
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · อื่นๆ
345 Chs

Angel's Past's

"Haaaah... Haaah..."


"Lord... Master.... Hah..."

Three female forms could be seen on the ground just outside of the hotel room, two with a mature and voluptuous body and one with the body of a child, yet not act like a child as all three of them now laid powerlessly on the ground with their hands on their private parts and their laces or panties completely wet as all three of them breathed heavily after coming from a climax...

"How... How did our mission to make sure... That master is alright with... Us masturbating just outside of his room where he now claimed his sister?"

Kalawarner asked not two of her, brethren? Or friends, still her question was one that runs through all of their heads, especially Mittelt who wished she could just go in and join them, just because she had petite and innocent body didn't mean she was not pervert, no all three of them knew that when it came to perversion, then Mittelt won be a long mile...

"I... Don't know... That said... I wish it was me..."

Raynare said as she herself held no small amount of worship for their new lord who she wished would claim her and make her his, even if she was just plaything for him, Raynare was not sure if she minded, not with the emotions she held for her lord just now...


Mittelt giggled as she licked her fingers that were wet from her juices, making the other two females look at her.

"What's so funny?"

Raynare asked.

"...You know, from the moment we had this?"

Mittelt pointed on their wings that materialized after they climaxed as they lost control of their magic and bodies, showing their supernatural status.

"We didn't use our new powers outside of making coffee for the lord, not that I mind, serving lord is pleasure in itself... But our first independent action after gaining new lord was to ward off others from this corridor so that we could masturbate and voyeur our lord when he has sex!"

Mittelt said with a giggle, making both Raynare's and Kalawarner's eyes open wide as they realized that she had truth...

"Our first action... Outside of lords wish... Is this?"

Raynare asked herself as she didn't know if she paled or became redder from the realization...

"Well... At least we cant fall again..."

Kalawarner said as she lovingly looked at her new white wings with blue ends, that even after such perverted action stayed the same, showing the clear disparity between their late and new lord, Kalawaner still remembered the reason she fell, how could she forget her mistake?

At that time, Kalawarner was nothing more than a naive and innocent angel, and naive girl that came to love a mortal man who was already married, who promised her heaven on earth, just for him to run away after Kalawarner was defiled by him and falling from the heavens themselves for him, no need to say that experience made Kalawarner very bitter for a long time, but as every fallen even she came to accept her fate and as if to spite herself or god who let her fall, Kalawaner for centuries started to spite human males by seducing them and destroying their lives by sleeping with them and letting their families see just how depraved they truly are...

That said, after so many years, it came as second nature to Kalawarner to seduce any man that caught her fancy, most often, it were mostly men who were family-driven and were husbands or fathers, just to destroy them as they destroyed her....

Yes, Kalawarner knew now knew that it wasn't their fault, and somehow deep down regretted all wrongs she did to these innocent humans and their families, but at that time, all Kalawaner saw in these humans was the face of the man who seduced her and left her after taking away everything from her, her white wings, her innocence, her naivety that Kalawaner dearly missed...

Kalawarner shook her head, that was a past, now she had a new lord, a new goal, a new mission, and for the first time in centuries after falling down, Kalawner finally felt... Clean...

As Kalawarner had her episode, Raynare too looked on her wings, feeling the holiness, the safety... The promise of protection, of acceptance...

Raynare didn't know when at last time she felt such a thing, no, deep down, Raynare knew when, it was before she chose to follow her one-sided love and fall with Azazel who never saw her as anything more than one of many he slept with, it was...

It was heartbreaking when Raynare realized that the man she fell with, or rather for, didn't see her similarly, not even close, at that time, Raynare was in love, in love with Azazel, so much that she willingly fell just to be with him, just in later years Raynare realized that even if she slept with him, for Azazel she was nothing more than just one of many others, the man didn't even care to remember her name, something that hurt Raynare more than she wished to admit...

For years, no a centuries, Raynare tried to earn his favor, even if deep down Raynare knew she was continuing in doing it in the false promise that all the reason she fell from heaven was not a mistake, that she wasn't as stupid as she knew she was but was too afraid of acknowledging it...

