

Africa has a great future, Africa is a greater nation, Africa is indeed the mother of all nations, Africa has fed her evil children the colonial masters for centuries till now the time has come for them to go and work and survive on their own and colonize themselves and use themselves the way they used Africa. Everyone needs to be taught a lesson because everyone needs to learn a lesson, indeed they have thought a lesson we can never forget in our lives,they have really dealt with us. I am the highest blessings and assets of my life, I've over grown the level of seeking attention from anyone to talk to,I've learned how to talk to myself constantly,love myself, respect myself, forgive myself, fight for myself, celebrate myself but more importantly brutally discipline myself when necessary until now, I have learned my lessons, I am well equiped to take back what belongs to me, I am Africa. The life we're into is perfectly created but the evil mindset of humans has transformed it to another unacceptable thing,God knows all about it And He is keeping quiet watching us all to finish misbehaving and then realize ourselves, The recipes for the creation of this life remains unchanged, the foundational precepts remains unchanged,the grand expectations from everyone of us remains unchanged no matter how the world revolves or transforms Seek for wisdom first before seeking for luxury so that you will know how to handle and enjoy the evolution wealth, "The much you know is the much you can get" There's no limits to desires or wants or needs. Africa has greater future and it must surely come one day! I am Wisdom Ndukwe I'm an anti colonialist

Wisdom_Ndukwe1 · ย้อนยุค
30 Chs


Black is Original, Black is Natural, Black is Authentic, Black is Superior, The beauty of Africa is in her strength in nature, beauty in color, great in wisdom and mighty in blessings.

Africa is a beautiful continent filled with milk and honey, filled with silver and golds and all kinds of treasures.

Africa is surrounded by treasures!

Africa is a beautiful continent blessed with aboundance of strength and high wisdom with exquisite color.

If Africa wasn't that beautiful enough no continent would have been struggling to acquire Her. If we didn't worth something more than gold they wouldn't be chasing us tirelessly.

It is because Africa is a beautiful continent blessed with aboundance of treasures, clean waters and fruitful soil,that is why they are hunting her with their lives.

When they approached her first during the 3rd century they were astonished with what they saw and they couldn't just leave or take enough, they needed all of her for themselves, regardless of what her people may say or do, which is a crime against humanity.

Africa is supposed to be the greatest continent ever because Africa has about 70% of the resources that flows round the world today but we're being doomed.

We are not beasts and We are not monster or monkeys, We are humans and We deserve just as better as others, But we have been denied of everything, We have been denied of the beauty of our nature.

They Phycologically and tyrannically forced us to to remain slaves and on mute since the 3rd century Until now the beautiful sun rose from the East again and brought back hope to Africa and brought back some rights that is enough for us to use and finish up the battle finally for forever.

Colonialism is an act of criminality, It is forcefully taking share of something you didn't work for to nourish and flourish your lives regardless of what the owners may have to say, wether they like it or not,It does not really matter if the owners are dieing for hunger of lack of development, meanwhile they have a resources that could make their lives better and easier but someone else is taking it and using it to beautify his own life in his own country.

This is the worst thing that can happen to anyone, A stranger coming to your home and taking claims of your personal belongings and forcefully bind you to accept sharing it with him even though you will be giving 1% out of 100% .

It is time to free Africa from her curse, It is time to break the enchantment and set Africa Free.

There is no continent that is as great as Africa in anything, the beauty that was supposed to flow on the every street and the walls of Africa and in every souls and bodies in Africa has been hijacked by the colonial masters to beautify their countries and their lives and they said is colonialism.

Africa lost her beauty many years ago and it is only the land of Biafra that can restore the beauty of Africa, because Biafra is the state that will rise up above the problems of Africa which is colonialism.

Biafra will rise very far beyond the the apex and the climax of Africa's problem "colonialism" in strength and in wisdom.

Biafra will rise above the economic problems of Africa, Biafra will uncover all the hidden truths about what we are really facing in the Africa continent.

Biafra will be the demise of the entire western colonization charms in Africa, Biafra will be an eye opener to the entire race of Africa.

It is so unfortunate for all us the African citizens that our lives and our comfortability is of no concern and of no value to the international communities,our wellbeing,our rights and our choices means nothing to our colonial masters.

They stole our beauty and treated us like the beast of the forest, we are not animals and they know it but they don't like it that we are so blessed exquisitely, they think we don't deserve it. it's a lie!

They don't care or mind the way we are being maltreated and molested, they don't care about the injustice and the terrorism that the entire walls of Africa has hosted and inhabited so freely because we mean nothing of any value to them. We can go to hell if we want to, we can't do nothing that's what they think.

We are yet to comprehend the facts that we've been ignorant of these Phycological bondage and mischievousness that was accustomed to us by our so called colonial masters.

Africa is a land that is blessed beyond measures and yet we are the ones that are suffering the most, We are the ones receiving all the evil atrocities of this world and some of us are just reluctant over it,

The reason why someone like Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is still in prison till date 26/07/2022 is because Africans are too afraid to speak against the evil that has befallen us "Colonialism" Africans are too dumb to fight for their rights because some of them managed to survive in the midst of the storm so others should try and survive.

The reason why nelson Mandela fought for South Africa was not for his family members alone to be free but for all South Africans to be free and flourish like other countries

The reason why general Odimegwu ojukwu fought for Biafra Land was not for his family members alone but for all Biafran people to have their freedom from tyranny and corruption and restore the lost respect and power of The power of the entire Igbo people.

The reason why Thomas Sankara fought for the freedom of Burkina Faso was not for his family members alone but for all the people of Burkina Faso to have their unquestionable freedom and restore the lost peaceful coexistence within themselves and the lost value for what they have

The reason why Nnamdi Kanu is fighting for Biafra Land is not for his family members alone but for all IPOB "NDI IGBO" entirely to have their undeniable freedom and restore the lost beauty and dignity of the land of Biafra

For how long shall we continue to allow this evil to keep on running freely in Africa, We are being deceived,We are being used and We are being manipulated by our colonial masters.

Biafra will enlighten you more on these basics, Biafra will be the only calvary for the return of the originality the dignity and the beauty of Africa.

Biafra will free Africa from her bondage, Biafra has given Africa the avenue to breakthrough but it's unfortunate that most of us are yet to see it even now that is in front of everyone but our callousness won't allow us see it.