

A story of a girl who taught she's fated to be a hated but bounced back "After The Storm"

nmesoma_joseph · วัยรุ่น
18 Chs



© jossyfrosh8


Spreading majestic sun risein a pinkish glow, its ray warmed my skin like kisses from the divine. This morning was so beautiful like the past few days.... my wedding gown which was now ready-made, was in the glassy closet, i could see it from where i lay... don't worry, countdown to the day i would wear you---

Franca was more than happy for me when i told her all, she was so proud of me, of course, she would be the one who would give me away on my wedding day which would come up next week.... Atieno finally understood everything, she was only looking out for me, she would be my chief bride's maid while Selina would be the little bride, the two were already planning towards my bachelorette party....

The newspaper lies on the table about my brokeup marriage with Mark and my sudden wedding to a childhood sweetheart.. below was a picture of myself and Lawrence …. i smiled…it was now in the open, Mark was happy for me and the public announcement didn't affect my reputation at all, infact, it boosted my fame.

I could hear movement in the kitchen. I knew Lawrence was up.. he was definitely getting us some coffee as he's been doing for the past few days since he's been here.

I was naked, so I gathered the blanket around my chest and climbed down from the bed that we've both been sharing.

I walked quietly to the kitchen with the intention of giving him a shock, but he turned around so quickly , giving me a fright while we both burst into laughter.

"You should know i'm used to you now, you can't give me a fright." He said as he drew me closer and gathered me in his arms.

"Did you sleep fine darling?"

I nodded . "Yea. I'm getting used to your occasional snoring?" I teased.

"I told you it's singing through the nose, its not snoring." We both laughed at that.

He handed me a cup of coffee.

"So, any plan for today?" I asked further.

"Yea, i need to call my father, he's giving me too much problem."

I chuckled. "Alright then."

"Hold on…" He said as his phone rang. "He's the one calling." He rolled his eyes, kissed me on the lips playfully as he picked the call, putting it on loudspeaker. It was a bit unclear at first-

"Hello Dad."

"Lawrence, what is the meaning of this nonsense? I need you to come back this moment? What is the meaning of this rubbish I read about you with some girl getting married. Does she know you have a fiancé? Do you want to ruin my business? Is this the plan we had? If you do not come back today, forget your inheritance and don't ever let me set my eyes on you again."

Lawrence smiled and kissed me further….

"Hello, Lawrence are you there?"

"Oh daddy, I am here." He said, pulling away slightly. "Im so sorry, I was busy kissing the love of my life, what were you saying again?"

I chuckled at his response.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know you are putting my business at risk? If Dafinas father hear of it, do you know what that could mean to my business?"

Lawrence shook his head. "Hello daddy, I don't care what happens to your business, you married that woman and if her daughters pose problem for your business, that is your problem. You have never been a good father so I believe that's Karma for you. I am not coming back to your shitty company. Never call me again and tell Dafina that I say sorry but I'm not sorry. Goodbye." Then he ended the call.

I smiled and put down my tea.

"I love you Lawrence."

He smiled and kissed me on the neck. "I love you too, beauty. You have a photoshoot you know, by the way I just signed up for a law school here in Nairobi…."

I gasped excitedly.

"Wow! I'm so happy love."

"Yea, I can be your private lawyer for your firm and for other firms too. It's a course I've always wanted plus, working with my father earned me a lot of money for that little time so I will use it to develop myself."

"That's really beautiful." I said again, putting my arms around him.

"So ,about the stuff we spoke about last night?" Lawrence began, we had talked about my mother and the honorable. "Baby, I don't want you to revenge anything, I want you to leave their punishment into God's hands--- he alone can punish them severely, you already have all you need. A loving fiancé, a good job, your life is good…. leave them, they will meet their punishment. Just forgive them, you never know, maybe those are the things you needed to make you a star…"

I inhaled deeply as he kissed my forehead after saying everything he said.

"You don't understand baby..i can't forgive ….."

