
Chapter 9: First Morning of Classes.

"Good morning first years, welcome to Greenhouse 1.I am Ponama Sprout your teacher for Herbology at Hogwarts. Now if you can get 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi' out of you bag then turn to chapter one." I pull out my Herbology book from underneath every other book I had in there. Of course when I grabbed my bag this morning I had no choice but to pack them all, because I didn't have my timetable so I didn't know hat lessons I have. I turn to chapter 1 in my herbology book and see the first chapter is called 'What is Herbology?' "Excellent now before we go to read and take notes on this chapter, can anyone answer the question at the top 'What is Herbology?'" My hand flies into the air along with two hands from Hufflepuff. Honestly I was surprised that Remus hadn't raised his hand- the amount of times I caught him reading through his school books in his room since we came back from Diagon Alley with them. "Yes Miss, please tell me your name too dear"."Meadow Lupin" I watched her eyes widened for a split second before she shook it off and nodded for me to continue. "Herbology is the study of magical and mundane plants and fungi, making it the wizarding equivalent to botany which students learn to care for and utilize plants, learn about their magical properties and what they are." "Correct Miss Lupin, five points to Gryffindor. Now as you just heard in Herbology we will be working on a big variety of magical plants and fungi. These plants can be used in many different ways such as medicines, potions and also can be food for magical creatures you will learn about in your third year if you choose to take Care of Magical Creatures as a lesson. Now for this first lesson, we will just be taking notes on the subject and next lesson we will start Valerian Springs which is used manly in potions, but I will leave Professor Slughorn to talk to you about that later. Now in silence please read through Chapter one and we will then take notes." So we did. We read through the five pages on Herbology and right after we had done we took notes. Unfortunately it wasn't a practical lesson like I would of hoped it would be but it was only the first lesson, I couldn't really complain. The lesson actually goes fairly fast (although I had Sirius and James laughing quietly about something in my ear) and when the bell went we were all dismissed. Most of the class except me and Remus rushed over to get out of the Greenhouse and onto the school grounds, happy to escape from the stuffy Greenhouse which smelt of compost. Once the crowd had dispersed, Remus and I walk out onto the grounds to see Sirius, James and Peter waiting for us (or most likely just Remus since I had barely spoken to the trio) and most of the students walking across the green grounds towards the castle. We headed over to the boys and started walking up the hill towards Hogwarts, listening to James rambling on about how he was looking forward to flying and how it wasn't fair how you had to be a second year or above to enter the Quidditch team (whatever Quidditch was because I didn't know). Within a few seconds, I wasn't listening to James and it didn't look as if Remus and Sirius were either, Peter was happily nodding along though. "Someone get that idiot to shut up about Quidditch..." I mutter under my breath rolling my eyes. Sirius heard and winked at me before looking off into the distance."Oy James, I think I can see Evans being pulled into the Forbidden Forest by someone. You better get over there and help her before it's too late." Sirius shouted. With the sound of Lily, James looked around and stopped his rambling before running up to Sirius and asking where. "Over there" he pointed to the middle of the forest where he had 'seen Lily' and the boy with glasses began sprinting over there to help the one he already loves. The raven hared boy turns around and smirks while I raise a brow and Remus stifles a laugh. "It will keep him busy to stop talking about Quidditch and he might even miss flying to my delight" he laughs out loud and the rest of us do too. I can just make out a small dot running towards the forest when a though hits me."What if it's dangerous? He could get hurt..." I say but Sirius just rolls his eyes."Nah, his beloved Lily couldn't of got that far. Besides he isn't completely stupid, he wouldn't go too far in for a girl he just met". Sirius' words didn't comfort me at all but he starts to the castle none the less. After looking back at the forest one last time, I turn and follow along with Peter and Remus who muttered something like 'he would go in to save his beloved Lily'.* * * "Good morning class! I am Madam Hooch your flying teacher and the Quidditch referee for when each of the four houses battle it out to reach the Quidditch cup. Now enough about Quidditch, onto today's learning. Now may everyone step up to the left side of their broom." Madam Hooch walked up the middle where Slytherins and Gryffindor's were facing each other standing to the left of a broom. The eagle eyed women stopped walking when she came up to an empty space beside me which was reserved for a certain boy with glasses. "Where is Mr. Potter, Miss Lupin?" she asked."I have no idea Professor, he must of lost his way or lost track of time. That sounds like something he would do. I guess it is only the first lesson so he's probably just lost" I answer trying to stop a smile making its way onto my face. The woman nods and begins walking up to the top of the lines. On the other side of James' empty broomstick, Sirius, Remus and Peter were snickering behind their hands and I couldn't help but smirk. Lily who was standing beside me sent me a confused look and I just shrug my shoulders, I don't want to be one of the ones responsible for James coming late. "Now can you all put your right arm over your broom and say 'up' to summon your broomsticks into your hands. It may take a couple of attempts but you are all good enough to do it. You may begin." A chorus of ups were heard (almost in time