
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · อื่นๆ
26 Chs


In a well-lit hospital room, lay an otherworldly handsome youth, the youth had wheat colored golden hair, his perfect factions giving of a cute and slightly effeminate air, while his slightly tanned skin and perfectly proportioned body giving a sense of vitality, and health. As he lay in a peaceful sleep the aura around him giving a sense of tranquility and peace, as if in harmony with nature, it would all be the perfect painting if not for the bandages draped over most of his body, the IV drip attached to his left arm and heart monitor on his right.


A light breeze flowed through the open window, lightly blowing the curtains away, allowing sun rays to filter through and land on the sleeping youth's handsome face, causing his shut eyelids to flutter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Opening my eyes, I found myself once more in an unfamiliar place, as I looked around I was mildly impressed, the room in which I was in was one of those high end, live in hospital rooms that one often sees in TV, if you asked how I could tell, well… it was hard to miss the fridge, the kitchen table, microwave, oven and stove, washing machine, small closet and TV, as well as the assortment of medical tools that ranged from needles to liquids, that were the closest to my bed, without mentioning the attire which currently adorned my body.

As I was about to stand up I noticed the tug on the IV drip and monitor, which stopped me for a moment, yet curiosity got the better of me so I decided to take them off, in favor of exploring my surroundings.

*Beeeeeep* the heart monitor went off.

Finally free I went ahead and looked at all the things in the room, interestingly all objects in the room seemed to have a sort of insignia on them. It was a bright star, with Latin engravings forming a circle around the star, as if orbiting the star. The strange thing however, was I could understand the words in it read "Creating world and guiding with light".

Discarding the thoughts on how I suddenly new Latin and adding it to my new bandwagon of super abilities, I continued to look around, while finally succeeding in finding a mirror I was quick to check on myself and what a shock that was. I was unbelievably handsome, with wheat colored hair, so golden it seemed as though sunrays were what every strand was made, I had a slightly effeminate face that could give the handsomest man and most beautiful woman a run for their money, yet what impressed me the most wore those deep, vivid emerald green eyes, which denoted endless vitality, as though a forest of trees and exuded the same tranquility, that would undoubtedly allow any who stared at them to feel incredibly relaxed and mellow.

My height was a bit above the average of 5 year old child with a good build, oh yeah, did I not mention it? I'm a child again, I wonder if it is that guy's intent at humor, seeing as I died to save a child no older than my present age.

While I was checking my reflection out, it was then that a noticeable white caught my eye and I couldn't help but let out a surprised shrill "Wings?! I have wings?" Correct! Out my back, there were 2 meter, milky white, avian style wings.

"Amazing! They move! Damn! How could I not see them before?" As I was trying my wings, I started to hear hurried steps that would seem to come in my direction.

"Damn! How do you hide these? Come on disappear! Retract!" Panicking, I struggled to hide my wings, yet it would seem they were unwilling to do so, but thankfully just as I heard the handle on the door turning, they retracted, seemingly disappearing into my back, as though they never were there. However unknown to me, they instead became imprinted as a tattoo on my back, which had at its center a bright glowing orb, who seemingly tagged along for the journey.

Just in time as a figure came rushing into the room, in an incredibly sexy french maid dress, with anxiety plastered on her beautiful face as she shouted "YOUNG MASTER ARE YOU OKAY?"

- - - - - - - - - -

My name was Elizabeth Twain, I was a maid, in service of the Starfold family for the past two decades, currently and sadly the only one still in service. It was but a normal day as I came to check up on my young master, who was admitted in to the family hospital after an accident which took the life of his parents and threatened to take his own. My heart pained as I recalled how my young master was now an orphan, such a charming boy was played a cruel hand by fate. Now as his legal guardian I would do my best to let him grow as happily as possible, I would ensure it.

Checking in on the front desk I greeted the attendant and proceeded to ask to be led to my young master's room, the attendant complied and begun to check for young masters room, then I noticed how her face paled and a dark premonition started to tighten over my heart.

In a hurry the attendant reached over the counter and picked up the phone, issuing a code blue for room 777.

'My young master's room!' was all I thought as I rushed out to room 777, as fear gripped my heart.

'Young master please be ok!'

- - - - - - - - - -

After a round of chastising by the doctors and nurses who rushed over, for taking of the monitoring tools that monitored me I was finally left in the company of my maid, who I now knew as Elizabeth, who informed me of what where shocking news, I…was an orphan.

"Young master, how could you do that! You nearly worried me to death, I thought I had lost you as well, even after I promised your parents I would take care of you in their place" Said Elizabeth in a slightly bitter, pained and chocked tone.

I lowered my head and couldn't help but feel guilty at the mention of those words, it would seem I worried the last caring person I had, nearly to death.

"I'm sorry for worrying you Elizabeth, it was just that those things were to uncomfortable, please forgive me" I said in a childish and guilty tone, with my head lowered. I obviously lied a bit, but who wouldn't lie, when it could cheer up an upset beauty.

Seeing my display, her gaze softens. She then approaches me and embraces me in the warmest tenderest hug I could say I have ever received.

"Young master, I'm sorry too, fate has not been kind and has taken your parents, but I'm still here and will look after you to the best of my ability" she says in a soft whisper, yet I could still hear each word as it tugged at my heart strings.

She pushes me back a bit so as to get a good look at my face and says "Yet not is all bad as your parents have left you with as much as they could, their legacy, which makes you now the young heir of the Starfold family and the CEO of the Starfold group" She stops and looks at me as if to see if I follow, the she asks "Do you know what that makes you, young master?"

It might have been the years of reading comics and light novels, which rotted my brain, but I couldn't help to see a pattern in my situation which involuntarily caused me to blurt out.


Yo! Author-kun here.

Damn, last time I forgot to add one of these. Rookie mistake I suppose.

Chapter 3 of this novel and the beginning of the adventure.

So tell me, have you enjoyed till now? What are your thoughts? What can be improved?

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts