
After Nine Years

"I would treat you more than I would to my heart. There's nothing, there's no one that can get close to replacing you in my heart. I love you and I'll never stop loving you." Scarlett Chevalier, the precious princess to her father, became enemies with him when she discovers he's cheating on her mother with her mother's bestfriend. She grows up to be a vengeful young lady, seeking the downfall of her father and any man that blocks her way. But she would need to find a man that can take care of her and treat her like his own princess. Read after nine years to find out! Cover credit: Fire_wolf27

luwanipixie · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs


Scarlett swiveled around in her office chair. "Actually, I need you to do me a favor."

"I'm at your service Miss Chevalier." Russell chuckled

"I want you to release Dad. I don't just want him to be in a cage forever.

I have many more plans for him." Scarlett said.

Orla came in quietly with Scarlett's lemon water and bowed before she left.

Russell nodded his head slightly. "I will do just that. Is that all?" He asked her just to be sure she was okay.

"Yes grandpa. That is all."

"Alright my girl. Call me before you come over for breakfast."

"I will. Have a nice day!" Scarlett ended the call.

Just as she put her phone down, Vera and her team walked into her office.

"Good day Miss Scarlett." Vera greeted and spoke on behalf of her team. "You sent for us."

"Yes, I did." Scarlett showed the girls her unfinished sketch as she sipped her drink.

"I'll be attending the All Stars Awards in the next seven days. This is the design right here….I'll complete it in a few hours

Vera picked up the sketch from Scarlett's table and studied the design carefully for a few seconds. 

"Alright. The design and theme of this dress is very clear although it's unfinished. We should be able to make it work in a day with few breaks."

Scarlett nodded her head. "Very good. Get the materials ready and take them to the design room."

"I should be done in an hour or two." Vera and her colleagues immediately left the office for the work they were about to start.

Scarlett took a big gulp of her lemon water, put on her reading glasses and got back to finishing her ruined design.


It wasn't up to a minute when her phone rang. 

Scarlett was more than annoyed when she heard the sharp unwanted noise and vibration of the device lying on her desk.

She was never a fan of unofficial calls in the mornings.

Still in her reading glasses, she picked up her phone to take a look at the caller.

Upon looking at it, there was no caller ID. Scarlett got up from her seat and walked up to her window.

She picked up the call on its very last ring. "Hello?" She spoke up to the unknown caller on the other end of the line.

"Hello." The unknown caller replied.

"Good morning, Miss Chevalier. It is Ethan Pierce on the line."

Scarlett immediately took the phone off her ear and stared at her phone for a few seconds before disconnecting the call.

Scarlett hurried over to her seat and blocked the number on all her official and unofficial lines. 

She was not ready to listen to the voice of a hypocrite early in the morning. She was still trying to recover her drawing from the unfortunate scenario that happened earier.

She took in a few breaths and started off her drawing.


"Why haven't you asked her anything sir?" Troy worriedly asked Ethan.

Ethan dropped his phone on his table and massaged his temples. "She disconnected the call the moment I introduced myself.

Now, judging from the fact that I can't reach her again, she must have barred my number." An exhausted Ethan replied Troy.

Troy shook his head pitifully and shrugged. "We have tried everything a human being could possibly do to collaborate officially with a company."

"If you don't mind this suggestion…..why don't you meet with Miss Chevalier face-to-face? Perhaps she would have a change of mind when you apologize and convince her to show to sincerity."

Ethan stared at Troy for quite some time like he was trying to make sense out of what he had just suggested. 

"It seems you don't know what this young woman is capable of. 

Meeting her in private would only case more damage. I need to find a way out of this mess asap." Ethan adjusted himself on his seat and began his work for the day.

"Do I have any appointments for today or this week?" Ethan asked Troy

"No sir. Besides the gathering you have to attend with the old master on Saturday, you're as free as a bird." Troy reported with glee

Ethan raised his brows at Troy's reaction. "What is with the awful teeth display?" 

Troy quickly comport himself. "Nothing sir."

"I have made repair reservations for the car we ran into this morning. I believe the owner would reach out to you very soon.

I'm going to work now." Troy bowed and left Ethan's office for his workstation. 



'knock! Knock! Knock!'

"You may enter." Russell's aged voice rang from inside his study

"Master, you sent for me." Pedro, Russell's bodyguard bowed to him.

Russell carefully took off his reading glasses and placed it on the thick book he was reading. 

He raised his head and looked up at Pedro. "Yes I did." He answered.

"Release the brat from the cats. Scarlett has had a change of mind." 

Pedro nodded his head. "Where should we take him?"

"He has a brain and legs to take himself wherever he wants to. 

Just make sure you get him off my property." Russell replied, a little furious.

"Is that all sir?" 

"Yes, that is all. You may leave now." Russell dismissed Pedro.


Russell took a deep breath and rose up from his chair and sat on the comfortable sofa in his study. He picked up the telephone from the side table and punched a few numbers.


"Hello Dad! How are you doing?!" Tracy's vibrant voice echoed from the other end of the line.

Russell chuckled slightly. "I am doing very well. You didn't even think to check on your old man.

Scarlett behaves more like my daughter than you do…..I guess I need to run a background check to be sure if I really am your father." 

Tracy burst into loud laughter. "Dad! How can you say that? I am always your daughter. To be honest, you're just being partial towards me."

Russell nodded his head. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

Then he cleared his throat. "Have you not arrived from Florence? When do you plan on coming back?" He asked Tracy seriously.

"No. I am still in Florence…and I don't have any plans of returning anytime soon." Tracy replied her father.

Russell perfectly understood why Tracy refused to go back home. "I can understand you. But you can't just stay there. It is not so healthy and safe for you."

"Why don't you move in with Scarlett or you come back to my mansion and me company. 

I just don't like the idea of you staying so far away." Russell suggested to his daughter.

Tracy sighed. "I would think about it Dad. I'll give you a call when I'm ready to come back."

"That is okay." Russell agreed with Tracy. "Take care of yourself….and that pesky boy. Tell him to call me." He continued, referring to Rowan.

"I will do just that. Bye Dad!" Tracy disconnected the call.

Russell took a deep sigh as he put down the phone.

He sincerely regretted the union between his daughter and Bryan. 

Bryan was the biggest mistake he ever made in his entire life existence.

He remembered when Bryan came to him to seek for a hand in marriage to Tracy, 

'Well it's not too late to correct the wrongs that have been made.'

'Raising a peaceful legacy is not a piece of cake.' He thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep.