
Advent of the SSS-Class Returner

#Regressor As ash fell from the sky and the endless night began. As hundreds of millions started to die. As thousands fought to survive. There sat one boy, who had finally returned to his original world, regressed even. Unfazed by the events, he called upon the power of his memories. The strength to overcome the trials. The strength to right what had gone wrong. The strength to seek redemption. In this lost world, only one person was destined to stand at the pinnacle. And it was that boy, now, a man. --- Even though I'm a native english speaker, I don't edit my novels myself, so just comment any mistakes out or ignore them completely. Chapters will be at least twice a week. The cover doesn't belong to me. All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended.

BlessedCursed · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

"Steamy, Lumpy Piece of Shit" - 1

Two Hundred Trillion Years Later:

"Salem, you can leave now."

As I looked up with blank eyes that had lost their grandeur a long time ago, I gave a bland response to what should have been one of the happiest moments of my life.

"As in leave leave?"

"Yes, now go on, shoo!"

Being waved out of the grandiose room, I couldn't help but sigh in complete and utter, well, utterance.

Just, after all these years, to be sent off and gotten rid of in just a grand total of 10 words was a little bit depressing, but I wasn't one to question my boss' words, and so I just left without even a single word of protest.

'It seems like I'm not needed anymore, might as well return.'

I had been working for that old geezer for millennia now, and at one point, it had seemed like I would have kept working for him for eternity.

I had eventually accepted this fact of course, and now, even when I was set free from my seemingly eternal spot as the apprentice of the curator of the Akashic Records, I still couldn't express any form of happiness or glee or well, any emotion at all for that matter.

The spice in my life that had been the motivating factor for anything that I had done had already settled in my stomach centuries ago, and nothing would change if I went back to my original world.

It would just be an extremely boring existence, like the existence that I had been experiencing up until now.

After all, I was an old man already when I had left "Earth", and had only regained my youth by the grace of the Curator as to allow me to work more efficiently.

Yet, my bones had always felt weary, even as I stood here this very moment, answering the call of my home world.

It was about time that I would be placed back on my original timeline after all, and in a few years, I would meet my end as a splotch of ink ordered in a certain way in one of the infinite books that were held within the Records.

'Whatever, let's just go meet my fate. It was a notable experience to learn about the existence of everything whilst it lasted.'

Finally accepting the call of my original world, my body started apparating, before turning astral, before completely disappearing.

I was officially going to experience humanity once more.

The steamy, lumpy piece of shit that was my home race.

Fuck this shit...


Well, what do you know? I had returned, and regressed at that.

Knowing the Curator, this definitely had been one of his schemes, or maybe a parting gift for working with him all this time.

For all I knew, it could have been a way for him to make fun of me in whatever twisted fashion he imagined my view of the world to be in.

All I knew for fact was that this definitely wasn't something that was a coincidence or accidental, as I was now literally a figure that had broken the causality of this timeline and dimension itself.

But, seeing as nothing had happened, and how none of the cleaners had showed up, it seemed like this really was a gift given to me by the curator.

After all, he knew my one and only wish in life was a "second chance", a way to "fix my mistakes".

"Thank you." I whispered, to nobody in particular, as I sat down in the body that was supposedly my younger self.

And, although I hadn't known the desires of the current body due to the amount of time that had passed since I had been in this timeline, I could still easily move this body, as it had been the body I had used in all my years working for the curator.

Even though I was a being on par with a god if only looking at my lifespan, compared to the curator, I was merely a child in his eyes, still naive about the world.

And I probably truly was, as I had still kept my wish for a second chance after all those years, making me far from the perfect apprentice.

In the end, that had probably been the reason I had been fired, as I hadn't been able to let go of my identity completely, I hadn't been able to become one with the Akashic Records.

He had given me this gift though, to fulfill the one wish that I had held onto for all those years, and so, I would be eternally grateful to him.

If I was able to fix all that I had left behind, maybe then, I would be ready to take on the mantle as the second curator of the Akashic Records.

Well, that was far in the future, right now, I had to analyze my current situation.

'I am currently 15, and I'm visiting my birthplace, although, only because I have a debate tournament.'

If I remembered correctly, which I certainly did, a perk of being a former worker at the Records I guessed, I was currently in Boston right now for the 51st annual Harvard Debate Tournament. (A/N: This is an event that will happen in a week by the way.)

Having been born in Boston whilst having lived in the south for most of my life, at this point in time, I had been excited to see snow, as it was only on trips like these that I would truly be able to experience a winter wonderland.

Yet, if my memory served me correctly, instead of snow, something else would soon be falling out of the sky.

And so, looking out the window, at the gray clouds overhead, as the green line subway headed towards MIT, and then Harvard, that I was currently aboard surfaced from the depths of the Earth to cross the Charles River.


Whispering this, as if bringing about a curse, almost everyone in the bus hung open their mouths in shock.

After all, for most of my classmates, this was the first time that they had ever seen snow in their lives.

But I knew the darker meaning behind the falling powder.

It was actually ash, gray, so impure as to never be as white as snow, and it was the marker of the beginning of what scholars would later dub as "Genesis".

And so, it was with this ash that came the marker of the greatest change the world would ever see.

Like clockwork, blue screens started appearing in front of the awed faces of my classmates, one by one, as their awe soon turned into confusion.

As for the true Bostonians that had been unlucky enough to ride in the same carriage as us, their faces quickly changed from those of annoyance to faces of similar expression to my classmates.

And, if you were wondering about me, well, my face was completely blank as I read the information on the blue screen in front of me.

[Quest: "The Tutorial" / "The Culling"

Description: Only the strongest and luckiest will survive in the world after the fall. Separate yourself from the rest and show your triumphant strength to the world.

Task: Decide on the 5 users that will get to live in your area (Carriage 248B).

Time Limit: 30 Minutes

Penalty for Failure: Death


"What is this?"

"Are we on a hidden camera TV show?"

"Call the police!"

As the other became frantic and our teacher, shaking, took out his phone to try, in all futility, to call the police, I just continued to sit there with a blank expression on my face.

Bracing for impact, I went over what I would do in the coming days, weeks, months, and eventually, years to reverse everything that had gone wrong before.


And with that, the worst nightmare of my life began.

Let the Tutorial commence…

This is a new series, so I hope you guys will like it!

If you guys have any comments or constructive critiques, then let me know down in the comments.

Also, there will be a mass release today to start off the series, but I'll eventually have to settle down on the number of chapters I write each day because of the amount of schoolwork I have.

BlessedCursedcreators' thoughts