
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

FREEZEEEE_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 12: The Trial of The Sword Queen

Third Person POV

Shusui greeted the girls and they quickly stood up with great difficulty

"Good morning Shusui-sama" they all said as they bowed, Shusui looked at the girls and they have a lot of injury, on of the girl have a bandage on her left eye, and there are a lot of blood stains on their clothes

"Alexandria left a while ago, you girls should rest first, come I'll show you to the guest rooms" Shusui said as he guided them to the guest house

He gave them a first aid kit and a lot of medicine that can help them heal their wounds, the normal kind one

"Stay there and rest, treat this as your own house, there is a lot of ingredients in the fridge that you can use to create your own food, feel free to use it" after Shusui said that they heard a knock on the door

"Master come here for a second, I cant still figure out the things that you said last time" It was Gerard, this is the day that they are going to leave the island but he still didn't have a fancy ride

"I already told you to use your imagination, just think about it like this" Shusui said as a golden violet energy came out from his palm and it transformed into a giant samurai warrior that standing on his back

"Wow! But I cant ride that one" Gerard said while looking at the violet giant standing on Shusui's back

"Idiot then think of something that you can ride, reading those mangas really wasted your time" Shusui said

"Then can I create a Gundam? Or a spaceship? Oh now I got it" He said quickly after thinking for a while then he summoned his energy, the temperature around the area immediately goes up as Gerard channeled out his energy then he made a giant flame dragon and it began to fly in the air

"HAHAHAHA I'M A GENIUS!" He shouted as he leaped and he sat down on the head of the dragon

"Then I'll be leaving now master, don't feel lonely while I'm away, I'll bring home some girls for you when I come back" He said as he controlled the dragon to fly away, Shusui smiled while seeing him off

"From a small idiot, to a full blown adult idiot, the world government will have a headache this coming years" Caesar said while looking at the red dragon flying in the sky

"This time let him be the center of the attraction, I'll stay low for this whole trip" Gen added he was carrying his hover-board with him

"You guys are late, Gerard already left" Shusui said

"That Idiot is just too excited" Caesar said\

"Then Master, will take our leave too" Caesar and Gen said as they bowed to Shusui

"Remember to be careful out there, if you doubt your judgement about someone, then you can use the appraisal skill" Shusui said to Caesar

"You already said this for god knows how many times already" Caesar said with a smile, and Gen laughed out loud, this is the same thing that Shusui said to him before he left the island in the past

"Then go already, maybe I'll head out too sometimes in the future" Shusui said

After that the two flew away in the air, and they speed up after a while they disappeared in the horizon

"At last the noisy ones are gone" Meeka said while walking towards Shusui, behind her are a lot of small robots that she called kuuribo, they are carrying a lot of boxes with them

"How's your School going?" Shusui asked Meeka

"We decided that we will only accept kids starting at the age of 13 to 16, for the older kids we wont accept them to the school" Meeka said

"what about the scholars? They are dying to learn about your research" Shusui said, then Meeka passed a paper to him and he started to read it, it was a long list of things that she already made

"Very good with this the ship is completed at last, you can start your own project now" Shusui said as he continued reading the list

"I'm also here to report that we received a distress signal from a merchant ship owned by the merchant union, are we going to send someone to them?" Meeka asked Shusui

"Give me the location" Shusui said then Meeka gave a device to Shusui and it showed a one green dot and a 4 red dots, Shusui zoomed out the map then he saw the exact coordinates of the merchant ship

"Treat our guests well" Shusui said as he flew away heading straight to the merchant ship

After a while Shusui saw the merchant ship is being attacked by 4 pirate ship, and all of them have the same flag

"this is unusual this is the first time I saw a pirate group this big here in the West Blue" Shusui said as he landed on the deck of the merchant ship which shocked the sailors

"Who are you?!" A man with a short blonde hair said while looking at Shusui, his left hand is bleeding and his fingers are gone, and on his right hand is a katana with a red blade, around him are 40 bald men with muscular body all of them are wearing a tight fighting black t shirt and pants

Suddenly the merchant saw Shusui and he quickly ran towards him

"Sword Immortal, thank you for answering our distress signal, as you can see we are being chased by this group of pirates" He said while looking at Shusui

"Okay,as per the contract you signed its our responsibility to help you guys, specially when you are already hanging our flag on your ship and someone still dared to attack it" Shusui said, the merchant said in relief

Shusui stepped in the air and in a second he was already on the top of the ship which is the crow nest, he looked at the flag of the ships and he cant remember this pirate group at all

