
After Living Life of Every Species I Created my Ultimate Race

Alan who has already live life of every spices created the ultimate race to live the most fulfilling life in his last reincarnation.

Pritam_Routh · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


'When I regain my consciousness I saw every thing dark and I can't move my limbs everything fills slimy but comfortable and warm'.

'Then I remember I died from my old age and this filling is very familiar to me who lived life of every spices haa haa haa ....' I started laughing in my mind 'to think I will reincarnate again this time I will live my life the way I want' I promised my self.

'Let not think about anything else now I have to inspect my surrounding first, I can feel lot of mana from my mother and the surroundings' I started controlling my mothers mana very slowly to not be detected by my mother to see my surrounding but the only thing I saw was luxurious modern room very classic that was the only thing I remember before I lost my consciousness.

" Did I feel my mana moving? must be my imagination". A beautiful lady with silver hair shitting in the big bed said.

Suddenly waking up 'did I lost my consciousness?, must be due to my baby brain and strain from controlling mana'.

Mana is every ware except some new universes before their evolution and gaining their consciousness, it is a form of higher energy their are also other higher energy mixed with it in the air but it has most percentage a hole 70%.

Now that I know my surrounding is safe and mother is in demi-god rank from quality of her mana I can start my ultimate plan to create a ultimate body that I had thought in my last reincarnation.

I started absorbing my mothers mana and surroundings carefully undetected to change my genetics it was easy due to my vast knowledge and growing body which is only one month old. I change it very slowly to not damage my mother body. After finishing my process I was completely overwhelmed by my dizziness and I was put to sleep until my body developed fully for the delivery.

Outside world 8 month later 6-8 years looking silver hair girls is asking another silver hair girl who was looking like she was in her late 20s with worried face.

"Mother do you think something happened to the baby?" young silver hair girl asked her mother.

"No, baby the baby is perfectly fine and still not developed I can fill it" said the older silver hair girl with warmth and lovely smile to her daughter.

"But it has been 9 months since you have been pregnant I was worried about my baby sibling" said the young lady with worried expression.

"Don't worry you have to believe in the baby" said the older silver hair lady with gentle expression.

"In the mean time you have to get stronger to manage our territory and take care of your sibling" said the mother with a smile on her face.

"Ok mom" the daughter said while running away with a smile in her face.

Looking at her daughter again with her smile she muttered " You have to hurry and come to the world my baby".

99 years later. A certain large castle in middle of a huge forest.

In a certain luxurious room of that castle, in the huge bed a lady was going under delivery but her expression was calm and she was smiling. Around her many maid can be seen panicking and praying.

In a side of the bed a 16-18 years silver haired girl holding her mother and crying, she said "finally the day had came where we can see the baby".

Taking the baby out of the mother's womb a middle aged maid looked at baby worriedly.

Not hearing the baby's cry everybody hold their breath and look at the middle aged women who was holding the baby in her hand carefully inspecting him.

Then she suddenly filliped him and smack his butt lightly two to three times simultaneously.