before.

I couldn't believe my eyes as to the power I had held during my life span on that planet it was one of many, but why did Earth matter and why does it play a vital role to me being the Chosen One.

These were the queries swimming through my neurons as thoughts and those were collected by this huge city amidst this fantastical galaxy and it was all in my head, living, and breathing. Construction of the true God it could be as it was so Chaotic and in order and awkwardly.. peaceful.

I was turning around trying to get the gist of this place. How did this thing sneak into my mind and memory, I don't know. I never felt the presence of this light within me neither all of this memory teach me a deep knowledge of the past.

Upon closure of viewing everything that I did from this, I watched plain betrayal and stupidity and family and rage and wrath but it was too little and just a glimpse of my whole life on Earth.

Did they always seek me, what was my purpose as a human? This didn't make any sense and my body outside only kept getting decayed faster. My mind was racing to find the truth as the truth it will set me free from here.

I was drifting towards the display of my past in this cosmic cloud and I was only becoming more agitated as I push myself to figure out the Earth and the nature of what I was in there. I saw my family, people working for and against me trying to. plot a bigger threat something way over the heads of innocent people and it seemed too familiar.

It seemed way familiar to the life I was having in this afterlife but all it was was a life full of secrets and the journey to the destination which is the end and start to here.. it was just a game. A game made by magic and celestial powers. The devil or more like the actual truth was lying right before my eyes. It was all stored deep within my head, the back of it. I wasn't so innocent on planet Earth after all but now I'm restored now I have the power. After the betrayal of humans on their own unknown savior here I am being shown why I was reborn into the afterlife.

It was all for me to come here and help the greater good and to save not just Earth but the entire multiverse and all it was that... without me, nothing will have happened until now. I was a medium to the happenings that will lead to the saving of the entire afterlife.

I felt love from the past family, mother, lover, and the kid. I was suddenly in the body of my human form as my soul jumped into the cloud and embodied as human. My hands were on my daughter's cheek and tears down my eyes as I softly look into hers. I turn away and look at the planet that held the truth to what I was. It looked just like it did perhaps a bit better than I thought it would feel. The air going through my nostrils and this limited vessel it was unique and almost special. This planet can never be recreated with the worst it has and the rightness it has just as spectacular as the true power of the multiverse. This planet amidst a vast lifeless universe was its hope or perhaps even the hope of the whole multiverse.

I knew now that I am supposed to say something to my daughter. I had to kneel down and look at her again, I gave her a medium of knowledge in something that looked tiny and yet connective.

I remembered its name, a pen drive and I hand it over to her saying something really familiar, "You are the light to this world... " I keep the piece on her palm and close her hand, "You got this kiddo. " The kid was worried and sad.

Then it happened I knew it was going to and I pushed my daughter aside. A faceless creature driving a vehicle came at the extreme speed it was limited to and struck me with great anger as I was pushed to the river below as my body breaks and along with the vehicle, I drown...

I was sent back outside the cloud and looked at my hands which were suddenly glowing out of nowhere. I was just starting to understand what I was, what immortality really means. Holding the power in my hand I might always give that power to someone else when I needed to.

But till then, everything and every time I saved the secrets of this planet on my mind and in those man-made machines I held the pain of the globe in my heart, and fear was the medium to push a soul to the depths and also will. I felt so young to learn something basic yet so late. Being a pure human was all the same as being a God. This might just apply to any creature across the multiverse.

I had inhaled my own energy in my body and slowly exhaled. The echoes in my head rang all the truth and things that I was meant to do at the time. "Null can hear me, you are alive you are just a part of everything... you are nothingness.. I will bring this light to you. Thank you for leaving this inside me. "

It wasn't surprising that Null did this as he knew if he couldn't answer my questions he will still leave a part of him in me to make myself figure it out. A funny thing was that he knew I would be dying yet again.

I felt my body floating outside and it was time to get back into it now that I caught the light and the whole truth of myself in my mind. I am now supposed to take this creature down and all multiverse will be restored.

My body gets restored slowly in no time, creating new energy at the same time and letting all creatures breathtaking all the pain forever into mine and changing that into will and light. I come back yet again into the Afterlife.

"Hey, False God, I think you had to assess my mind way deeper to know that you.. could never match it. "

"How in the actual--" I had struck him with the extreme power of mine and the power of nothingness, a part of null was helping me already, "You just came to the multiverse and you stayed alone that's your mistake... I'm sorry to tell you, you can't handle this. " I strike wilder as I make his body dissipate little by little and in the end completely dusted before it let out something, "You don't understand Adam.. we are connec--"

I barely heard it, or I just didn't care. The multiverse was restored that easily and now.. now I was left to learn about how to retrieve null.. by moving away from this place.