
After the Female Supporting Character Who Lost Favor Logged off, Her Ten Older Brothers Went Crazy

In a group-pampering novel, Nan Qiao was the female supporting character who lost her glamor as the female lead. She was cast aside by her father, her three brothers, her grandparents, and her friends. Her father wanted to cut off all ties with her, her three brothers only adored her stepsister, and her grandparents, who favored boys over girls, also sided with her stepsister from another mother. "Stop trying to tie me down. The person I love is Zhi," Nan Qiao's fiance said. "Nan Qiao, will you stop being so problematic? Your sister saved your life," her father said. "Nan Qiao, I'm very disappointed in you," her eldest brother said. "How could you hit your sister? Don't you know how fragile your sister's body is?" Her second brother asked. "I can't believe you're such a heartless person," her third brother said. "Kick her out. The Nan family won't tolerate such a horrible child!" Her grandparents exclaimed. After reincarnating, Nan Qiao came to her senses. Since none of you want me here, I'll be the first to leave this time. Nan Qiao inherited assets worth billions from her maternal grandfather, and her seven brothers from the maternal side of her family pampered her beyond reason. Her eldest brother was the CEO of a company, her second brother was a famous celebrity, and her third brother was a professor... They fought each other for her attention. Just as Nan Qiao's life was getting better, a top-notch villain in the original novel set his sights on her. Huo Yichen pinched Nan Qiao's chin and squinted a little. There was a cold look in his eyes. "What's the matter? Do you think you can run away after flirting with me?" *** Nan Qiao thought everything that happened in the past would stay in the past, but her family, like her, reincarnated with memories from the previous lifetime. Having tortured her a thousand times over, her family came to her with tears streaming down their faces and begged her to return home. "I'm sorry, Qiao. I made a mistake."

Mu Ruoyun · สมัยใหม่
725 Chs

New Mission, Find the Little Red Flag (Variety)

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Xian Yu was so angry that he wanted to slap her on the head. He didn't know what this little girl was thinking all day.

However, in the end, he still gently flicked her forehead.

He said confusingly, "I don't know what you're thinking all day. Hurry up and throw away all the trash in your mind. It's not what you think."

Nan Qiao didn't say anything. She just stuck out her tongue.

She knew it. How could a woman be so blind as to dump her Big Brother?

"Actually, singing and acting are similar. You have to pay attention to your emotions. It's not what you think. The girl I like has yet to be born."

The night was joyous and harmonious. The three boys took turns keeping watch and did not sleep well.

However, they did not know that all their interactions had become trending tonight. Among them, Liao Xiao Tian and Xian Yu were the most popular.

In one night, the fans were already in an uproar.