As the small dragon walked twords the closest tunnel, a unusual smell wafted through the air, entering it's nostrils. ' huh? what's that smell?' Curious, the small dragon sped up to investigate the new smell, nearly tripping as it was not used to such a pace.
After a few more moments of brisk walking, the black dragon arrived at the end of the tunnel. With no light source the small dragon became confused, and continuously blinked it's eyes as if to see better. Surprisingly, after a moment or so the small dragon was able to see the outline of the cave walls. 'Wait, I can see in the dark? wow! that's so cool! Now I can't wait to see what else I can do- ' Before it could continue it's train of thought, it was interrupted by an internal growl from its stomach. ' Oh, right, I was trying to find food'
After adjusting it's eyes to the darkness the dragon looked around the cave. 'this cave is kinda small, but the smell is stronger in here!' Looking down from the walls, a small pool was filled with fish, each one nearly the size of the baby dragon. 'Are those fish? Yay! I don't have to be hungry anymore!' Dipping it's head down into the water (nearly falling in while doing so), the dragon opened its mouth in an attempt to catch any passing fish.
But after a few minutes of keeping it's head underwater, the dragon lifted it's head out of the water in disappointment. 'aww.. why didn't the fish swim in? do the fishies not want to get eaten..? Then I gotta eat them by force!' Comeing to what seemed to be a perfect conclusion, the baby dragon jumped into the water in an attempt to pounce on the closest fish.
Falling into the water (and failing miserably to catch the fish), the young dragon floated to the bottom of the pool and hit the bottom in a small flurry of bubbles. looking around the underwater area, the baby dragon soon realized it's mistake. 'how did I get below the fish? I must be under the water with them... So how do I get out? I haven't learned how to swim yet!' In a panic the dragon frantically flapped it's tiny wings, lifting itself off the bottom of the pool.
Confused, the dragon stopped moving it's wings, slowly floating down as a result. ' so I use my wings to move in water? that makes this a lot easier!' With more enthusiasm than before, it moved it's small wings together in a flapping motion- lifting itself off the bottom once more. 'I'm doing it, I'm swimming!' Excited, the baby dragon used it's tail to help itself swim to the top of the pool, right below where the fish swim comfortably.
Using it's legs to paddle, the dragon floated in place below the fish. 'Now I can try and catch a fish! But how do I do that..? mabey I can use my claws to poke the fishes scales and kill it in a nice way?' The small dragon hoped to kill the fish quickly in order for it to not suffer through a painful death.
'Ok, here I go!' using it's wings in a burst of speed, the dragon moved through the water as quickly as it knew how, reaching out it's silver claws, the dragon closed in on one unassuming fish. With the dragons Speed and reach, the fish had no time to swim away before it was pierced by the dragon claw, dieing quickly. The other nearby fish bolted away from the dragon in newfound fear, as it was previously seen as weak by the fish.
Bubbling up to the surface of the water, the dragon hatchling clutched the fish close as if to not lose it, before getting on dry land. After barely climbing out of the water, the tired dragon set down the large fish and started to eat it happily.
'I can't believe I killed a fish! it took a lot of work but now I know that I won't be hungry for a while! ' In it's happiness, the baby dragon had already finished half of the fish- falling asleep with a full belly.
I hope that anyone reading enjoys the chapter, I have newfound inspiration and hope to post at least once a week! please give feedback so I can improve on the novel!