
After I Suicide My Life Restarted With The Life Restarted I Longed For

Have you ever felt like life is just too much to handle? Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you can't go on anymore? That's how I felt before I decided to end it all. But then something strange happened, I woke up in a different reality, one where my life was everything I had ever wanted it to be. The question is, what will I do? Accept and happily cherish it or vainly repeat the wounds of history? What is this life I had longed for? *DISCLAIMER!* Please be advised that this book contains sensitive and potentially triggering content, including but not limited to self-harm, physical and sexual abuse, and other traumatic events. These events are depicted in a fictional manner and should not be taken as a guide for real-life actions. The novel does not promote or normalize suicide in any way. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please seek help from a professional.

Haruki_Vanz · สมจริง
33 Chs

Chapter 15 Melancholic Moon Light

Chapter 15 Melancholic Moon Light.

June, 4 2012 (New Present) 

After stuffing myself with so much food, my stomach is feeling uncomfortably full. I decided to take a break and go outside for some fresh air. Before I leave, I ask my dad for permission, which he readily grants.

I make my way through the large wooden and glass door that leads to our balcony, where I see someone standing there, illuminated by the bright moonlight. I notice a red rose pinned in her silky brownish blonde hair, swaying gently in the evening breeze. Recognizing my crush, I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat at the sight of her, lost in contemplation as she gazes up at the full moon.

I approached her, trying to start a conversation. "The moon is so beautiful tonight, isn't it?" I said softly.

She turned to me with a surprised expression,her eyes and mouth wide open


  But she quickly composed herself when she realized it was just me. "Oh, it's you," she said.

"Did I shock you?" I asked, concerned that I had startled her.

"No, don't worry," she replied, but I could tell that she had been surprised.

  I decided to continue the conversation. "What are you doing here alone? You should be inside enjoying the party."

  She responded, "I just needed some fresh air. How about you? As the guest of honor, you should be the center of attention at this party."

I chuckled. "I needed a break too. Parties can be overwhelming sometimes."

  She nodded in understanding. "Do you mind if I stand next to you?" I asked.

"Of course not," she replied. "It's your house after all."

After that little conversation, I moved alongside her and also placed my hands through the balustrade of our balcony. Both of us gaze at the bright full moon silently. 

"You're right, the moon tonight is so beautiful." She said.

I side glance at her and she's so gorgeous. The full moon shines so bright, illuminating on her beautiful face and reflecting her sparkling emerald eyes. Her black and red dress looks good on her. The cool breeze of the night swayed her silky hair once again.. She's very elegant… as always.

Though you're much more beautiful than the moon itself. 

  I can't stop myself from admiring her… because that's the only thing I can do, and that's the only thing I will do. 

It is so peaceful being here with her.

As we looked at the beautiful moon I heard a little voice "The moon is so bright tonight huh~.Wherever he is right now,  Is he also looking at the same moon tonight? I wondered."

"Huh? Who's he?"

"Aaaa it's nothing, forget what I've said hahaha."She immediately brushed it off when she realized I heard it. She stepped back and gave me a rueful smile.  "Let's go back inside, we are now starting to give you our present." 

Seriously, who's "he" she's talking about? Does she already have a boyfriend? That's unlikely, she's only the same age as me. Then who's that? A friend? 

I pondered for a while but I decided to nevermind it. What she just said is kinda poetic that can only be heard on films or shows. 

I replied to her" Yeah, let's go back. It's getting chilly here." . I followed her back to the main hall room. 

"Oh! Good timing you're here." My father said to me as we re-entered the room. "They will start giving their gifts to you individually. So let's go to your throne." 


To be continued.