

Several Kings fell, and myriad Emperors perished. With several million dead, Humanity almost got wiped out from the face of their home planet, Edoria. To prevent the final calamity, several higher-rankers banded together. Kings unified their kingdoms, Emperors unified their visions for the future. But in the end, the Humanity lost. There was only despair for them. Nehar, The Dark Emperor, whose body was on the verge of collapse after the Final Battle with an Outer Goddess, found another chance to restart overall....through the sacrifice of his remaining friends and comrades. His fate had not been sealed yet. He had another chance to reverse their past failures and forge a new future. After returning to the past, he starts working towards his goal, of becoming Invincible, with his unmatched talent, dedication, and perseverance. Step by step, he finishes his preparation to unite all of his past companions and fight the Ancient Evils and Outer Gods that threaten to destroy their civilization. ------------------ ### Weekly Release => 3-4 Chapters [Max : 5 Chapters] (Avg Word Count = 1500-3000) ## I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. # This is my Third Story (Novel) and as for the previous ones, some of them will be connected to this Novel and for the rest, I will resume the work later.

MonarchOfHell · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Those Who Shouldn't Be Remembered

Nehar found himself trapped in a dark, gloomy environment. He could remember very well that he heard the same 'Command', which he used to hear before coming back to the past. 

'At that time, its effect wasn't as disastrous as now, it's because the current self of me is too weak to contend with a force like this.....I need to get out of this situation as fast as I can, otherwise it could easily wipe out everything out there.'

Nehar tried to focus everything on one point, to find a path to move forward. While doing so, he tried to access the System Interface again and again, but nothing happened. 

'Ah, is it because I still haven't reached Level 10?'

'If this happened after reaching that stage, I would've been able to access System Interface much more easily, as it would've formed a connection with my Soul by then.'

'I guess I just have to depend on my senses this time....'

After walking for probably a minute or two, Nehar finally found the dimly lit cave, which he also visited before.

After reaching that place, he didn't waste time and started to chant the required Incantations to visit that place, which was hidden from the common eye-sight, in an incomprehensible language.

Nehar could feel that his Incantations were nowhere near perfect as he was not properly doing this using 'Soul-Incantations', but right now, he was in a hurry.

Currently, his consciousness is trapped here and the 'Entity' has taken over his body after a sudden and Incomplete Awakening by some external disturbances.

He had to put that 'Entity' to 'Slumber' to get out from this place to the outside world and regain control over his body.


Nehar never had thought something like this to happen.

After coming back to the past, he tried to sense his Soul more than once on different occasions, but never he got any response from it.

Even when the Remnant Spirit of the Blood-Fiend told him that it could sense his Soul, he still wasn't able to get any response.

The only thing he got was a message that the System had notified him about.

'The Hidden Stat...Soul Strength, it was still there, though currently unusable and unreadable.'

Thus Nehar had stopped thinking about this matter and made a general conclusion that there's a high chance that his Soul is shackled right now, as he crossed the 'Principles of Causality' using 'Chronos' Device' to return to a past timeline.

For this reason, Nehar had previously assumed that every other thing, which were associated with his Soul, either got erased from existence because of the Causality or became shackled too, in a similar manner just like his Soul.

Breaking the 'Chains of Causality' was impossible for anyone, whether they were Mortals, Gods, Primordials, or even Ancients.

The only mistake Nehar made was that he had never taken those beings who were once referred as the 'Forgotten', into his consideration.

The moment Nehar finished chanting, he felt the atmosphere around him was changing rapidly.

The whole area almost became flooded with dark fumes and reddish marks of the Rune Stones.

Even though Nehar had observed this scene before, he couldn't help but feel mesmerized after seeing it once more.

A mammoth-sized dark figure, entirely made up of fumes started to appear in Nehar's vision.

Nehar was quite tensed, but he didn't show it on his face. 

One wrong step here and everything would go down the drain.

He slowly walked near the figure, who was currently restrained by a thousand, no...probably over tens of thousands small and large Runic Chains and Runic Seals, which were constantly getting their energy from the Primordial and Ancient Runic Stones to make the Chains and Seals even powerful than before.

