
Adventures of My Transmigrated Soul

Transmigrated into another world completely unlike his own, Jing has to learn how to live without technology, love the most annoying man in the universe and survive some deadly mysteries along the way. AMTS is designed to be a cozy, fantasy romance with a central mystery that is resolved over 3 story arcs: Arrival, Solace and Departure. New chapters are released every Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Ptolemy_Sixth · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Arrival: I hate swimming with sharks

Beyond the heavy wood and iron inlaid doors was his most fantastic nightmare. It looked like his workplace's holiday social that he couldn't avoid but with a hundred more people. The scene indoors wasn't unlike a historical drama he'd watched, with people clothed in beautiful colourful robes and long hair tied back from their faces with gold and gem-studded hairpieces.

Soft strains of a flute and zither miraculously snaked its their through the din. The noise inside was akin to a fish market he'd frequented in his old life—loud, clamouring and made him want to run in the opposite direction as soon as possible.

Was it too late to rethink his presence at this banquet? Turning to Lian, he discovered a vacant space beside him. Several steps ahead, she was already inside the hall. Smiling shyly with her eyes downcast, she was the epitome of meekness as she made her way to the dais.

Drawing a deep breath, Jing hurried after her, steeling himself. Everyone seemed to know him because they all gave him the identical low bows Lian had received. He also detected a couple of smirks, and could swear one of the young men in a large group of whispering men had rolled his eyes at him after he'd greeted Jing with a "Welcome back Young Master".

Jing forced himself to return all the greetings, and i,f his smile was a bit tight and he couldn't meet people's eyes, he hoped they'd chalk it up to his reputation of arrogance.

He dodged a serving maid carrying a large platter, swerved around another rowdy gaggle of men who seemed a tad unsteady on their feet and ducked under a noblewoman's large silk sleeve that almost smacked his face as she swung her arms, speaking enthusiastically to a helpless bystander.

Murmuring greetings that were inaudible in the din, Jing finally spotted Lian's back in the crowd. A few feet from him, she was climbing the steps to the immense platform at the back of the room. The platform contained a large oak table with ten seats, eight which were already occupied. Lian was bowing to the older couple seated at the centre and facing the entire room. The woman looked serene, with opulent jewelry and heavy brocade robes bordering on gaudy. Still, there was something reminiscent of Lian's fire in the flash of her eyes scanning her daughter. The man to her right looked rather like a mouse, with a weak chin and shifting eyes that kept glancing at the rest of the table even as he responded to Lian's words.

These must be his pare ts, then. Stomach tumbling with the force of his nerves, Jing walked to the platform. Would they know something was amiss? Would they hate him?

Thoughts awhirl, he was standing before his new parents within seconds and it was as if his body was on autopilot for he had already bowed low and whispered a hello to them before his mind caught up with his actions.

"Jing! You were supposed to be back the day before yesterday. You had us so worried! Are you alright son?" cried the woman, her eyes dark with concern and affection.

"Your mother worries too much," guffawed the mousy man. "He looks healthy, my dear. No need to fret! Boys need to spread their wings early on. Did the hunt go well son?"

Jing hesitated. Their evident love and concern was a novel experience for him. He wasn't their son, and yet he was. The turmoil within him waged a heavy war, leaving him motionless. Beside him, Lian coughed lightly and elbowed him. Hard.

"AH!" Jing jumped and belatedly stifled his loud shout. Eyes watering, he shot Lian a swift glare.

Bowing, he responded as best he could, "I'm sorry to cause such worry Mother and Father. I lost track of time. The hunt was going very well indeed. I'm glad to be in time for the banquet."

He observed them closely. Did his words sound normal to them? Could they tell he was an imposter?

"It's only right you're back in time for Lian's engagement banquet, Jing. Have a seat and let's get started", boomed his father.

"About that, Father" started Lian, "I would like to speak with our family privately. I'm not so sure-"

"Sit Lian, we don't have time to waste. Our guests have travelled far and I'm sure they're starved."

Stifling her words, only Lian's narrowing of her eyes gave away her anger at her father's words.

Moving with Lian to their seats on either side of their parents, Jing noticed the other guests at the table for the first time. On the opposite end of the table sat two older men who seemed on good terms with his parents, cracking loud jokes and quaffing wine at speed.

Rounding the table, he noticed two younger men. Seated a seat away from him was a young man around his age. He was laughing at something the other guests had said, and his bright eyes only emphasized his handsomeness. Dressed in purple robes that complimented his dark hair with a shocking white streak that was tucked back into a tight top knot that was softened by the lightness of his manner. This must be Gu Wan Bei's stupid sidekick as Lian had described him. He looked like someone Jing would've envied in his past life, his charming personality rendering him unapproachable and unattainable. 

Shaking away those gloomy thoughts, Jing strictly reminded himself that this was a new life and he was starting afresh. He would not allow himself to feel inferior to anyone any longer.

At his seat, he glanced to his right and froze.

Seated directly beside him was a familiar man dressed in blue. The upturned eyes, the snobby tilt of his nose, honey-tanned skin and the vaguely murderous aura were unfortunately all too recognizable. Heart thudding, Jing caught his eye. The man's pouted lips raised slightly in an approximation of a smile, and Jing's heart sank. It was the man from the lake.

"Jing, you must remember Gu Wan Bei? It must be years since you've seen each other. His cousin Tan has accompanied him on his visit to us", said his mother on his left.

Shaking himself out of his daze, Jing gave Gu Wan Bei a shallow nod, their eyes never leaving each other.

A smirk stretching wider across his annoyingly captivating face, Wan Bei laughingly asked, "How did you enjoy your swim in the lake this morning? You have some strange habits, Li Jing."

Silence fell across the table as everyone looked at Jing in askance and surprise.

Shock laced through his system, nerves thrumming alive with the keen dark gaze trained upon him by the man who'd witnessed the old inhabitant of his body flailing about only this morning, sucking in grotty lake water and floating with the fishes.

His familiar features were another surprise. Closing his eyes, Jing could almost picture this face crooning. Singing with a beer bottle? Jing's eyes flew open even as his memories pulled him back to another lifetime, another him in a weak convenience store lighting, scarfing down a rice ball and staring at a hot musician on a poster.

There was no way that Wan Bei was reborn. Which meant he was a doppelgänger of the singer coming to haunt him in this life. How was he to explain why he had died in the water and yet appeared sometime later perfectly dry, on the beach? What did they do to transmigrated souls in this world? 

Amidst the tense silence, Jing's mind raced for a plausible explanation. He decided to play it cool and feign nonchalance. "Early morning swims in the lake this morning are known to be excellent for health. You should give it a try sometime." Jing replied, trying to mask his unease with a casual smile.

Wan Bei's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but he thankfully didn't press further. "Perhaps I will," he countered with a dismissive wave of his hand. Jing let out a silent sigh of relief as conversation started up again around the table. As he took his seat, he couldn't help but wonder at the animosity Wan Bei and many of the men in the room seemed to have toward him. What had his past self done to inspire such dislike in everyone?

Our ML is finally properly introduced to baby Jing! Any guesses as to what Lian is going to do about their betrothal?

Guess you'll have to wait till Sunday to find out the havoc she's about to wreak! As always, comment and support Jing and Wan Bei's frenemy journey.

Ptolemy_Sixthcreators' thoughts