
Adventures with Von

Von, a 16 year-old runaway royalty, travels around the world with only her trusted sword, short dagger, and a horse that could transform into human named Eli, accompanying her. Join Von's adventure as she unravels the secrets of the other countries, provinces or villages.

ZelkyieAnn · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Country of Deaf - I


(Part I)

Esperanza went inside the study room to meet Duke Klein. He bowed to show his respect.

"You were looking for me, Your Grace?" Esperanza asked.

Duke Klein laughed before he drank his wine. "No need to be formal, Esperanza"

Esperanza hold himself from glaring at Duke Klein when he looked at him. He forced himself to calm down and reminded himself that Duke Klein hold higher position than him.

'But someone like him doesn't even deserve some respect!' Esperanza thought to himself as he stared at Duke Klein.

He forced to smile as he said, "How may I help you?"

"You're a wise man, Esperanza. You are respected by everyone around the kingdom of Hesperia--no, even outside of Hesperia." Duke Klein said.

"What are you trying to say?"

The Duke face became solemn as he gave his warning, "So, you should know when to shut your mouth"

That is when Esperanza finally learned why the Duke summoned him. It looks like the Duke knows that Esperanza finally heard about the issues going around the dukedom.

"Your Grace, are you threatening me?" Esperanza politely asked but at the same time his tone sounded quite menacing.

The Duke didn't gave him any answer. He just sipped his wine as if what Esperanza said haven't been heard.

When it looked like there was no room for any conversation anymore, Esperanza turned around and went straight to the door. Just before he went outside the room, Esperanza stopped and said : "As you try ignore their screams, they too will ignore yours"

Right after Esperanza closed the door, Duke Klein clenched his fist in annoyance. "Tsk! Stupid, commoners!"


Esperanza bumped into a group of women who was waiting outside the residence of the Duke.

"Sir Esperanza, are you alright? What happened?" One woman worriedly asked.

Esperanza gave them a reassuring smile to tell them that he was fine. But his smile didn't last when he saw a kid who was about 12 years old was also one of the people of waited for him. He pity the child.

Esperanza stared at them for a while before he sighed. The women waited on what he was about to say.

"He could hear your voices," Esperanza said. The eyes of the women became livelier when they heard this. But everyone got confused when Esperanza suddenly shook his head. Esperanza continued, "But he decided to ignore them."

"We know... We've been asking for help for years, but no one listens" The leader, Candy, bitterly said when all hopes escaped after what Esperanza said.

Esperanza turned to look at the window where Duke Klein's office at. He noticed that the Duke was also looking at them.

"It's because your Duke is one of them..." are the words that Esperanza can't utter nor confessed to the women.

"We are deeply sorry Sir Esperanza that you were caught into this mess. We know that you were only trying to visit the place but you got involved into our matters" Candy asked for forgiveness.

Esperanza shook his head, "It's okay, no worries. Thank you for being brave to tell me what you've been through"


Esperanza was roaming around the area as he thinks hard on how he could help the ladies.

"Why are you thinking so hard, Espe? It's not like those ladies are your family or friends" Tak asked, a sniper owned by Esperanza that could change its form into a different weapon.

"But they don't deserve that treatment. No one does..." Esperanza whispered.

"I don't understand since I'm a weapon" Tak admitted. Esperanza can't help but to helplessly smile at its remark.

"It's like this, Tak. What if I removed a special part of you without your permission? And this special part of you is your most precious treasure"

Tak became more confused.

"That's what happened to them, Tak. It's hard to explain since you're not a human." Esperanza continued.

Silence surrounded them for a second.

"I think that's just sad. To remove something out of me without my consent" Tak sadly said after gathering its thoughts.

"Will you do that to me, Espe?" Tak asked.

Esperanza laughed at Tak as if he said something so ridiculous. "I will never do that to my buddy, stupid"

Their conversation come to an halt when their eyes saw the figure of Von together with an unfamiliar horse, that is not that far from them. Tak and Esperanza was shocked to see them, and that goes the same for Von.

Von smiled at Esperanza as she greeted him, "It's been a while, Esperanza"

Esperanza hurriedly knelt down in front of Von. "Your Highness" he politely greeted.

Von's eyes went wide when Esperanza suddenly went on his knees. They've also caught the attention of the other people due to his action.

"Stand up! What are you doing?!" Von ordered in panic. Esperanza was confused but he still obeyed.

Von sighed in relief when Esperanza finally stood up.

"What are you doing in here, Your Highness?" Esperanza asked.

Von puts her right hand on her waist while looking around, "Nothing, just wandering around"

Esperanza chuckled, "Yeah. I could see that"

Von just smiled when she noticed Esperanza's reaction. "My brother asked you to look for me, isn't?" Von guessed.

Esperanza nodded. "Yes. The 3rd Prince asked me to look for you as I travel around. But he didn't specifically told me to bring you back to the castle"

"Of course, they won't. They are too busy on fighting for the crown" Von blankly said while looking at a different direction.

Esperanza got curious on what Von was looking at, so he also turned his head to that direction. Von was looking at the group of men.

Esperanza heard how Von disappointingly sighed. "What an awful place, this is"

Esperanza got startled when he heard this. He asked in surprise, "Have you heard something?"

Von frowned in puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

"I thought you also heard about the... no, never mind." Esperanza shook his head after he hesitated.

Von got more curious but she just let it be. She didn't tried to ask any further. Instead, she asked for a favor.

"Its a good thing we bumped into each other. Where do you guys staying at? Maybe we could stay for a while."

"Sure. We are only staying at a hotel though."

Von thought for a while. "For how many days do you plan on staying at this place?"

"We are supposed to leave today, but a lot of things happened. I plan to do something before we leave" Esperanza admitted

"I see. Well, we only plan to stay for three days, so notify me when you guys plan to leave already. We'll look around for a while. See you later, I guess?" Von said as she bid her good bye.

Von started to walk away with Eli but she stopped after only how many steps. She turned around and said, "Oh, please don't inform Duke Klein about me being here. I don't want the news of me staying here gets to the palace"

Esperanza respectfully bowed, "Yes, your highness"

Von helplessly shook her head before she left Esperanza and Tak alone.

"It's been a long time since we met Princess Lyian." Tak said as it reminisces the past.