

Ayla Cantika The 17-year-old girl had to feel trapped like hell because of a mistake she made. Having a very complicated relationship with the coldest and most popular guy in school actually made Ayla have a hard time. Ayla never thought that a figure named Devano Adam Kalendra really never let go even at that time. Not stopping there, Ayla's life is even more complicated, because her eternal rival named Arka Mahesa, who is none other than the neighbor of her house complex, always visits her all the time, and it makes Ayla dizzy. Until in the end, slowly the two men who made Ayla's world somersault also expressed their feelings sincerely and blatantly, making Ayla not know what she should do so that she could not decide anything. To Devan, Ayla always felt neglected, dealing with the cold man made Ayla feel resentful. However, Ayla knew some of the attention Devan gave her in fact made Ayla addicted. As for Arka, the figure who has always cared for her, Ayla has absolutely no idea how annoyed she has to turn around to be the opposite? Ayla didn't know which dock her heart was going to dock to. What is clear is that Ayla is aware that there is one name that quietly sneaks into the niche of her heart, and that name comes not without cause. The name came because of being used to being together. Will Ayla make the right decision for her beautiful love in high school?

PrincesAuntum · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs


"You forgot because at the time of the incident you fainted and your head hit the door quite hard," Devano glanced back at Ayla who was dumbfounded looking at him with that stupid look. Devano exhaled heavily, he didn't expect Ayla to be like this. Then he started his car again.

"Wait, but I don't remember at all when I was knocked out, I wasn't in the hospital either? After the closing night of the introduction of new students, I came home safely, slept and then a dream was shot at you. So where did I fall, Devano?" asked Ayla again, who increasingly stubbornly denied that she might have forgotten her memory or something. However, Devano didn't say anything at all. Instead of explaining in more detail, all he did was keep quiet. He was reluctant and annoyed at Ayla. Finally, Devano took a deep breath, took the left lane on the road, and then entered a housing complex.

Ayla was amazed, how could she not, she didn't even think that Devano even memorized the road to Ayla's house. This is a truly extraordinary thing.

"Devano, how do you know my home address?" asked Ayla again. But this time Devano didn't answer, she just glanced at Ayla with his cold gaze. "Deva—"

"You can go out on your own hands and feet, right?" said Devano.

Ayla was silent and did not argue. Her mouth was clenched shut and then she nodded her head perfectly. She came out, and she was about to say thank you but before she said that, Devano just left and it was enough to make Ayla shocked.

Devano is like water on a leaf. Devano's attitude is fickle and not at all predictable. According to Ayla, Devano's attitude to her is not the attitude of a cold figure. But a person who is curt and also fierce. As if Ayla had made the biggest mistake the world has ever seen. Even though until now Ayla feels that she has done nothing wrong, except by accidentally recording Devano in the toilet. This is the problem, this is something unimaginable even until then. Ayla exhaled perfectly. What was Ayla trying to think? No, she had to focus. She had asked Devano and Devano answered her like that. So, from now on, Devano's girlfriend status must be carried by Ayla until Devano himself decides to stop that status.


Honestly, if Devano hadn't been mean to her, Ayla would have been happy. What girl wouldn't be happy if her idol boy she was so crazy about became her boyfriend? Even Ayla felt it was the most beautiful dream ever in this world. The only problem is, Ayla herself doesn't know, Devano is very rude to her and even always says bad things, and that's what makes Ayla seem depressed and keeps thinking if a relationship between her and Devano really isn't a real relationship at all.

"Ay, why are you standing alone like a mad goat in the middle of the road? Where's Arka?" Darren asked.

Ayla immediately turned to see her brother who was already standing on the balcony of her room, wearing a gray T-shirt and wearing his hips. Ayla shrieked; she was starting to panic wildly now. Until finally Ayla realized one thing if this was a good thing because her brother did not know who Ayla had brought home with her.

"Oh, my brother Daren! I'm home alone! Arka had a business for a while, I waited too long so I'll stay!" shouted Ayla answering questions from her brother.

Ayla immediately ran into the house, took off her shoes and socks, then climbed the stairs, opened the door to her brother's room, and smiled very broadly.

"OLDER BROTHER!" shouted Ayla.

Daren immediately shrieked in surprise; he stroked his chest perfectly then he looked at Ayla with a look of extraordinary horror on his face.

"This kid is really good at disturbing people! Why? Why is your face so happy?" Daren inquired, approaching Ayla who was now lying on her brother's bed.

"You can say happy, you can say no."

"What the hell, it's not very clear. You're very pretentious. Do you have a boyfriend?" Daren jokes. Ayla immediately took a sitting position, making Daren who was just about to go to sleep immediately jump in surprise perfectly.

"Bro, can I ask you a question?" Ayla finally said the thing that made her confused.

Daren just cleared his throat, not intending to answer his sister's words. Because he was annoyed, he was not playing, he was played by Ayla.

"Lately, have I fallen or not, bro?" asked Ayla then. Daren immediately frowned again perfectly, then looked at Ayla's face full of inquiry.

"You mean?"

"Yeah, what I mean is, did I ever fall to the point where I lost my memory? Amnesia like that, bro?" asked Ayla to clarify. Daren heard that and immediately fell silent, but….

One second ….

Two seconds….


"Buahahahha! Who said you had amnesia? Geez, you were in school, right? You're not hallucinating, are you, little sister?" Daren asked at last.

Ayla's face was red, she didn't expect her question to be laughed at by Daren so perfectly.

Stupid! Ayla shouldn't have to ask.

Why did she have to ask Daren? Why should she believe in Devano? Everything Devano said was just a fake, Devano answered arbitrarily and casually. Never at all did Devano really tell the truth.

After all, Ayla has a body, and Ayla herself really feels like she's never had amnesia or anything like that. So how can Devano say the weirdest thing ever?

Ayla massaged her head which suddenly hurt, she never thought that her life would be like this, never imagined and thought that even when everything would turn out to be terrible like this, and from now on, Ayla didn't want to believe it at all. with Devano!

"You fell in middle school, didn't you? If I'm not mistaken, your head banged on the door during the ar event, right?" said Daren who managed to make Ayla turn her head perfectly.