"Yes you can. You can do anything…"

I closed my eyes as I began to recount all those bad memories….

"Don't do that…. …think of the life we can have together… think of your work, your achievement…" Then he leaned in closer…. "Think of me"

"It's hard baby"

"You can do it…"

I sighed and trying back to hold back the tears. "I've been broken—once, twice, but now, I am made strong in my brokenness… with you Lawrence."

"That's the spirit." Lawrence commented.

With all the energy in me, I stated-"I forgive the both of them."

"So I guess there is no problem if we go see your mother , right? Atleast, let her know that you made it inspite of her wickedness to you and that you forgive her even though she didn't deserve it."

I smiled. "I can't wait baby. I need my mother to see I am not a scar…I am a star!"

"That's my baby."


*Some days later*


When we got to the house, I was surprised I couldn't see a single car in sight. It looked so abandoned and the painting was washed out.

"Are you sure your mum still stays here?" Lawrence asked.

"Well, the detective said she still does so I believe she does." I replied.

We walked to the entrance which looked as if it hasn't been swept in a month. There were cobwebs everywhere. I remembered how I had always kept the house sparklingly clean. Mother never wanted to sight even the slightest dust. Now, it was like a heap of dirt. I was being careful so as not to get my Versace shirt and trousers stained.

"Should I ring the bell?" Lawrence asked.

"Hold on." I replied. Walking to the window and I tried to peep, to see if I could see anything.

"Maybe you should ring the bell, I can't see anyone." I said.

Lawrence went ahead and pressed his thumb against the door bell. It rang for a while-silence greeted us. We exchanged glances and he pressed it again. Still no sound then I decided to try the door which surprisingly opened. I looked at him and he gave me a go ahead.

The house smelt the same, as we got in…memories of the day Francis died flooded back… I could see the place where he had laid, bleeding. The whole house was dirty… but I could hear a movement….

"Who is there?" A voice asked from my room.

I hesitated, who could be living there. I could hear the sound of something being wheeled and I waited to see who it was…. sitting in the wheel chair was someone looking very old and very haggard- with one open eye while the other was closed, in her hand was a staff.

"Who is there?" She asked, looking at us with the one eye.

Lawrence looked at me and then at the woman-"Baby who is she."

"That's's….that's my mother." I replied, without a single bit of pity in me.

"oh my God! Scar…Scar is that you…. I mean Scarlett….?"

I smiled, so she has heard the story of my fame… Lawrence came closer to me, holding me by the waist…

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Sure, this woman is not worth a single drop of my tear."

Mother looked sober.

"I am so sorry my daughter, please forgive me. I did so many wrong things….I destroyed you…." She was sobbing now and stretching her hands towards me but I backed away.

"You didn't destroy me mother, you made me a star, inspite of what you did… I turned out greater than you would ever be!"

"I know. God has dealt with me and punished me. Every day I wait and hope you would come home and forgive me."

"What of Honorable, where is he?"

"He died last year, died of pelvic cancer after lung failure."

Lawrence tightened his grip around me and whispered.

"You see, our God is a god of justice. He has already avenged you."

I smiled and nodded, now choking back tears of ….i don't know.

"What of mama Zainab? Where is she? I need to see her."

"She..she is still at her old place…" Mother replied.

"Okay, I will go see her." I replied and then squatted beside her.

"You broke me mother, but God lifted me , He has avenged me and there is no reason to be angry with you. This is my fiancé, we are getting married in the next two days, I met him as a result of Francis' death. If you hadn't lied against me, we would never have met. Now I realized, everything you did to break me , made me. Therefore mother, I forgive you with all my heart." With this, I stood up, she was still crying but I said nothing as I left the house with my fiancé.

While I got outside, I sighed and embraced Lawrence, who held me tightly.

"You did well darling and I'm proud of you."

We later went to Mama Zainab's house, she couldn't recognize me but I explained myself, she was so excited. She prayed for me and Lawrence, then I gave her some money to start a trade with.



Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 18 (final) at 3pm tomorrow.