
Afitera: Age of Darkness

He was treated like a pig by everyone else, he earned life with no joy at all. In all of his years of living in the world, he never received sympathy or the feeling of a human who was held deep in affection by anyone. 

Gi_Nicole · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Fading Light 1.1

The sun begins to arise on the horizon; its warm light shines upon the sky and on the whole world. The light of the sun stream on the glass window of a room with the broken wooden ground.

A young man is laying on a bed near the glass window. His eyes begin to move as they unseal themselves, hence he arises and lifts his hand to his forehead; wiping the fluids on his forehead.

He moves his eyes to the glass window and sees the cracks in it. 

"I wonder," he stands up, "what's the view from that window?"

The wooden door falls, and the boy turns around and sees multiple pieces of the wooden door scattered all over the ground.

He bows down. "Good morning, Padre-!"

A wooden broom hits his head and his whole body trembles with a sudden convulsive movement and his eyes widen. 

The middle-aged man standing at the entrance, yells, "I am not fond of greetings especially if it was from you! You don't deserve this room and shouldn't be considered a human being because you belong to live in the sewers like a rat!"

The middle-aged man steps toward Afitera while yelling, "Now! Be-!"

"Continue treating my friend as trash," a young woman speaks, "then this city will lose one of its investors, Ferdinand."

"That voice!" the middle-aged man turned around.

His eyes begin to narrow at her and he coughs. "Lumina, do you think that your father will listen to you? Without your surname, I am aware that I can also treat you like what I am doing with Afitera."

Lumina moves her eyes aside from him, and she sees Afitera still bowing his head. The corners of her red lip begin to curve upward revealing her white teeth.

Lumina then moves her eyes back to the eyes of Ferdinand. "Are you not aware of the investors who have a resentment to the likes of you?"

Ferdinand's eyebrows arise as he utters a short soft laugh, and bends his body as his eyes go closer to her face. 

He whispers, "Is that all you can do, child? Using those investors with resentment towards me?"

"I maybe am a child," she looks directly into his eyes, "but be knowledgeable that 'what treatment you did to a child, he or she will never fail to give you back the treatment that you have given them."

"Foolish child!" Ferdinand glares at her, "remember this moment!"

He steps aside and begins to walk at a fast rate whilst Lumina remains staring at him with a smirk on her lip.

"Lumina?" Afitera said.

Lumina turns around and sees Afitera staring at her with raised brows.

"Good morning, Afi!" she smiled widely.

At a narrow pathway with few people; stalls, and carriage being pulled by horses, Afitera and Lumina are ambling along with them.

"Wait, where are we going?" Aftera moves his eyes everywhere, "does your father know about this? I'm worried that you might be put at risk if you'll continue to tag with me."

Lumina looks directly into his eyes. "Don't act like a girl. He will never know and remember that we're wearing a face mask!"

She moves her eyes from his head to his toe. "You look like a different person when you're wearing that, Afi! You look gorgeous and you take my breath away."

"Enough with the sweet lines," Afitera inhales deeply then he chuckles, "but I do like sweet lines if they come from you, Lumina."

Her cheeks begin to flush as she holds it with her hands while her eyes are widening, and her breathing is going faster.

"Why am I like this?!" she asked herself.

A hand wraps around her waist, and she looks at the hand. She moves her eyes upward and witnesses the eyes of Afitera looking in a certain direction. 

Afitera jumped while embracing her waist as a carriage crashed on the ground beside them.

He and Lumina arise from the ground. Afitera looks right into her eyes. "Are you okay?"

She nods her head and moves her eyes toward the carriage. "What happened?"

"I do not know." Afitera moved at full speed toward the carriage.

Lumina shakes her head and moves toward Afitera. Her eyes narrow as her brows knit.

"I cannot comprehend the justification of you running towards the carriage," she told him.

Her eyes remain on him while they move towards the carriage, and then her eyes are broadening as Afitera's eyes are becoming small.

"My body just moved on its own," Afitera ceases his movement, "some people do say that this instinct of mine is eerie."

"Afi…" she spoke in a low, distinct manner.

She stands on her ground while her eyes are observing Afitera's action; he's opening the wooden door while everyone's eyes are darting at him.

Lumina moves her eyes downward and shakes her head. She moves her eyes up and yells, "Are you all just going to stand there?! Or are you all going to make me move and call the officials?!"

The people near Lumina begin to scramble towards Afitera. The young man moves his eyes from left to right. "They're aiding me as if I'm part of this village!"

The individuals are lifting the large pieces of carriage from the road, and some are helping the horses. 

Lumina's eyes are fixated on the young man while she's resting her back on a wall.

"He's kind," she moves her eyes toward Afitera, "but that won't help him."

Meanwhile, Afitera has a smile on his face while cooperating with other people. They are lifting and passing pieces of carriage to each other.

"This feeling," he sniffs, "I have never anticipated that I would feel this feeling someday."

He says, "The feeling of other people who are not afraid to interact with me."


The corners of his lip curve upward. "This feeling, is this what they call a human life? If human life is like this then I want to feel this every day."

Afitera's eyes widened all of a sudden. He turns everywhere as his whole body is shaking.

"What is this?" he asked.

Lumina jumps toward Afitera and she lands beside him. She raises her hand and puts it on his back and Afitera looks aside and he sees Lumina's mug.

"I kinda feel odd," Afitera touched his neck.

