
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

Chapter 4

Getting closer to the home that Weaver had pointed out to him, he realized the door was open. Thinking about what to do, he decided stealth would be the best option. Nonverbally casting an {Invisibility} spell, he walked through the home, hearing the low moans of a man in pain. It took him a bit of time to get to the living room where he heard the sounds, but when he got to the scene, he was aghast at the brutality he saw.

First was the man he heard the sounds from. He was an average Japanese man, naked, hanging from the side of the wall upside down in a fashion that made him look like an inverted cross. The person did this using wooden crosses that held both his hands and feet in place. He also had a gag in his mouth that stopped him from screaming at full volume. Besides the crosses stuck into him, his most pressing injury was a large gash made in his stomach, large enough to cause major bleeding but not large enough to kill the man outright.

Then he looked at the bastard that was the cause of this scene—a man sitting on the ground, playing with the pools of the victim's blood like paint. It was a white-haired man with a white coat over a black uniform. His hands were covered in the man's blood that was pooled on the ground, and he was using it to write something on the floor. It just said 'Punish'—something that he would be doing quite shortly.

It took about half a second to take in the scene but a bit more to figure out a plan. Seeing that the man was close to death, he realized that he would first save him, then kill the man. If he got away, he had his ways of tracking him down. Eden burst into movement, first wanting to get the bastard away from the victim. He delivered a kick into the man's body, which broke some of his bones on impact and more as he made contact with the wall. Now out of invisibility, he cast a spell, {Chronostasis}, as a glint of green energy engulfed the man. Knowing that he was now not going to bleed to death, he then saw four light bullets shot by the bastard, which were sent into the wall and were stopped by an instinctively cast {Shield}.

"Thank Fate for future sight," he thought before charging at the white-haired man. With a simple swing of Fateweaver, the man was beheaded. After killing him, Eden really thought it was funny that he was even a bit nervous before coming into the home. But then future sight alerted him to another person coming into the room. Eden quickly got ready to release a spell at them before they turned the corner, before hearing [Don't kill her] from Weaver. {Eldritch Bind}

He quickly changed the spell, and when the girl entered his sight, two strands of invisible energy came out of his hands. When they got close to her, they turned into rope, moving to tie her hands and then her feet. As she fell, they connected, putting the girl into a hogtie.

Now he got a better look at the girl. He could see that she was blonde and had Western features with bright green eyes. "Who are you?"

"Please, please don't hurt me." The girl seemed to not even register his question as she kept begging for her life.

"Why didn't you want me to kill her?"

[She is blessed by fate and seems to be good of heart.] Looking over at the man nailed to the wall, he repeated the last part, "Good of heart, you say." He was skeptical if that was true, but Weaver had never led him wrong so far.

{Calm}, casting the spell on the girl, she settled down and stopped begging for her life. "Ok, first question, who are you?"

Now calm, the girl answered, "I'm Asia Argento."

"And why are you in this house, Miss Argento?"

"Father Freed told me we were going to deal with some sinners. He came into the home and, well, beat the man you opened the door, and then told me to go upstairs to set off a barrier. If I heard any yells, I was just supposed to stay upstairs. But then I heard a big noise, so I came down here." She said all that in one big breath and then looked at the bodies of both Freed and the man nailed to the wall.

"Is he alive?" she asked. Eden could tell that seeing both of them dead affected the girl. Even under the effect of a calm spell, she was shaking a bit. Without it, the girl might have puked.

"Yes, he is alive. I put him under a Chronostasis spell to keep him alive."

"Can I heal him?"

"You can heal people?"

"Yes, my sacred gear power is healing."

"Is she telling the truth?" he asked Weaver.

[I can sense a sacred gear inside her, and it seems holy in nature.] Taking that as a yes, he spoke again to the girl. "I will undo your bindings to heal him, but if I see you doing anything else to him, I will cut your fucking head off." After that, with a flick of his wrist, he undid the bindings and walked over to where the man was. Seeing her walk behind him, he said something. "Heal the stomach first while I get him off the wall." Not waiting for an answer, he undid the spell. Quickly, he then pulled the stakes out of the man's hands, hearing him now scream into the gag. Then, he freed the feet holding the man so he wouldn't fall onto Asia, who was healing the stomach. Pulling him off the wall, he set him down by it and also pulled a blanket out of his Inventory to cover up his, well, manliness. Pulling out the gag while Asia healed the wounds on the rest of him, Eden asked, "You're ok now. No harm will come to you."

"Thank you, thank you so much. I will pay any price you want for this. I'll even give up my soul, but thank you so much." As the man continued his gratitude for being saved, one thing Eden noticed was, "Giving up your soul? What do you mean?"

"You're the devil I asked for, aren't you?" he said, and at that moment, he sensed someone with future sight.