with each other) across the training grounds. "Up, up, up" I repeated with my right arm over the school's broomstick yet all it did was stumble around on the grass. Beside me, Lily seemed to be having the same issue however her broom wasn't moving at all for her. I try again for the broom to move up a little but only to tumble back to the floor however when I looked over at the boys, I see Remus also struggling, Peter doing as terrible as me and Sirius standing there admiring the broom in his hand. Quite a few other people had a broom in their hand and neither Alice and Lily did either (Marlene got hers on her fourth or fifth try). "Up" I say clearly annoyed and to my surprise the broom shot straight up into my outstretched, because of the force I wobble a bit before regaining my balance. A girl opposite me in Slytherin with wavy black hair, tanned skin and deep brown eyes also got her broom in her hand and when she caught me watching her, she shrinks away and avoids my gaze.That's when I realise the scars that littered her face and hands. I wonder what happened to her. The sound of pounding footsteps headed our way made me break my gaze and that's when I see who was running towards us.A young boy in our year in Gryffindor was running towards with his robes flapping behind him. He had raven black hair which was a mess and had the odd leaf in it and big round glasses with hazel eyes behind them. I recognise it immediately as James who seemed to have found a way out of the Forbidden Forest safely much to my relief but he had no Lily with him for she was beside me. He runs down the middle of the rows of broomsticks and students panting but stops immediately in his tracks when he sees Lily beside me. "Lily, will you... go out... with me?" He panted but her answer was simple and clear."No Potter"."."But my dear Lily-flower... I ran all the way too save you from whoever was pulling you to the forest. I searched ages for you. I thought you had died! If it wasn't for Sirius warning me about you being pulled into the forest, I couldn't of saved you nor ever saw you again... My dear Lily-pad, you could of at least warned me you were safe! Now will you go out with me?" James looked at the young girl with hope however with her furrowed brows I couldn't tell what she was thinking."But Potter, I was never pulled into the forest, I haven't been on the school grounds all day until now because I was in Transfiguration with Alice and Marlene. Besides it's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason: your not supposed to go in there. Now the answers no Potter..." James face fell at the news but was replaced with him glaring at Sirius. "YOU TOLD ME SHE WAS BEING PULLED INTO THE FOREST" he shouted but was immediately cut of by Madam Hooch. "Mr. Potter thanks to you it is now the end of the lesson as it has been wasted by you asking Miss. Evans out now class dismissed. And Mr. Potter, no more entering the Forbidden Forest or it will be a detention." Madam Hooch stalks off as I place my broom onto the grass."Did I really miss the whole lesson?" James asked disappointed. "Yup, I mean you were so determined too save your precious Lily-flower that you missed it" Sirius answers amused."But it was your fault. You heard her, she wasn't really being dragged in there!""Actually I did see a flash of black which could of been her robe"."So you just assumed it was my precious Lily-pad! You do realise all the students wear the same black robes!" "Look mate, I was mistaken alright. Now I need to go see McGonagall about my detention for my new world record. See ya". Sirius stalks off away from my group and the remaining raven haired boy sighs before walking over to the castle with Peter and Remus hot on his heels. I follow soon after, not far from the group when I turn a corner and accidently bump into someone."Oh sorry I should of looked where I was going" I apologies.I look up too see the Slytherin girl opposite me during flying. I recognise her instantly because of her scars on both her hands and face, of course her wavy, black hair, slightly tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes gave it away too."It's okay and it's partially my fault too, I should be more careful next time before introducing herself. "Naomi"."."It's very nice to meet you Naomi and can I just say how pretty your name is" I grin and she looks down and I swear I could see her blushing lightly" I chuckle "I'm Me-"-""Meadow Lupin but also nicknamed the Second Scamander" the girl cut me off.I chuckle "why don't you come spend break with me, I would love to get you know you better." "Really?!" Naomi asks a bright smile appearing on her face when I nod. "I would love too, but what about your brother and your other friends?" "Don't worry they won't mind otherwise they will have me to deal with, now come on let's go introduce you to them" I reassure Naomi before walking down the path with her in silence. To be honest she didn't seem like a really talkative person but I could respect that and I didn't mind her being in Slytherin either. If anything, I was delighted to have a friend in a different house...

Hi all, I hope you are all enjoying the story so far and what do you think of Naomi? There will be more of her in the next chapter but I was just wondering what you thought of her in the little part at the end. Anyway, the main question I had this author's note for. What do you want to happen in second year? I know that we are still in first year but I was planning out the chapters and I have finished planning the ones for first year but I need some ideas for the next. I of course have the main idea for that year already but I need some others to fill up some gaps. Feel free to send any feedback in the comments whether it's good or bad 'cause I will appreciate it all. Also don't worry about having a small time limit on sending the ideas for second year, the first year ends at chapter 21 so you'll have to the chapter 22 to submit ideas- I will also give you a shout out if your idea is chosen! Stay safe all,The5thMarauder