Lumina moves her eyes toward his neck and sees a white cross on it. Her eyes start to expand as she moves her hand away from his back.

"Lumina?" Afitera turned toward her.

Lumina's whole body is shaking involuntarily with quick, short motions. Her knees fall on the ground whilst Afitera crouch in front of her

He extends his hand toward her shoulder but Lumina slaps his hand. An explosion occurs in their position and both of them fly out from the fading smoke as people around them are running away.

Afitera hits the ground whilst Lumina crashes inward the wall of a wooden building.

Lumina opens her eyes and moves them everywhere only to see the light from outside streaming through the large hole in front of her.

"Who caused that explosion?" she stands up and runs toward the large hole, "I will beat you!"

She jumps out from the hole and lands on the ground. She moves her eyes upward and it narrows as her brows are knitting while her hands are clenching.

"BENE!" she roared.

Above a structure, Afitera is unconsciously laying on the roof as Bene is floating before him.

"I have told you," Bene raises his hand and points his finger at Lumina, "to give up your superiority for the will of your clan. Instead of giving up, you strive to hurt my head, Lumina."

"If I have pissed you, then it is my honor," she inhales deeply through her nose, "but to hurt the one that I adore will cause you to achieve your eternal freedom."

"Freedom of what?" Bene descends and begins to utter waves of heartful laughs, "what freedom can you give me in your present form?"

Forces of wind are emerging bit by bit from her exposed skin. She moves her eyes upward and stares directly into Bene's eyes. "I will give you the freedom to join your vulnerable, shameful clan in the afterlife."

"Then, let us see," Bene spoke.

Presently, inside a forest, a woman is on her knees while inhaling and exhaling. A young man who's floating above the carriage begins to descend toward it.

He holds the roof of the carriage and throws it toward the young woman. She jumps and flies avoiding the carriage, and then the young man flies toward her.

The young man is holding her neck while flying forward. She's slapping his hand while coughing, and so the man throws her on multiple trees.

"Defending that boy is meaningless!" he lowers his hand, pointing his finger in a certain direction, "I can't comprehend why you care about that pest!"

Multiple trees with broken bodies and branches are scattered on the soil, hence a hand emerges from the group of broken branches.

Fire suddenly appears on the branches and it continues to grow into a huge force of flame.

The flames burst and embers spread throughout the whole forest; burning the trees as the creatures were running from the forest.

"Really?" Bene grimaces at the ground, "you are a mindless brat if you think this will work on the likes of me!"

Lumina suddenly appears in front of his eyes and Bene's eyes are widening.

"My throat is burning," he said.

Lumina's skin is reddening as flaming wings emerge from her back. She grabs his face and pulls him closer to her body, furthermore, she throws multiple punches and kicks at his abdomen.

She throws him toward the group of burning trees, and he crashes into multiple burning broken trees. He arises and begins to crack his knuckles.

"You've caused your peril," Bene utters a soft laugh, "I wasn't known by many if it wasn't for my power."

Red energy appears around his whole figure, and its force spreads everywhere; clearing most of the flames.

Bene crouches and so he jumps and proceeds to fly towards Lumina. She flies toward him and both exchange fast punches and thrusts of feet.

Lumina kicks Bene yet her foot was caught by him. Bene bends her foot and he throws her toward the burnt soil.

Lumina lands on the ground in a crouching position. She looks upward and stands on her feet, and she immediately jumps forward as Bene lands on where she stood.

She turns around and raises her hands but she gets hit by multiple large flaming spheres.

The flames split in half as Lumina is ambling forward with her narrow eyes fixated on Bene.

"That was a fatuous act," Lumina spoke.

Bene tells her. "I never knew that you would be able to withstand the intensity of my flame."

"But what if?" the corners of his lip are curving upwards as his brows are arising, "I use this technique upon you?"

Scarlet flames appear around Bene's hands. From there, he sprints forward whilst Lumina closes her eyes.

"What is his ability?" Lumina draws in her breath through her nose, "how will I-!"

She opens her eyes and immediately thrusts her clenching hand, and it strikes against Bene's scarlet flaming fist; releasing a force of the wind, red and scarlet flames capable of causing cracks in the ground around them.

Bene says, "That night, I felt a mystical pressure amongst the crowd who were beating your dearest friend. The mystical pressure that I felt was from you, right?"

Her iris turns smaller. Red flames appear around her hand, and she continues to thrusts it until her punch propels Bene far away into the group of burnt trees.

Her thighs begin to shake involuntarily, and her knees are bending. She moves her hand towards her waist and coughs strains of blood.

Meanwhile, on a roof inside a village, a young man wearing a face mask stands up from the roof and walks toward the edge of the roof.

"Lumina?" he said.

Hence, he jumps and lands on the ground; almost stumbling on his butt. He moves his eyes everywhere and sees nobody around.

He moves his hand towards his hair and rubs it. "Where are they? And where did she go?"



The voice continues to speak and so he turns everywhere as his eyes are broadened. 

Afitera speaks, "Who are you?"

"It is me, Lumina!" the voice speaks once again, "we are communicating via our mind. I don't have any strength to continue, and this might be my last request."

Afitera's brows are knitting as his eyes are narrowing. "But we're friends! Friends will never abandon each other and will stay together even in difficult times!"

Lumina chuckles. "I… sorry, Afi."

Afitera falls to his knees while listening to her next words, he lifts his hands and holds his cheek while he looks down and releases waves of his scream.

"LUMINA! NO!" Afitera roared.