
Adventures of sapphire volpus

Are protagonist is killed and turned into a girl in a fantasy world and you guessed it, a system but lets see what happens to are new female protagonist, and what will he, well she do with this new life Ps I am not a writer and I ain’t very good at it also I am just bad at writing so hopefully I can improve as I go along. Hope you enjoy this. Pss if you can think of a better title please say, I’m not very good with naming things ( ´ ▽ ` ) Also It not my art so if the owner want to take it down just say so and I will, closest thing I could get to the protagonist I could get

riser_7877 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Not a chapter

Hello everyone, so it seems I keep on going on and off this, I have decided to reboot this novel.

It will have the same character names, but I might change the starting bit and how are portsgonist acts, will keep most things tho, unless people want me to continue me this then I will.

Comment on the chapter or on any part of any text and say if you are wanting me to continue on this novel.

Ps the reboot name will most likely be frozen slayer or something, only name I can think of at the moment as I am keeping the doom slayer aspect(I like it ^ - ^ )

Anyway hope you lot have a great day/night and hopefully i'll see you in my next chapter of whatever i'll be doing or in the comments of other great novels and fanfics *\(^o^)/*