

Ayla Cantika The 17-year-old girl had to feel trapped like hell because of a mistake she made. Having a very complicated relationship with the coldest and most popular guy in school actually made Ayla have a hard time. Ayla never thought that a figure named Devano Adam Kalendra really never let go even at that time. Not stopping there, Ayla's life is even more complicated, because her eternal rival named Arka Mahesa, who is none other than the neighbor of her house complex, always visits her all the time, and it makes Ayla dizzy. Until in the end, slowly the two men who made Ayla's world somersault also expressed their feelings sincerely and blatantly, making Ayla not know what she should do so that she could not decide anything. To Devan, Ayla always felt neglected, dealing with the cold man made Ayla feel resentful. However, Ayla knew some of the attention Devan gave her in fact made Ayla addicted. As for Arka, the figure who has always cared for her, Ayla has absolutely no idea how annoyed she has to turn around to be the opposite? Ayla didn't know which dock her heart was going to dock to. What is clear is that Ayla is aware that there is one name that quietly sneaks into the niche of her heart, and that name comes not without cause. The name came because of being used to being together. Will Ayla make the right decision for her beautiful love in high school?

PrincesAuntum · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

Secret admirer

"Because you're cute. I want to show you off to my friends if I meet a handsome guy!" the spirit of the girl.

Devano who remembers that can only smile wryly, a sweet time for Devano, if only he could, Devano really wants to repeat all those sweet times again, and again, so that no bad times happen, of all the times in this world.

Devano took a deep breath. His eyes were tightly closed, his long eyelashes seemed so real, the breath that had been hunting for so long now seemed perfectly regular, something that would be inconceivable until Devano fell asleep in the wild, where this place has always been the sweetest place for Devano, even until whenever. that.

This morning, Ayla seemed to wake up quite excited. How could she not, today be the day her papa will come home, which means that today all her suffering will end. She no longer needed to eat fried rice every day, and she no longer needed to be scolded by her brother every day. For Ayla, her papa is a heaven in her life that will never be replaced by anyone.

How not, her father is a figure who always plays a double role in her life. There are times when Ayla really misses the presence and warmth and love of her mother, then her father always gives that role perfectly. Although it's undeniable at all, if she can be honest, Ayla herself doesn't know what a mother's love feels like. Because her mother had died exactly one hour after giving birth to her. Life and growth without the presence of a mother in fact really make Ayla feel miserable and quite lonely. Fortunately, there is her father, who is always there for Ayla, although sometimes in sensitive matters, Ayla herself doesn't know who to tell and pour her heart out to.

"Dad's home, Bro?" asked Ayla, who hadn't even showered yet she immediately ran down the stairs, jumping up and hugging her brother from behind.

This was one of Ayla's habits that irritated her brother, but in any case, her brother couldn't do anything about it.

Daren snorted, he rolled his eyes in disgust and arched his chest forward while taking a deep breath. Ayla likes to hug Daren the most, especially while sniffing and burying her face in Daren's back or chest. One of the reasons why Daren hasn't had a girlfriend until now is because Daren is sure that if he ever has a girl, the girl will be jealous of Ayla and will misunderstand.

It's not just what Daren did, it's something that really happened and it's a very real thing. Once when Daren was in high school, he had a girlfriend and all his girlfriends always said that he was a playboy, a cheater, and so on. Only because they accidentally saw the closeness of Ayla and Daren when they themselves did not know that Ayla was Daren's biological sister. It's something that makes Daren quite annoyed, but if you remember it, it can be an extraordinary lesson that there is. Daren just wants to have a relationship with a girl who is able and willing to accept his family, his condition, and his beloved sister. If there is no girl like that, then Daren will never want to have a relationship with anyone. After all, the top priority for Daren now was Ayla. He doesn't want it if he has a girl to make Ayla feel lonely and so on. Daren promises to give the best for Ayla, and devotes all his love and attention to Ayla. This is Daren's promise, and Daren will always keep that promise. Until Ayla could really stand on her own two feet.

"Not yet, sist. I don't know, even though Papa said yesterday that he would arrive home at six in the morning, why didn't you come until now?" Daren muttered at last.

Ayla immediately walked out of the house, went to the terrace, and came back looking around just to find out where her papa was. However, what is imagined is really not a good thing at all. While exhaling annoyed Ayla did not find her father anywhere.

"Doesn't Papa want to go home, bro?" asked Ayla. The look on her face was cloudy, and it was enough to make Daren feel sorry too. Daren is sure that his little sister misses their Papa very much.

"Maybe a second, wait a minute, I'll try to call Papa first, okay?" Daren said then. Ayla also nodded her head perfectly, while hugging Daren again, she looked up, looking at Daren with a pitying look.

Daren took a deep breath, then he looked at his cellphone, the number given by Papa's name he had called several times, then he waited for the call to be answered by his father.

Not long after, the call was picked up. Ayla immediately smiled with extraordinarily sparkling eyes, Daren smiled too, loading the call speaker.

"Hello, Papa, where have you been, Pa?" Daren asked then.

The noise sounded so real, even Ayla and Daren seemed quite surprised, wondering where their Papa is now. A thing that was never imagined even until then.

"Oh, Darren. Are you with Ay?" asked his father from across the street. Daren nodded as if his papa knew what he was doing right now.

"Yes, Papa. This is Ay with Daren. Why Papa?" Daren asked again.

"Papa, when are you coming home? Did you say six o'clock? Why don't you come? Where's papa?" exclaimed Ayla who joined the conversation. There is hope from the figure of the little princess that her father's presence is something that is depicted so very real.

"Ay honey, listen to Papap, I'm sorry, okay? Papap is not coming home today! Suddenly Papap's boss asked Papap to go directly to Japan to work there, Ay. So, Papap is going to Japan first before going home, are you okay, Papap is staying with Bro Daren just a little longer?"