So all the pain, all the regret was bottled up in Raynare who truly wished to make the man she gave up everything for love her, so she could look at last say...

It was not a mistake...

That was all Raynare wished for, but fate was a strange thing, and when one door closed, another opened...

Raynare looked lovingly at her wings, the pristine wings that for centuries were nothing more than a mark of shame with their blackened feathers, now radiated holiness that was almost blinding, Raynare traced her wet fingers along with her wings as she sighed when not even her juices left a mark on their pristine form, smiling Raynare looked at the door where her new lord was...

Somehow deep down, Raynare knew that this one, this time the man she served now for, was nothing like others, and deep down, Raynare knew that all she needed was to ask and then bask in love and acceptance she for centuries wished for...

Raynare smiled as she felt at peace, even if her lord slept with another woman just a door away, Raynare didn't feel the pang jealousy she felt when Azazel fooled around, no...

This time Raynare somehow knew that no matter how many women her new lord has, or will have, she would always have a place in his heart, and that...

That was all Raynare wished for...

Mittelt looked at her two... Coworkers? She still wouldn't call them friends, having a friend in Grigory was... Not a good idea, not when all knew that they had all fallen down because of something, backstabbing was something common in Grigory, no matter what nonsense about fellowship they spouted to their enemies, no all knew that Grigori held just because they had no other place to go...

Mittelt herself didn't know, or truly cared, she was...

Damaged? That was a strong word, no, Mittelt had a long time to come accept her new life, or rather the loss of her last life when she has fallen from heavens for something that was not her fault, at least partially, that was the beauty of time, time made you think, and Mittelt had a lot of time to think, and knew that she could do other things that wouldn't make her fall...

Still, at that time, Mittelt was... Child, and not just because she was created with child body, something that always made her somehow bitter, annoyed, or outright jealous...

No, Mittelt knew that even she had a choice, but at that time, she didn't know or was too messed up to think of another way...

And who knew that God was such a prick to cast her down after being raped and killing her rapist in a fit of rage...

Yes, Mittelt knew, at least now that she could easily run, to put that pig in the form of man to sleep and just walk out, but at that time, she was just a child, an innocent, stupid, stupid child that let herself to by raped even if she had the power to make that man into the red mist...

And wasn't that how all angels fell? God made them so innocent, so naive, just for him to throw them into this filthy world where they would be tempted and challenged on every fucking step...

Mittelt knew, knew there were other ways, but...

She didn't regret killing that man or these others that followed in Mittelt's centuries-old game of finding other pedophiles and putting them out of their misery by killing every last of them...

What Mittelt regretted was the innocence she lost or every time she saw the pedophiles victims that had the same look in their eyes she herself had when she realized that being raped was sin enough to fall from heaven...

Mittelt looked at her new wings as she felt a pang of something, and even if Mittelt knew that she wouldn't ever forget that time, or her centuries of experience, Mittelt was...

Was glad that she regained some of that innocence she once had, Mittelt felt a truly, truly glad...

So glad that she didn't even realize that her face was wet from tears as she kept looking on her wings that even if bring painful memories now made her once again feel whole...

The three females didn't even know that morning came, as they fell asleep on the ground or the fact that Neo walked through them to her room...

Or that fact that their lord, Aegis, brought one after another in a princess carry to now magically clean bed even if not even hours ago it was wet from all the sex juices...

Or the fact that when Aegis was about to leave, they whimpered with Raynare, who was last to be brought into bed, holding on his hand...

All they knew after hours of sleep was that they awakened with shock as they realized that they slept around their lord, who was looking at them amusedly as Raynare had his right and Kalawarner his left hands between their breasts, cuddling it with love, or that Mittelt slept on their lord's body with thumb in her mouth...

"Did you have pleasant dreams?"

Aegis asked as he saw their faces going red...


*Author note*

Pics in comments!

Just some insight into their minds, showing that because they all have their pasts. :P

You can support me with your STONES :P

Btw it's nightmare to find somehow non-crazy or sexy pics of these three...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts