
Adventures with Von

Von, a 16 year-old runaway royalty, travels around the world with only her trusted sword, short dagger, and a horse that could transform into human named Eli, accompanying her. Join Von's adventure as she unravels the secrets of the other countries, provinces or villages.

ZelkyieAnn · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Together, We Walk - II


(Part II)

A silhouette of a man running could be seen under the moonlight. The man jump on top of the rooftops. With this, it was easier for him to outrun the knights who was after him. When he found a narrow street, he went down there to hide. He stop for a minute to catch some air.

A smile drew to his face. "Mission completed." He whispered.

He first surveyed the area to check if there's still some knights who's after him. It is to be sure if it'll be safe for him to go where he left Beatrice, a friend of his, earlier.

"With this, the plan to escape this place tomorrow should somehow workout." the man thought to himself.

When the man returned to their base, he was immediately welcomed with Beatrice's embrace.

"Kurt... I thought they already caught you" the young lady worriedly said, almost wanted to cry.

"They won't be able to do that, Beatrice. I'm the most skilled assassin, after all" Kurt proudly said to reassure Beatrice. With that, Beatrice somehow calmed down.

"Hmm! You're right! I believe in Kurt" she agreed. Kurt smiled with her response. It also makes Kurt feel relief just by knowing that someone trust him.

But Kurt didn't waste any more time. He quickly asked Beatrice, "Is everyone ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes. Although some of them was against the idea since they know that it's impossible to run away" Beatrice reported.

"I see. Who were they? We can't let them live or else we'll be the one who's gonna get in trouble. They might spill some of our plans to the knight, whether it is accidentally or willingly"

Even though Beatrice is against to Kurt's idea about killing the people who won't join them in their escape, she still doesn't have any choice but to follow his orders and told him who they were. He is right anyway. If they let them be, their plan will go to waste.

All they want is to live peacefully without being chased by the guards or knights. They want to change and give themselves a second chance. They want to prove themselves that even though they were been forced to be trained as a thief, murderer or as an assassin, they too can change. They, too, could live as a normal being.

But everyone was against it. Everyone could only see their mistakes and flaws. All of them believe that a person like them doesn't deserve a second chance.

That is why they decided to escape from the fate that the world decided for them and live in a far away place to start anew.

Beatrice and Kurt is an orphan who was trained to become an assassin, while the others was to become a thief. The young and naive Beatrice and Kurt believed that was the only way to live.

One day, an adventurer once saved their lives when they are on the verge of getting caught. The adventurer then said something along this line,

"You guys are wasting your youthful life from doing something utterly stupid. The world is so colorful and yet you guys are tainting it into black. It's like the only color you know is nothing but grey and black. Hmm, but… grey is not a bad color. Black is also a good color to be honest. It makes an art more interesting. Well, I can't blame you if this kind of things are what makes your blood boils. Just a piece of an advice though, try to use or look for a different color sometimes. There might be a color you'd get fond of. There are a lot of different colors, after all. "


Morning came.

Just like how Kurt and the others planned, the palace got caught in a fire. It caused panic to many, and this was their chance to escape.

Thus, they successfully escaped accordingly to their plan.

They stayed at a place where most wild animals and magical creatures are. It was obvious that the place was not safe, even so they know that it was safer than staying at a place where people always chase after them to kill them or to arrest them.

Since they have been trained it was only a piece of cake for them to kill the wild animals and the other magical creatures. Few months later, the wild animals and magical creatures learned that they shouldn't come near them anymore.

However, while they were building their own village, Kurt heard a news wherein a noble was looking after them. He thought to be a bait for the people on their new village.

"Beatrice, you take in charge of the village. Keep everyone safe" Kurt said.

"What are you planning, Kurt?" Beatrice asked but Kurt just smiled as a reply. Kurt put his hand on top of her heard and gently patted it.

"I'll come back", that was his last words before he left the village.

Kurt meet up with the noble that was looking for them. At that time, he was ready to die. But he didn't expect that the Baron would ask for their goal and what their reason was. The Baron patiently listened to his explanation.

Just as he expected, the Baron didn't immediately believed him. The Baron didn't even pity their situation. The Baron believed that they shouldn't be forgiven just like that. Kurt and the others did killed a lot of innocent people after all, even Kurt understood that. But his defense was all of that was because someone ordered them to and that was their only way to live.

Nevertheless, even if the Baron didn't trust them he was still thankful since one person listened to their story.

When Kurt finished explaining, he readied himself again to get killed. But, once again, he was surprise when the Baron gave Kurt an another chance.

"Let me offer you something," the Baron said in a serious and business-like voice. "I've heard your name before and you are quite famous for being a skilled assassin. So, I want you to become my personal assassin. I want you to help me kill someone. In return, I'd somehow give you some help to buy some time for your friends"

Kurt got stunned with the Baron's suggestion. When he heard this, Kurt immediately knew that the Baron was like them. He also got a clue who the Baron want for him to kill, it's an another noble like the Baron. The Baron clearly desire for a higher title and position.

Even when there's a murder involve, Kurt readily agreed. If its for his friend's safety and new life, then it's fine. How hard would it be to kill a single noble?


Years have already passed, but Kurt haven't even returned yet. The village is safe and it was all because of everyone's effort. Everyone is giving their best to protect the village and they are also trying their best to change.

Even though they were not related through blood, they could say that they treat each other as family. It was because of everything they've been through. They were there for each other during their painful times, their darker side, and even now when they're building a good memories as they live as a normal human being.

Then, one day...

Kurt finally returned to the village.

He realized what that adventurer meant after seeing the village. So, this is what it means by looking for a different color.

"You guys changed a lot while I was out there killing nobles" Kurt bitterly said.

Beatrice smiled at Kurt, "It was you, who make this possible for us. It's not too late, Kurt. We are here to help you as you help us before"

When Beatrice said that, Kurt can't help himself but to smile. "Together, we will walk to the path that all of us decided to take" said by one for their companion. Everyone agreed.


Von was leaning against the wall that was beside on the slightly opened door. It was enough for her to hear the voices of the old woman and her other companions. Von didn't heard the first part when Kurt started to tell all his experiences before, but she did heard all the important parts about the village that he made.

"He's the famous assassin who killed Baron Gian, huh?" Von whispered to herself. She stood up straight then smiled at what she learned.

Von pretended that she didn't heard that part. Their resolve to change is something that Von won't interfere. Besides, Von already decided to leave her noble rank thus she have no rights to even arrest the people in this village.

Although the village is apparently the place of a trained criminals, with Von strength she could defeat all of them but she won't.

Besides, Kurt helped the royal family to get rid of Baron Gian who actually raised his rank into a Viscount. A lot of nobles hates the guts of Gian. Even, Von hates him. He is someone who doesn't deserve a title. He is the type of person who is a lowest among the lowest.

Also, Gian is actually the Baron who hired Kurt. That is why Von was surprised that Kurt betrayed his employer even though Kurt already killed a lot of nobles.


Von thanked Beatrice and the others, before they left the village. Eli didn't bother to wonder nor ask why Von want to leave that place quickly. The fact that the second prince is here does not change after all.

"That village has a nice history and it's actually a good place" Von honestly commented.

Eli smiled at what Von said. "So, where are we going?"

Von chuckled at Eli's question when there is only one answer, "Wherever the road leads us".