
After Nine Years

"I would treat you more than I would to my heart. There's nothing, there's no one that can get close to replacing you in my heart. I love you and I'll never stop loving you." Scarlett Chevalier, the precious princess to her father, became enemies with him when she discovers he's cheating on her mother with her mother's bestfriend. She grows up to be a vengeful young lady, seeking the downfall of her father and any man that blocks her way. But she would need to find a man that can take care of her and treat her like his own princess. Read after nine years to find out! Cover credit: Fire_wolf27

luwanipixie · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs


Scarlett's driver sped on the road as fast as he could.

It was now a normal occurrence for Scarlett to lose track of the time whenever she was at work, forget the appointment she had with her grandfather, and would order the driver to speed up as he drove.

She unintentionally loved to piss him off, didn't she?

"Miss Scarlett, even if we are late for the most important contract in this world, shouldn't we at least drive with caution?

I'm getting dizzy and would soon throw up." Orla shakily whispered to Scarlett.

Scarlett offered to drop Orla off, since she waited behind with her.

Scarlett raised her head from her tablet, not in the least bothered that they were going too fast.

"The fact that we're driving at a fast speed, doesn't mean it's not with caution.

We haven't crashed into anyone or anything, and no one has crashed into us also.

Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride." She smirked.

Orla got off the car quicker than a cheetah on a hunting spree. She hadn't even gotten to her apartment yet.

It was better she walked the remaining distance.

30 minutes later....

"Old Master, Miss Scarlett has arrived. Should the maids reheat the dishes and serve them now?" Russell's Butler, Orion, inquired from him.

Russell had been sulking for more than an hour and half, since his driver came back without Scarlett.

"For the 45th time in my life, I am forced to eat my meal hours after they are prepared at this odd time of the night, all thanks to my troublesome kid." Russell sighed

"You can go ahead, Orion."

Orion bowed and left for the kitchen, to instruct the maids on what to do.

Russell sat still, waiting for his granddaughter to come in.

He could hear her car driving in.

'I wonder what gift or excuse she would present tonight.' He chuckled to himself.

Scarlett hurriedly got out of her car into the house. She knew it wasn't a new thing for her to be late for her grandpa's appointment, but she still felt guilty.

Antonio followed swiftly behind her, leaving the driver in the car.

He also wondered what excuse Scarlett would tell her grandfather. He had witnessed many embarrassing lies Scarlett had told her grandfather, and each time, Russell would only sigh and get over it.

Orion greeted Scarlett at the door, welcoming her into the house.

"Good evening, Miss Scarlett. How was your day?" He greeted.

"Good evening, Sir. My day has been quite troublesome….I'm yet to know how much more troublesome it could get." Scarlett fearfully responded.

If there was anyone she was ever afraid of, it was her grandfather. She knew how stubborn she was, and it took only someone more stubborn to keep her on her toes.

"Old Master and Young Miss' peculiar issues." Orion chuckled.

"Don't worry. It's not like he would disown you or something. From the look of your gift, there's a high chance of him forgetting you came late."

"Please come in." He led the way in.

"Old Master, Miss Scarlett." Orion gently said and left.

Russell's eyes were closed. He didn't move a muscle.

Scarlett sheepishly smiled and sat beside him. "Nonno, I'm here. I brought this for you." She quickly pushed her gift forward in hopes of pacifying his anger.

"I don't receive gifts from late visitors….family included. This is not the first time I'm telling you this." Russell firmly spoke with his eyes closed.

Scarlett sighed. She knew her grandfather was really upset with her attitude.

But she was really sorry this time around.

She put the gift aside. "Grandpa." She held his arm and said in a cute tone.

"I'm very sorry for arriving late.

I lost track of time. I wouldn't intentionally ignore you and decide to come late.

I promise, I'm so sorry. You wouldn't stay mad at me, would you?"

Russell smiled. "I have nothing more to say to you. Let us have dinner, I'm sure you have not eaten yet." He stood up with Scarlett helping him.

He saw the gift on the floor and asked "Letty, what is this?"

"It's a special scarf I bought for you. Remember that one you told me you saw when you were on vacation last year and couldn't find? I found a store that sold limited pieces in various designs every year. Luckily, I bought the last one."

"Do you like it?" She excitedly asked.

Russell nodded, admiring the scarf.

"Orion!" Russell called out.

"Take this scarf into my room." He handed the scarf to Orion.

"Let's go." Russell said to Scarlett, leading the way to the dining room.

A maid intercepted them as they almost got to the dining table.

"Good evening ma'am. Your shoes." She dutifully requested.

Scarlett raised a brow at the maid.

Antonio and Russell did the same. 'When did she ever pull off her shoes here?' The two men looked at the maid like she was ready to forfeit her job for another.

"Are you new here?" Scarlett asked the girl, scanning her from head to toe like she had a piece of rotten meat on her.

"Yes I am." The maid replied.

Scarlett nodded. "I see. Well, I don't feel like taking them off as I won't be here for long. Thank you." She dryly told her and continued walking to the dining table.

Russell said nothing. He made a mental not to address the new staff himself.

Antonio pulled out the chair for both Russell and Scarlett, and stood behind Scarlett.

Russell looked at Antonio carefully. He appeared to be doing his job dutifully.

"Come on, Antonio sit and eat with us." Scarlett told him.

"Ohh that's is not necessary Miss. I've already had my dinner. Please enjoy yours." Antonio politely rejected the invitation.

The maids served the reheated food according to Orion's instructions.

Only the sounds of cutlery and the dishware kissing themselves could be heard, as Scarlett and Russell ate their dinner in silence.

Scarlett prepared to leave after dinner, as she was exhausted from the day's work.

"Grandpa, I have to go now. I know we have a lot to talk about, but right now I'm exhausted and I would fall asleep anytime from now.

I promise to visit you after the fashion show." She kissed him goodbye.

Russell ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead. "Drive safe and slow. Goodnight."

The spring fashion show was fast approaching. With only two weeks to go, everything was going well so far.

Scarlett had been busier than a bee. She worked overtime for many hours, sometimes she worked without eating a whole day unless either Orla or Antonio brought her something to eat.

She had been in constant decision making processes for the design of their show set with the renowned architect, Mr. Walter Maynard.

Walter Maynard was a seasoned Architect, popularly known for his distinct work in the Lauren Kook Building.

Scarlett had issues with her set design as she wanted it to portray the exact theme they had for the show, and Walter was doing a good job at it so far.

Many celebrities, Journalists and fashion enthusiasts from the whole of Italy, Europe and even outside Europe flew down to Milan to witness one of ROMANO's spectacular event of the year.

Influencers had an eye on endorsing ROMANO for the whole of the season.

Prestigious Entertainment companies sought to use this opportunity to secure contracts and business deals with ROMANO.

"Miss, you have a phone call. It's from Madam Tracy." Orla rushed in to the set to hand over the phone to a busy Scarlett.

"Hey mom. How are you?" Scarlett excused herself from the loud noise of saws and machines on the set.

"I'm very well my dear Letty. How are you doing?

I know you have been overworking yourself, so don't even try to hide that fact." Tracy concernedly asked her daughter.

Scarlett chuckled at her mother's true statements. "You ratted me out already. You didn't even give me the luxury of denying the truth."

"We all know our Scarlett is a workaholic. You don't have to be ashamed of it, I still love you the same." Tracy laughed.

"Of course, you can't stop loving me. The day you do, I'll plant roses in your heart so you'll feel attracted to me always." Scarlett said, flipping her hair like she was trying to seduce someone.

Tracy laughed at Scarlett's weird theory. "Okay. I'll always love you, my sweetheart."

"By the way, your brother and I would be attending your fashion show. So do a good job, we'll be having a celebration party afterwards."

"Alright mom. I'll look forward to see you both." Scarlett stated out both, making sure her mother didn't bring any extra person along.

"Yes, yes, yes. I know. Just the two of us. See you in two weeks!" Tracy assured her.

"Byeee! Love you." Scarlett kissed her mom goodbye.

"Sir, ROMANO is having their Spring Fashion Show in Milan in the next two weeks.

Would you be attending ROMANO's spring show this year?" A fairly bulky man asked his boss slaving away at his desktop, who seemed to be his boss.

"Yes, I would. Book a ticket for me as soon as possible. Let's see what little Miss Chevalier has in store for us." He chuckled.

Dear Readers,

I'm so sorry I'm releasing new chapters late. I have had some distractions this week and the last. I will try to release one chapter per day and increase the rate at which I do so.

Please keep on reading, drop a comment, share with your friends and enjoy yourselves!!!

Love and light!!!


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