
You're Already Wet for Me

Harry climb off the bed and walks over to the dresser. He opens the top drawer and grabs a pair of blue and white plaid boxers and holds them up in the air with a disgusted look on his face.

"What?" I ask and prop my head up on my elbow and look at him.

"These are hideous" he says and I laugh.

My earlier question about whether or not there were clothes in the dresser is now answered. Liam's mother or Harry's father must have purchased all the clothes in the room for Harry. It is sad really, that they would buy clothes and fill the dresser in hopes that Harry would come around sometimes.

"They aren't so bad" I tell him and he rolls his eyes. I doubt anything will look as good as Harry's usual black boxer briefs but then again can't imagine anything looking bad on Harry.

"Well beggars can't be choosers, so I guess I will be back in a minute." He says and walk out of the room only warning his wet boxers.

oh god, what of Liam sees him? I will be humiliated. I need to find Liam the first thing in the morning to explain the turn of events. What am I going to say though? "It's not what it looked like, we are just talking and then I agreed to stay the night and somehow ended up in my panties and a t-shirt and gave him the closet thing to a hand job that I know of?" That sounds terrible. I will think of something in the morning. I lay my head onto the pillows and stare at the ceiling.

I consider getting up and checking my phone while Harry is in the bathroom but I decide against it. The last thing I need is to read text from Noah right now. He is probably panicking but honestely, as long as he doesn't tell my mom, I don't care as much as I should. If I am completely honest with myself, 8 haven't felt the same about Noah since I kissed Harry for the first time.

I know I love Noah, I have always loved Noah but I am beginning to question whether I really love him as a boyfriend and someone I should spend the rest of my life with or if I love him because he has always been such a stable person in my life. He is always there for me and on paper we are perfect for each other, but I can't ignore the way I feel when I am with Harry. I have never had these types of feelings before. Not just sexually, the way he gives me butterflies just by looking at him, the way I find myself desperately wanting to see him even when I am fuming mad at him, and mostly the way that he always invade my thoughts even when I try to convince myself that I hate him.

Harry has gotten under my skin no matter how hard I try to deny it. I am in his bed, he may never had never slept here before, but I am here with him instead of with Noah. On cue, the door opens and I am snapped from my thoughts. I look up and see Harry in the clean plaid boxers and giggle. They are a little too big and they are much longer than than his briefs but they still look great.

"I like them" I smile and he glares at me before turning out the light and switching on the television. He climbs back onto the bed and lays closer to me than I expected, well I never know what to expect from him.

"So what are you going to tell me?" He asks and I cringe, I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up once he got back from cleaning himself off.

"Don't be shy now, you've just made me cum in my boxers" he says and pullse closer to him. I bury my head in the pillow and he laughs.

I pull my head up and Harry tucks my hair behind my ear before giving me a soft kiss on my lips. It's the first time he kissed me that way and yet it felt more intimate than when we kiss with tongue. He lays his head back on the pillow and changes the channel on the remote. I want him to hold me until I fall asleep but I get the feeling Harry is not a cuddling type of guy. "I want to be good for you, Tessa" Harry's word from earlier tonight play in my head and I wonder if he meant them or if he was just really drunk.

"Are you still drunk? I ask and lay my head on his chest. His body stills but he doesn't push me off.

"No, I think our little screaming match in the yard sobered me up." He says. One of his hand is holding the remote and the other is hanging in the air awkwardly as If he doesn't know what to do with it.

"Oh, well at least something good came out of it." I tell him and he turns his head and looks down at me.

"Yea, I guess so" and he finally sits his hand on my back. It's an amazing feeling having him hold me, no matter what terrible thing he says to me tomorrow, he can't take this moment away from me. This is my new favorite place to be, with my head on his chest and his arms on my back.

"I think I actually like drunk Harry better." I yawn.

"Is that so?" He says and turn to look at me again.

"Maybe." I tease and close my eyes.

"You're terrible at distractions now tell me."

I might as well just tell him, I know he isn't going to drop it.

"Well, I was just thinking of all the girls you've..you know done things with." I try to hide my face in his chest but he drops the remote on the bed and tilts my chin up to look at him.

"Why are you thinking about that?"

