
-Chapter 60-

-Chapter 60-

-The next day-

-21st day of the 2nd moon of the year 299 AC-

-3rd POV-

Early in the training yard, Prince Viserys in leather armor began his combat training with Bronn, a training to learn how to defend himself as well as to master the dirty little unchivalrous tricks that could save his life in a battle.

As Bronn knocked the young boiling prince to the dust for the umpteenth time, a mocking laughter echoed through the training yard.

The Prince fell face to face with the other Prince Targaryen and he said, "Dear nephew, have you already grown tired of your Dornish whores to come see me being mistreated by dear Bronn?"

"For your information my cousins are not whores they are part of my family, but I don't blame you because it's probably a complicated concept to imagine for someone stupid enough to sell his sister as a broodmare to a Khal Dothraki," said Prince Aegon.

"I think you are expected elsewhere, Prince Aegon," said Bronn, trying to extinguish the fire that threatened to rage.

Prince Aegon turned to leave but just at that moment Viserys charged at Aegon trying to hit him with his blunted sword on the head, Aegon seeing the blow coming sidestepped his uncle's path and quickly punched him which sent him sprawling on the ground stunned by the blow.

"HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR HAND ON ME," yelled Viserys furiously as he regained consciousness.

Bronn intervened by slightly drawing his dagger, and Prince Aegon smiled saying, "Draw and I will have your head, regardless of what your master thinks I remain a Prince of House Targaryen, I am his brother and my honor cannot be insulted by a mere commoner like you."

"I know well but the King has entrusted me with the task of protecting Prince Viserys and teaching him how to fight," said Bronn without backing down from Prince Aegon.

Aegon smiled mockingly and turned away while saying, "I did not come with malicious intent, but let me tell you something my uncle, you are nothing more than the attack dog that my brother trains to fight his battles in his stead, once he gets married which will happen very soon your title of Crown Prince will be taken from you."


Aegon's eyes lit up with a flame full of hatred and before he could say anything a hand was placed on his shoulder, Jon Connington arrived to prevent Aegon from responding and said:

"If you're not careful it will happen to you too, you are just a puppet otherwise you would have been invited to the meeting that the King held all his generals were there."

Connington after planting the small seed took Aegon with him and left immediately after not wanting this little skirmish to escalate into a more serious confrontation.


Like every morning since the beginning of this year, I sat on the terrace of my room and observed the capital of my kingdom.

I loved seeing my city from this position because it changed every day and with my enhanced sight I could distinguish the progress of the construction sites as well as the sanitation of my city it gave me the impression of being a god walking among mortals.

As I was enjoying this view, someone knocked on my door.

"Enter," I said.

Jaime entered and said, "Chataya has arrived."

"Let her in."

A few moments later my door opened and a woman entered, a beautiful woman from the Summer Islands, she bowed and said:

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Grace."

"I know, everyone tells me the same thing," I said in a light tone.

I noticed the tense look she threw at my dragon but I reassured her by saying, "Don't worry he doesn't bite, at least not women as pretty as you."

She smiled and we exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes before she said:

"Do you want me to send you girls?"

"Oh no, not at all, I asked you to come here in order to…"

"LET ME IN I DEMAND TO SEE MY NEPHEW," yelled Viserys outside probably stopped by Jaime.

"Let him in," I said, raising my voice so they could hear me.

Almost instantly the door burst open and an infuriated Viserys entered and said:

"How dare you organize a council of war without me, I am the Crown Prince and I MUST be consulted and informed about everything that happens, you cannot exclude me as if I were a mere minor lord at your court...AND WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M EDUCATING MY NEPHEW ON MATTERS THAT ARE BEYOND YOU?"

Chataya looked at me and I said, "Wait for me outside, we will discuss our matter once I have finished my discussion with my uncle."

She stood up and bowed before quickly exiting not wanting to be caught in the crossfire.

Once she was gone, I silently gestured with my hand towards the chair for him to take a seat which he eventually did and then I said, "Dear uncle, first of all, I would like to apologize..."

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