He looked at them the he formed his fingers in a triangle position

"Domain Expansion, Poseidon's Wrath" Shusui said then the sky became dark then a golden light shined on the 4 ships like a spot light, the sound of the space being teared can be heard as 4 large golden trident descended like lightning bolt from the sky quickly striking the 4 ships, which exploded quickly

The sailors on the merchant ship looked at the giant 4 tridents that fell from the sky, then they looked at Shusui and they started to sweat

"Boss, are you sure that he will take us in?" A bald man said to the blonde man, all of them was dumbstruck when they saw that attack, luckily the man who summoned out the tridents are defending them not attacking them

"We can ask him, we can ask him later" the blonde man said as he looked at his left hand

Shusui landed on the merchant ship deck then he sat on a chair. The Head Merchant quickly bowed to him and thank him a lot

"Now tell me why are they chasing you guys all the way here in front of my island" Shusui said as he looked at the Merchant with piercing glare

"We are here on Gerard-sama's order, he ordered us to buy some toys and clothes for the kids in the island, he wanted the toys and clothes are of high quality so we travelled to Sabaody Archipelago, on our way back here we met those pirates, they have a total of 9 ships, but Xanxus here our guard for this trip sank 5 of them sadly he was badly injured, after that the pirates chased us for 3 weeks straight luckily we still have our provision and nobody died of hunger" The merchant said, Shusui nodded then he looked at the bald man who was sitting on the deck of the ship, together with his group of bald men

When the man saw Shusui looking at him he quickly stood up and walked towards him, then he bowed and said

"its an honor and a blessing to see you Sword Immortal, my name is Xanxus and this are my brothers, are group are called Warring State, our job is escorting merchants, in the Grandline and the 4 Blues" Xanxus said, he was about to say something when Shusui cut him off

"Of course you can, but you and your men need to pass a test" Shusui said to him, then Xanxus stopped for a while then he looked at Shusui like he was a monster

"I cant read your mind, this is just an advance form of observation Haki, so how about it? Do you dare to take my test?" Shusui said to Xanxus

Xanxus looked at him and he gulped, then he looked at his men who nodded at him, then he looked at Shusui again

"I need to bring the other members of our team here, please give me sometime" Xanxus said

"Alright I'll give you a week, and I'll loan a ship to you, if you don't arrive here after a week, then you can say goodbye about joining us" Shusui said

"Thank you Sword Immortal" Xanxus quickly said then he bowed to Shusui, after that he and his group entered the ship to rest, after all his left arm is still injured, he needs to rest to recover his strength

After an hour the ship reached the island and Shusui got off the ship and he immediately contacted Meeka and he said to bring a medium sized ship to the Snowy town port

After waiting for 5 minutes the residents of the island saw a 100 meter long ship docked near the port

Xanxus and his men was shocked to see a ship this beautiful, it was made of steel and its cannon are huge

"I'll loan this ship to you, I hope you arrive on time" Shusui said, then with that he left the town he is going to return back to the village

3 days Later

Alexandria is standing in the front of a door, she is together with the amazon girls who are about to start the trial

"This is your last chance, I'll tell you again, once you enter this door, there are only two outcome, its either you came out a sword master, or you die inside it" Alexandria said as she looked at the 9 girls standing in front of her, the girls didn't talked or answered Alexandria then she just smiled

"Shusui-sama will activate the door for you girls, as for me, I'll wait for you on the other side" Alexandria said as she entered the door

After that Shusui knocked on the door and it opened again

"Come on, I wish you good luck on your trials, don't disappoint Alexandria she have a high expectations on you girls" Shusui said, the girls nodded at him then they entered the door

When they're gone the door closed and it vanished

On the girls side after they entered the door they saw an endless sea of lava in front of them, and there are some platforms that are moving from the sea of lava, there was a glass like barrier in front of them that made them stop right there

They didn't know what to do, or is this even the trial? So they waited for a while then after a few minutes they heard Alexandria's voice

"So all of you are here, this is the first part of the 4 trials that you will have to pass to leave here alive, this lava river is 10 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide, your task is to leave this place before the lava reach the top of the platforms, you can use anything that you have, once again welcome to the Trial of the Sword Queen" Alexandria said, and with that the glass barrier vanished

Sorry for the late upload, our electricity is out for almost three days and the internet signal is as slow AF, here is the chapter i hope you enjoy it

FREEZEEEE_creators' thoughts