
Africa In A post apocalytic world

In a world overrun by magic and monsters, two young Africans, Kwame and Aisha, discover a hidden record of manga and webtoons that hold the key to saving their continent. Inspired by the stories, they develop a game-like system that allows humans to harmonize with magic and level up, enabling them to fight back against the monsters. But as they uncover the secrets hidden within the records, they realize that African myths and stories have become true due to the magic, and they must use this knowledge to save their continent and the world from destruction. It's an epic tale of magic, monsters, and human resilience as Kwame and Aisha unite with other African nations to fight against the monsters and restore hope for a brighter future.

Andrew_Kumako · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


In the year 2023, the world was on the verge of witnessing the most significant event in human history - the rise of AI. However, little did they know that the fictional stories they had read were true. It all began when a magical portal opened, connecting the human world to a world where magic and monsters existed. The human world was caught off guard and overrun by monster civilizations that were advanced in magic and technology warfare.

Ten years into the apocalypse, the remaining nations of the world came together for the first time and found a way to combine magic with AI technology. Slowly, humans were able to fight back and create a stronghold. In this stronghold, human civilization started, and the remaining nations came to an agreement to reclaim their homes from monster civilization.

All of this was happening in foreign countries, except for Africa. Due to its location on the map, Africa was cut off from the rest of the world. The portals and magic were denser and thicker in Africa, making it a magical disaster zone. However, few African nations survived in these harsh conditions. The elderly generations died out since they could not adapt, but the young ones who were tougher and more curious came up with a breathing technique to survive in their region. Since it was difficult to breathe due to the magic, they developed a way to absorb magic with their bodies.

Kwame, a young boy who loved reading manga and webtoons, was one of the survivors. He shared his love for these stories with his friend Aisha. They both enjoyed reading the works of a man named the Revelator, who was from Ghana. The Revelator went through a lot in his life, and due to the condensed magic, his body evolved quickly, giving him access to parts of his brain that helped him remember all the webtoons he read. Knowing that this knowledge could help others, he recorded them on wood in the hope that Kwame and Aisha's generation would find it, read it, and gain insights to save their continent.

Unfortunately, the Revelator died because his body could not handle the accelerated evolution. At that time, Kwame had not come up with the AI tech necessary to make humans harmonize with magic and create a game-like system to help them get stronger through leveling up. However, reading the Revelator's records of the manga he remembered gave Kwame the idea.

Due to the magic, African myths and stories became true. This meant that creatures from African myths, such as the kishi and the Mami Wata, were now real and roaming the land. Kwame and Aisha knew that they had to level up and gain enough power to protect their people from these creatures.

They discovered that the breathing technique they had developed was not enough to survive, so they began to absorb magic with their bodies. They also used AI technology to create a game-like system that helped them level up and gain strength. Kwame became a skilled mage, while Aisha became a powerful warrior.

They were not alone on this journey. They met other survivors who had similar goals of protecting their people and reclaiming their land. Among these survivors were Sipho, a shaman who could control spirits, and Fatima, a sniper who had learned to shoot with magic-enhanced bullets.

Together, they fought against monsters and creatures from African myths. They defeated the kishi, the Mami Wata, and even the Anansi spider. As they traveled through Africa, they learned more about their continent's magic and history.

Eventually, they reached the stronghold created by the other nations. They shared their knowledge of African magic with the other survivors, and together, they were able to create a powerful alliance. With their combined strengths, they were able to defeat the remaining monster

Well this is a story i hope to build on with a team of creatives cause i ithink it a differnt approach to the type of fantasy novels we have

Andrew_Kumakocreators' thoughts