

Jiu Ye looked at Yi Bing and Huo Ling, waiting for Huo Ling to finish speaking while Yi Bing to confirm it. But, before Huo Ling could speak, the doors of the shed opened. The Pei family's guards have arrived. They brought weapons with them, and they looked imposing. The Pei family's doctors must have scared witless as they didn't return with the guards they called. 

"Our lord, where is the monster that we're taking out?" the captain of the guards asked and looked around, before his gaze fell on Xu Hongkai's corpse. His thick brows knitted and he frowned. "Did the corpse come back to life?" he asked and looked at Pei Tingming. 

Pei Tinghe's death has already been known as related to the supernatural. Although Pei Tingting died normally by hanging herself, but with Pei Tinghe's death as the preceding, and Xu Hongkai's death as the succeeding, with both deaths related to supernatural, naturally, Pei Tingting's death will become suspicious.