"I don't know...because I have literally no experience and you have a lot Steph included." I answer. The image of Harry and Steph together makes me nauseous.

"Are you jealous Tess?" his voice is full of humour.

"No, of course not." I lie.

"So you don't mind if I tell you a few details then?"

"No! Please don't." I beg and he chuckles and wraps his arm a little tighter around me.

He doesn't say anything else about it and and I could not be more relieved. I couldn't bare to hear details of him and Steph's brief fling. I feel my eyes getting heavier and try to focus on the television. I am so comfortable laying here in his arms.

"You are not going to sleep are you? it's still early"

"Is it? I feel like it has to be at least two in the morning, I arrived here around nine.

"Yea, it's only midnight"

"That isn't early." I yawn again.

"To me it is. Plus, I want to return the favor." What? Oh. My skin is starting to tingle already.

"You want me to, don't you? He purrs and I gulp. Of course I do. I look up at him and try to hid my eager smile, he notice and he wrap his arms tighter. flipping us over so he is on top of me. He supports his weight with one arm and his other hand reaches down and I bring my leg up to his side, my knee bends and he runs his hand from my ankle to the top of my thigh.

"So soft" he says and repeats the motion. His hand gives my thigh a light squeeze and my skin is covered in goose bumps within seconds. Harry leans up and places a single kiss on the side of my knee causing my leg to jerk. He grabs it and laughs while hooking his arm around my leg again. What is he doing? The anticipation is driving me crazy.

"I want to taste you Tessa" he says, his eyes are locked to mine to gauge my reaction. My mouth is instantly parched. He can't mean what I think he does right? I am slightly aware that my lips have parted my mouth is hanging open.

"Down here" he answers my thoughts and brings his hand in between my legs. My lack of experience must astound him because he tries to fight his smile. I frown at him and his fingers touches me over my panties making me suck in a breath. His finger makes soft strokes over my sex as he continues to look in to my eyes.

"You're already wet for me." his voice is raspier than usual. His hot breath stings my ear and he runs his tongue along my earlobe.

"Could you say something so I don't feel like I am the only one who who wants this, even though I know that isn't true." He smirks and I squirm as the applies more pressure to my sensitive area.

I can't find my voice because my body is on fire from his touch. He pulls his hand away and I whimper.

"I don't want you to stop" I whine.

"Well why don't you speak up like I told you to" he snaps and I recoil. I don't want this Harry. I want the laughing, playful Harry.

"You were distracting me." I say and move to sit up. He pulls himself up and sits on my thighs, holding his weight on his parted knees.

"So you want me then?" I know that he is well ware that I do, he just wants to make me say it aloud. I nod and he waves his finger back and forth in from of me.

"No, nodding, either you say it or I am going to bed" he says and climb off of my knees. I mentally weigh the pros and cons of this situation. Is the humiliation of telling Harry that I want to..kiss me down there worth the feeling I will get from him doing it? If it feels anywhere near as good as what Harry did to me with his fingers the other day then I know it's worth it. I reach out and grab his bare shoulder to stop him from moving any further away from me.

"Fine, I want you to." I sigh in defeat.

"What me to what, Theresa?" He has to be kidding me, he knows exactly what he is doing.

"You know..kiss me" I say and his smile grows. He leans over and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Is that what you wanted?" he smirks and I swat his arm. He is going to make me beg him.

"Kiss me..there." I blush and cover my face with my hands. He pulls the away, laughing and I frown at him.

"You're embarassing me on purpose." I scowl. His hands are still on mine.

"I know, I am sorry. It's just so strange to me that you haven't done any of this stuff before."

"Ugh, Neve mind Harry." I don't want to be the center of his joke anymore. The moment has passed and I am now annoy with his ego. I roll over and lay on my side, facing away from him and cover myself with the blanket.

"Hey, I am sorry." he says but I ignore him. I know part of me is just annoyed at myself that being around Harry has turned me into a typical hormonal teenager.

"Goodnight Harry" I snap and hear him sigh. He mutters something under his breath that sound like "fine" but I don't ask him to repeat it. I forced eyes closed and try to think of anything besides Harry's tongue as I fall asleep.