
A New Energy

Sarada watched Aeon for an hour before going to finish her mountain sized sculpture. A day passed and Aeon was still not done and his injuries were getting worse, so Sarada force fed him a few senzu beans.

With Aeon's Injuries healed she left him alone to do her own things. A few more days passed peacefully when Aeon finally opened his eyes, he got up and went to a nearby lake and started gulping the water.

While he was drinking Sarada came over and asked, "You took a long time, could it be that you discovered something?"

Separating from the lake Aeon replied, "Yes" before he went back to drinking from the lake. Sarada was surprised, "Was it a way to change back into Human form?" she questioned.

"I will tell you about it later, for now, let me relax." Aeon replied impatiently. "Fine, I'll wait", Sarada said begrudgingly while crossing her arms and walking away. After Sarada left, Aeon sat down and began to meditate.

'Currently I have three energies Ki, Magic Energy and this new Celestial Energy. So far I can increase Ki and Magic Energy by practicing but Celestial Energy I can only obtain from Celestial Bodies. How am I going to explain Celestial energies to Sarada so that she could understand.' Aeon thought as he scratched his head.

He sat their for an hour trying to figure out how to explain Celestial Energy simply, but soon gave up and decided to test out what he could do with it.

Aeon started off trying to Manipulate Celestial Energy through his body, it was a slow process since he has no experience with it but with the Saiyan talents for manipulating energy he gradually became better.

After gaining a basic manipulation Aeon tried to draw it outside his body, but once it left his body Aeon would lose control of it as it dissipates.

Seeing that he would make no progress Aeon tried to see if he could use Celestial Energy to control the Oozaru transformation.

First he drew some Celestial Energy to his tail and slowly studied the reaction his tail had to it. Finding nothing the first few times Aeon then began to use all three energies to probe his tail. After spending half a day studying his tail and only discovered that their are some special glands in the tail that produce and release a substance that he believed to be the cause of the transformation.

Although he found the cause of the transformation but that doesn't mean he knows how to stop it. While he was trying to interact with the glands his stomach rumbled, Aeon stopped what he was doing and ate a senzu bean.

After his energy returned Aeon got up and went over to Sarada. Sarada was laying in the grass when a shadow came over her, feeling the sunlight disappear, she opened her eyes and saw Aeon standing over her.

Aeon looked down at her for a second before laying down next to her. They laid their staring at the sky, after a few minutes Sarada asked, "Are you ready to tell me what you discovered?"

"Yeah" Aeon replied and they both began to sit across from each other.

Aeon concentrated and moved the Celestial Energy to cover his body, causing him to glow a bit.

"When we refined the cores of celestial bodies, we obtain a new energy I call Celestial Energy. Like Li Celestial energy is located in the center of the body, but it is hard to detect its presence. It starts to dissipate when it leaves the body, but if you use ir to cover the body the loss is minimum.

Celestial Energy does replenish itself after use so don't worry about losing it. So far the only way to increase the amount is by refining celestial bodies."

After speaking Aeon held out his hand, Sarada understanding what he meant and grabbed it. Aeon then began to try and transfer his Celestial Energy to Sarada, the energy began shrouded her body as well.

He continue this process until he ran out of Celestial Energy, "I can faintly detect its presence but that's about it." Sarada said after she stopped receiving Celestial Energy.

"That's good, since you can feel it then I could lead you to your Celestial Energy later." Aeon encouraged her with a smile.

After that they took a nap and when they woke up it was night, they both ate a senzu bean to fill their stomachs. They sat across from each other and held hands as Aeon used his Celestial Energy to guide Sarada to hers.

The next few hours were spent on Sarada learning how to use Celestial Energy. Once she learned the basic they continued the plan to devour moons. Since they had Celestial Energy, they began to use it instead of Ki to refine the moon cores.

The results were better and more efficient than when they used Ki, they ran into a problem with the moon core sizes being bigger. They solved it by shrinking it with magic but soo even that didn't solve the problem.

They later solved the problem by breaking off pieces of the core to refining. Because they had to refine piece by piece it ended up taking three months before they were nearly done with 5 moons remaining.

"Lets stop refining moons for now and worry about trying to turn back into human form" Aeon suggested since they were almost done.

Sarada agreed and went to find a spot to meditate. "Wait let me at least tell you what I have discovered so far." Aeon said.

After telling Sarada about what he discovered, they began to look for ways to change back. Almost 2 months have passed since then and they finally found out how to remove the transformation, Sarada discovered that Celestial Energy can be used to stop the glands from producing the substances causing the transformation to cancel.

Finally back into human form Aeon said, "For the remaining moons we will take one of the cores for a special project while leaving the remaining four alone. Another thing is that we have to destroy the moon that no longer have a core."