
Adventurer on a jumpchain

A man gets to go on an adventure for a very long and rewarding adventure

wizardoggo · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
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Ch.3 That's a cool looking tower and my house is nice :)

These last couple of days have been great, like learning magic is so cool now my perk 'dedicated' plus my excitement has been helping me a lot in learning, the things in the new school books, which is nice.

Anyway, since I'm about to go to Hogwarts, my dad has started to allow me to learn more dangerous things like how to handle rare plants and create dangerous potions which were fun to do.

Continuing to doing a couple of spells with my elder wand, which I knew I could do since the Ministry allows children that have just got their wand to experiment, since their children and "wow magic."

Now the experiment I did showed that yes, my wand was qualified to be an 'Elder wand' since when I did my first ever spell, "Lumos" which filled my whole room and me for a couple of seconds but thankfully, I could cut off my magic supply before I blinded myself severely which was nice.

Anyway, after that, I put control training into my schedule, my schedule was training how to use spells with my wand experimenting, if I could use them in different ways potion training, herbology training, etc.

Plus I was still reading my new books which, I easily did right now I had completed the first, second, and third years books I was now reading fourth-year books, now I was able to do this because of my giant's blood which gave me more energy.

And because I was a child and children had way more energy than an adult, anyway, I'll continue on today, was, the day I was gonna go to Hogwarts which had me very excited if I was being honest and, I was.

So my dad and I packed up my stuff and got ready outside, then he put the notice me not harm on both of us and my luggage which meant we could apparate right in front of the leaky cauldron without being noticed by muggles.

So once again, I found myself outside the leaky cauldron ready, to start my adventure for real this time, anyway I and my dad slid into the leaky cauldron deactivating the charm he put on both of us, then he and I went to the entrance of Diagonally and dad opened it.

I couldn't appreciate the sight for long if I wanted to catch the train so, I and my dad, sped to the book shop to get me some extra books for my Hogwarts year, then we went to the train station and beelined it to platform nine and three quarters.

On the way, I saw the Weesly family fooling around outside the station checking if they were ready, anyway I quickly got to the portal that leads to the Hogwarts train and ran through it with my dad.

Once on the other side, my dad stopped me from getting on the train and kissed my head and, then told me this "Son, no matter what house you get into I, will always be proud of you but, I'm pretty sure I know which one you're going to be in but good luck."

I nodded and gave him a hug which he gave back then, I grabbed my stuff and got on the train, quickly I secured a spot in the middle part of the train all I had to do now was wait for all the other students and, the train would be off.

For the next ten to twenty minutes, I read my books which made the time pass by, and eventually, every student had gotten on one of the last people to do so was Harry Potter for some reason, I didn't remember that from the movies.

Anyway, after he got on, the train started blasting off when that happened, each parent watching it go, cried out waving, at their children they wouldn't see for a year or two my dad had already left since he had work to do.

Continuing, I continued reading the whole way I, took some breaks, like buying some candy from the shopping lady and changing into my school robes plus, eating some of my packed food anyway, nothing happened during the train ride except Hermione coming in once asking if I had seen a frog, but that was it.

Now once we arrived at the Hogwarts train station stop, I quickly got out so I didn't get stuck in the middle of the group of 11-year-old's which was a successful endeavor once I got out, I went straight towards Hagrid who, said, "hello" to me I being nice said "Hi" back.

After that, we just watched all of the other children get out and come to Hagrid and, eventually, everyone was out and following Hagrid like baby birds, once Hagrid saw he had gotten all the students attention he, said, "Right then this way to the boats, come on then follow me."

After that, he started walking off and everyone followed, we eventually reached the boats, Hagrid made sure to tell us that only four people were allowed in each one so I just got in one and waited for four other's, and surprisingly Hermionie got in mine, the other two spaces were filled with people I didn't know.

And so, we started going towards Hogwarts, and I have to say the sight of it was majestic which, wasn't surprising, continuing once we arrived on land, we all were sent into Hogwarts, and then up some stairs were we eventually met Minerva McGonagall who told us this.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before that, you will be sorted into your houses, they are Gryffindor,r Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin now while you are here your house, will be like your family your triumphs will earn you points any rule-breaking and, you will lose points at the end of the year the house, with the most points is awarded the house cup..."

Before she could continue her sentence, Trevor, the frog, started croaking which, alerted Neville to his presence so, he shouted "Trevor." and picked him up this caused, Minerva to glare at him so, he said "sorry." then he went back into the crowd.

After that McGonagall, continued her sentence saying, "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" then she went back into the great hall then once she left Malfoy, introduced himself to Harry Potter and they had a small confrontation but.

Before it could turn into anything serious, McGonagall came back in and announced that "We're ready for you know" after she said that she walked into the great hall and we followed then we were told to stop because Dumbledore was saying something which I ignored I'm pretty sure it was about the third floor and the forest being dangerous blah blah.

After that Dumbledore, sat down and McGonagall started the sorting ceremony I was blanking out about who was going until I heard my name ".. Thomas wight.." with that I went towards the hat and took it ut it on my head and sat down.

I noticed I had gone before Harry potter? which, was weird since my last name had a W in it but, whatever anyway, before I could continue my train of thought, the hat blinked and said, "Definitely Ravenclaw or Slytherin but, I know what's best... RAVENCLAW!"

I got up and, the Ravenclaw table started clapping so, I walked to the first-year part of their table and sat down, I greeted myself to the guy next to me and started watching the ceremony.

After everyone had been set their houses, Dumbledore stood up and started the feast I eat my fill like everyone else but, I focused on a chicken fries combo with gravy on the side and pumpkin juice.

Once the feast had finished, everyone was led, to their house we, passed the Gryfindoors on the way but, eventually, we got to our tower where a bronze eagle asked us this, "I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but, I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?"

After that our, Ravenclaw refect Daisy said this "Unlike other houses, we enter our dormitory by answering a riddle, Clouds" once she said clouds the stone door that the eagle head was on, opened up showing us our houses common room.

The room had a fireplace 5, groups of table and chairs plus a big, couch and two other chairs in front of the fire now they also had two stairs that led to the boy and girl rooms but, that wasn't the best part, the common, room had a giant library where we could access the biggest, and oldest library in the school we could take books outside the room but, only if we had signed in that we were taking it outside the same thing had to be applied when taking it to your room.

Anyway, after getting in we, were escorted to our rooms thankfully, the Ravenclaw rooms were shared, by two people instead of the, like 6 people in Gryffindor.

After that, I unpacked my stuff brushed my teeth did my exercises, read a book, and then went to sleep being excited for the next day of school at Hogwarts.


Wasn't obvious about what house he was gonna get into, was I :) totally wasn't anyway, this is a question to my viewers do you want me to go fast or slow-paced I'd prefer fast so I can get to the big stuff so do a vote thing and I'll get my answer in a couple of days oh and give some advice as well