
Advent of the SSS-Class Returner

#Regressor As ash fell from the sky and the endless night began. As hundreds of millions started to die. As thousands fought to survive. There sat one boy, who had finally returned to his original world, regressed even. Unfazed by the events, he called upon the power of his memories. The strength to overcome the trials. The strength to right what had gone wrong. The strength to seek redemption. In this lost world, only one person was destined to stand at the pinnacle. And it was that boy, now, a man. --- Even though I'm a native english speaker, I don't edit my novels myself, so just comment any mistakes out or ignore them completely. Chapters will be at least twice a week. The cover doesn't belong to me. All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended.

BlessedCursed · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

"I Was a Boy" - 2

For as long as I could remember, people would always mistake me for a girl, only finding out my gender after I specifically told them I was a boy.

And this wasn't even their fault, I looked like a freaking girl for god's sake!

Every time I woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror, there she was, the bane of my existence.

My face, my body....

You see, with my long, light blue hair, my almost entirely feminine face, my jade-white skin, and my thin arms and legs, I was basically the perfect girl in most people's eyes, like their literal definition of a girl when they thought of one.

Of course, this was aside from my chest area and my places down under, but still.

And, of course, it didn't help that I always wore slightly oversized clothes...

Like, there was even a point where I went through one whole semester at a new high school with everybody treating me as a girl before I was sorted into a room with the boys for an overnight debate tournament.

It was only then that they realized that I was a guy.

I mean, maybe this was the reason why all my close friends were girls.

No, it was most probably the reason.

With all the boys treating me weirdly, because they always thought of me as a girl, it just became awkward when it was me and a boy alone.

But with girls on the other hand... well, I fit right in.

Whether it be makeup, hairstyling, or cute items, well, I loved them all.

Looking back now, it was obvious that I identified as a girl at one point in my life, if only because of my interests.

I mean, I did makeup because I was obsessed with the men in K-pop, I styled my hair because of the same reason, and well, as for cute items, I just loved them.

Yeah... it wasn't the best way to make male students befriend me, and the fact that they found out my gender only after getting used to the fact that I was a girl just made things more awkward.

'Sigh... now that I think about it, it was all my fault, right?'

I had been forced to cut my hair a few years later due to certain circumstances which I was experiencing right now, but even then, the people around me would still think that I was a girl at first glance.


Being thrown out of my thoughts by the jolting of the subway carriage I was in hitting the next one over, I subconsciously braced myself against the handrail.

And, using this time, I conveniently stuck my foot out, causing one of the students that had been standing to trip over my feet when falling forward, causing a chain reaction which ended up resulting in over half the students being impaled by various sharp objects whilst another quarter had broken either their skull or their neck.

In the ended, one slip of a person's foot, conveniently caused by me, had led to the death of almost everyone on this carriage.

And if you were wondering how I could kill such innocent high schoolers in such cold blood, well, was it really that cold if I had read, in detail, about so much worse things happening?

This was literally nothing, and again, if I truly wanted to achieve my goal of becoming the strongest this time, so that I wouldn't be a burden to anyone, and so that I could protect the people I truly cared about, then I would and could do anything no matter the damage to my conscience.

After all, the trillions of years I had weathered had completely broken, shattered, and blew my conscience away in trillions of pieces, all of them being disposed in the dark cosmos.

In the end, I would just do the best thing for myself, regardless of the cost.

[Ding! +100 [x 26] Coins!]

Basically, everybody would find out this fact later, but killing people, as shown, gave you a hefty amount of coins, at least relative to this part of the tutorial.

And here, in the first phase of the tutorial, was the only time ever when stat points would be worth 100 coins per stat point.

Afterwards, the price to buy stat points was astronomically high, and the price would only grow after each trial.

In the end, the system would just change to an exp based power system, but that was far in the future, after humanity had rebuilt everything.

Back to the current situation, I actually didn't spend any of my stat points at the moment, not wanting to waste any time that I could spend killing people.

Yes, I was that serious about this entire thing.

Walking around, acting groggily, I "accidentally" stomped on a few heads that were on the floor and choked a few people to death whilst pretending to be nauseous and falling to my knees.

George Floyd style if you will. (A/N: It's not a good way to go guys... BLM!)

The system was actually smart enough to wait until the end of my killing spree before releasing my kill count.

[Ding! +100 [x 13] Coins!]

This left the carriage with only 6 people left, the perfect number as to not end the first phase of the tutorial whilst also letting there be drama in the next few moments, drama that I would happily watch.

And, if I was able to time everything perfectly, then I should be able to maximize my profits here, making me the strongest person at this point in the tutorial.

I mean, I was obviously at a disadvantage compared to that one serial killer in the Mall of the Americas or that crazy soon to be mass murderer on Capitol Hill, but, unlike them, I knew the status window existed before the system told everyone, and so I would be one of the few to be able to actually cash in my kill coins in the first tutorial.

Pulling up the system interface using the default hand signatures, I quickly pressed the screen, putting every single coin I had owned into a single stat.


Closing the system interface quickly afterwards, I swept my predatory eyes over the last few people on the carriage, alive that is.

'Hehe... shall we get started then?'

Thanks for reading!

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