
Chapter 145 The Operation Was Successful

The doctor's words were a great shock to them.

"Is there a way to save the mother and baby?"

Malcolm's tone was solemn, and he couldn't believe it.

"This is just the worst situation in the operation. We will do our best. Which of you two is the family member? Come and sign the agreement."

Adrian rushed out. "It is me!"

Malcolm frowned, staring at Adrian coldly, with a trace of resentment flashing across his eyes.

"You don't deserve to be Sienna's family. If it hadn't been for you, how could Sienna have had a difficult delivery?"

After that, Malcolm grabbed the agreement and signed it.

The doctor walked in. The cries inside got weaker and weaker.

Meanwhile, after putting on a bandage, Janice came to the emergency room, peering through the door.

Suddenly, a phone call came and called her out.