
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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18 Chs

Chapter 5 : Shipbuilding

July 28th 1450

5 months later

"OI OI OI, hit harder is that everything you got? If you cant cut trough this stone then you wont eat anything" Shusui shouted while looking at Caesar who is currently swinging his wooden sword to cut a boulder

"But my sword always broke off when I tried to hit it" Caesar said while looking at Shusui

"Here let me show it to you" he said as he took the wooden sword and he slashed the boulder in front of them, which was cleanly cut into two

"See its not that hard, just focus your mind and remember what you read in the Sword Origin manual, you've been doing this for 3 weeks already how can you be so dumb?" Shusui said, and when Caesar heard that he felt so heart broken that he wants to cry

"Not everyone is a monster like you" he said in his mind

"Of course I'm a genius after all so mastering this thing in just 4 days is a normal thing for me, and don't bother hiding anything from me, I'm so strong that I can even see what will you dream tonight when you fell asleep" Shusui said then he gave the wooden sword to Caesar again

"Now do it again, and this time do it correctly" he said then he snapped his finger and the rock magically combined into two again like nothing happened

After that Shusui headed towards where Gerard is training when he saw a flying redhead kid towards him, the kid somersaulted then landed on his feet then he looked at where he came from then he ran again

"Oi bastard rabbit wait there, its not fair to gang up on me" he said as he started to have a spar with the rabbits again

"So how is he" Shusui said while looking at Gerard being a punching bag to the Snow Rabbits, Goldy appeared near him and the rabbit did some signs

"very good, push his body to the limits, this kid is a tough nut, he only learns it from muscle memory so be sure to don't show mercy on him" Shusui said and Goldy nodded

After that Shusui left then he flew up in the sky and headed back to his house this time he was about to start his biggest project and that is his Ship

Shusui entered his Shipyard that was enhanced with the power of the space laws and he looked at the blueprint he made that was pinned in the table, there was a lot of nice ship in the system but creating on is greater than buying an already made on, so he designed his own ship

It was a massive, 1,900 meters long and 500 meters wide warship that can sail in anywhere even in space, and it was made by the very own metal Shusui created Urunuim, it can even enter and leave the space inside the black hole, it was powered up by the Grandmist Energy and as long as it was supplied by this energy it can self repair

"Now all I need to do is to build this Nano bots that will help me control the ship, wait I didn't have the right skill for this thing right?" Shusui asked

/Affirmative, master does not have the right skill to even make a remote control much less a Nano bot/

"Fine so I have to train too huh, give me all the books that I will need to finish up this ship" Shusui said and the system gave him 43 books, when Shusui saw it all his head started to ache

"Even with my Instant Mastery Skill this will take a lot of time, I didn't know ship building is this crazy" Shusui said

/Master must study well ,looking forward to your next request/

Shusui just sighed and he walked out of the shipyard

December 28 1450

A loud explosion can be heard throughout the island then the two kids sparring with the rabbits looked at where the explosion came from

"That's the 407th time that something exploded inside the Shipyard, looks like Nii-san is testing some bombs there right?" Gerard asked while looking at the smoking shipyard

"who the hell will test some bombs in the shipyard, use your head a little Gerard" Caesar said to his little brother, then suddenly they heard a maniac like laughter coming from the shipyard

"Finally after 5 months of fucking trial and error I finally finished making one HAHAHAHA" Shusui said while holding a small white metal on his hand

The two kids and the rabbits quickly go towards him to look at the thing on his hand and he showed it to them with puffed chest and high nose

"Uhm what's this Nii-san?" Caesar said while looking at the unremarkable small metal

"Well you wont understand it but this is a Nano bot, this will play a vital role when building our future Warship" Shusui said

"This thing will become a ship, WOW!" Gerard said with stars in his eyes

"Not like that dumb ass, this will help me build the ship not become the ship, have you seen a small metal turn into a ship?" Shusui asked

"Not yet, but our house was made by that small metal like thing right, I saw my brother clicked one then boom it became a house" Gerard said

"Well, that's a product from capsule corp, this thing is not, its a robot" Shusui said

"A robot? But it looks kinda lame" The two red head kid said

"Just wait for a few more months then I will show you guys how great this thing is" Shusui said as he entered the shipyard again while laughing maniacally

"I think Nii-san has lost it" Gerard said while looking at Shusui's back

"Don't mind him, our intelligence are too low to understand what Nii-san thought, we should just focus on training" Caesar said then the two headed back to their training

Shusui on the other hand headed back inside the shipyard to continue building his Nano bots, just like that the every day life of the three became peaceful

Caesar and Gerard continued their training together with the snow bunnies, every weekends Shusui will spar with them, Caesar is already practicing a sword and like Shusui he uses a katana too, while his little brother likes to fight barehanded so Shusui gave him something to play with, its a pair of gauntlet and boots, it came from the system and its called Beowulf

When Shusui gave it to Gerard, Caesar said that he also wants a good sword and Shusui promised him that he will make him one, for the meantime Caesar still uses a wooden sword to cut stones

May 07, 1451

Snowy Island West Blue

Just like any other day at the Snowy Island, it was still snowing like hell at the island

Gerard is busy doing some body exercises in the snow just like his elder brother who is on the top of one of the houses, he is currently meditating crossed legged while his sword was placed on his lap

Goldy and his bunny troops are currently patrolling the area specially the farm lands in case there are other animals who entered it they can chase it away quickly

Shusui is inside the shipyard he is busy supervising the works of the Nano bots who are building his ship

"its already 20% complete, I estimated that this will be done in 2 or 3 years but looks like it will be finished next year, the speed of these Nano bots are very good, it took a lot of effort to make them like this but seeing them all work efficiently is very satisfying" Shusui said as he looked at the Nano bots building the hull of his ship

After checking that everything is running in perfection Shusui headed out, when he stepped outside the shipyard he saw the two redheads are busy reading the newspaper, they stopped when they heard the sound of footsteps coming towards them

"Master look at this, this is Elder Brother Gen right?" Gerard said while pointing at the Wanted poster in his hands, it shows Gen holding his Stormbreaker charged with black lightning on his left hand while his right hand is holding a head of a man

"His bounty is already in billions, while my bounty is only 5 million bellies" He added sadly

"He was trained by master after all, this amount of bounty is really small compared to his strength" Caesar added while looking intently at the Axe Gen was holding, the two brothers started calling Shusui master after he started teaching them about the Immortal Physique Scripture, and the Grandmist Supreme Technique

"This kid is just running around anywhere and doing his own things, and based on the news he already defeated several big names in the New World, they call him the Black Catastrophe Gen, not a bad name" Shusui said while looking at the newspaper

"Sadly my title was still more badass, Sword Immortal Shusui HAHAHAHA, threatening those old fools are the best thing I did since I came here" Shusui said as he laughed like a maniac again

"okay kids break time is over back to training, if you want to wreak havoc in the seas in the future then you should at least have 4% of my strength, if not then forget it you can just stay here and plant some crops" Shusui said

"Yes Master!!" The two redhead shouted