Seeing the large figure looking at him with his dark-red eye (Single Eye), Nehar slowly muttered the words he prepared before in a deep profound voice, just the same as before when he continuously fought against this Sealed Evil to fulfill the Quest Criteria of that damned Curse and also to not get consumed by the Evil and Tainted Thoughts, and everytime he got out of this place keeping his Mind and Soul intact.

"The Forgotten Evil God of Rileth, Balor Birugderc, even after getting Defeated and Sealed by 'The Last Primarch' for such a long time, you still wish to take over my body in the name of protection and safeguard by Killing a non-existent Threat, just to appear once more in the Heavenly Realm to cause more Destruction of Lives?"

The figure looked at him with a deep penetrating gaze for a second and in the next, it roared ferociously. Putting every fragment of its energy in that roar, the giant looking dark figure bellowed. 



The moment Nehar's eyes turned pitch black and his sharp gaze landed on the unfortunate middle-aged man, he died even before he or anyone could understand what actually happened.

A gloomy, deathly energy started gathering around Nehar's body and it continuously spread across the whole region.

The Participants, who were near them at that moment, fainted and dropped to the ground even before they knew what even hit them.

The Lackeys and the Observer understood something really bad was about to happen, but they couldn't intervene in time.

A tremendous pressure suddenly locked down on them and they plummeted to the ground directly from the Sky, like Ancient Event of the 'Fall of Stars'.

Continuous ringing of the System Notifications helped them understand that currently they were getting isolated from the others.

[System Alert: Warning!!! Detected an Unknown Presence!!]

[System Alert: Warning!!! Your Connection to Administrator's Channel is getting severed!!]

[System Alert: Warning!!! Your Connection to the Communication Channels is going down !!] 

[System Alert: Warning!!! A Powerful Unknown Being is trying to lock you down. Please escape the Region !!]

[System Alert: Warning!!! The System strongly advises you to run away. Your Soul could become damaged permanently if you continue to remain in this place!]

The Observer couldn't believe his eyes after seeing the messages on the screen.

The System was advising him to run away to save his life.

However, he wasn't the one to oppose the System's warning, but he couldn't run away even after trying with his all.

The tremendous pressure was pressing him down to the ground, even after falling from the Sky.

He couldn't even channel his mana, nor he could activate any of his Skills.

His connection to the Administrator's Channel was severed, and the Communication Channel also got cut off in the middle.

He felt like a chicken, waiting to be slaughtered by the butcher's blade.

He tried to look around, even with that tremendous amount of pressure on him, to see what are others doing right now.

The first sight he saw was of those two damn bastard Lackeys, who had already lost their consciousness after falling from the sky and currently sleeping soundly as half of their bodies were already embedded inside the ground below them.

When he retracted his sight from those two and looked for the others, he found that the other Participants were faring much better than them. 

He couldn't help but ask himself. 

'What the fucking hell? How are those weaklings in a better condition than us, who are far more powerful than them?'

The Observer tried to think his best and finally reached a conclusion that wasn't good for them at all. 

'He is specifically targeting the three of us with his power or whatever...otherwise those weaklings would've been torn apart just by the sheer amount of pressure by now. But, why is he doing this? Just because I intended to watch and not intervene.....And what's wrong with that power? Even after being an Observer for this long, I never had seen someone with this type of power...What is this actually? A Mind-type attack? A Physical one? Or something else...?'

'...He is just too much dangerous...I need to inform the Enforcers and Administrators to take care of him, but I couldn't even move a single muscle properly...how the hell am I supposed to escape from this place?'

The Observer looked at Nehar and found that he was looking at him too.

Seeing those cold pitch-black eyes gazing down on him, he shrieked hysterically without minding anything about the dignity of an Observer, a Higher Ranking Invigilator of the Tutorial Phase.

'Fuck, fuck, fuckk...it's all my fault. I should've stopped him from killing those people, no, no, no...I should've first stopped those two bastard Lackeys from continuing in their petty schemes...if I had done that, nothing like this would've ever happened...'

He felt his body convulsing from inside, his internal organs withering and getting destroyed one by one from the inside...but he couldn't do anything as the huge pressure was still pressing him down on the ground and preventing him from doing anything at all.

'Ahh...so, is this my end...argh, I shouldn't have come after listening to that bitch Andrea's orders....I knew something was up with this Raven...if only I could kill that bitch and this bastard with my own hands...arrghhh, I don't think it would be possible for the Administrators or Higher rank beings to come to save me....they are probably shouting at each other as they couldn't see their Prime Entertainer, 'Raven' doing some epic performances right now....if they could only see that he isn't a normal participant like others...'

'...Either he is a monster by birth, or he must have the latent powers of a High-Demon or Devil within him...Otherwise, how else could someone's gaze would be like this...' 

The Observer tried his best to channel his mana or to call those bastard Lackeys to save him.

He tried to send messages to the Administrators using the System Interface and it didn't work.

He again tried to send messages using his Personal Player Kit, and the result was the same this time too.

The Observer finally understood that a huge energy barrier or domain had been established, at least within this region with a hundred meters radius...and thus nothing related to transmission was working here.

They were simply trapped in this place.

Feeling nothing would work, he even tried to shout and call the other participants, who were previously nothing but a bunch of savage mortals in his eyes, to come and help him now.

But, even after seeing his desperate condition, no one came.

When he looked around for help, he could see that almost everyone was fainted under this tremendous pressure.

Some others, who were still right in their mind, were trying to run away from this region.

Some were even crawling to get away further.

The Observer suddenly understood what was happening.

'These low-rank pieces of shits must be thinking that some powerful being had invaded this region, or perhaps they are even thinking of me and my two subordinates as the culprits, as we suddenly plummeted from the sky, in the midst of them.'

'They aren't even thinking 'Raven' as a culprit of this huge fucking shit-show as he is too low leveled to create such a huge commotion and also for the System to advise them to run away from this region.'

'Fuck....no one is going to believe us. Those two Lackeys didn't even sense what happened here before they fell from the sky, as for the other participants, their testimonies would never matter. If I were to die here, no one would believe that Raven was the actual cause of this situation...I must get out of here, even if I have to destroy my Mana-Core....yesh, I should destruct it...at least then there will be a chance that this powerful energy domain around this place would collapse and the Administrators and others would flock in here to save me or to at least listen to my last words.....

..Huff, huff....If I'm going to die here, I'll take you two down with me to the bottom of the Hell too, Raven and Andrea...' 

The Observer tried to gather all of his mana near his Mana-Core. He tried to do that as fast as possible as he could feel his body getting weaker by passing seconds. Within one or two seconds when he was able to gather a sufficient amount of mana, he felt something amiss.

He tried to look up and saw Nehar standing in front of him and looking straight into his eyes.

Seeing those pitch-black eyes once more, the Observer felt the final resistances of his body and mind were getting destroyed this time.

He wasn't able to utter a single word and could only watch as Nehar swung his daggers on his neck repeatedly with an inhumane speed and in the next moment, he was getting away very fast using his Movement Skill, thus creating a safe distance between them.

The moment Nehar had reached a distance of ten meters, The Observer felt his last moment had finally come.

He saw the System notification about his Soul getting destroyed...and he could feel the gathered mana in his body was now rampaging to destroy it more from the inside, it was almost tearing him apart from inside....he could only endure, waiting for the moment until his final breath is still there...

In his final moments, he was able to recall the Highest Rank Administrator Roel's teachings, which all of them received when they were introduced to the ranks of Observers and Enforcers.

The 647th Rank Observer 'Zion' lamented dejectedly and finally closed his eyes as a very specific line from that teaching resurfaced in his mind.

'His eyes turned normal during the last slash...ahh, I see now...it was neither a Mind Attack nor a Strength Type Attack that destroyed my body from the inside...It's the Power of Soul Destruction, huh....'

'So...Raven isn't a descendant of a Monster, High-Demon, or a powerful Devil...he is a part of those who are now regarded as the 'Forgottens'...Those who shouldn't be recalled, Those who shouldn't be remembered, Those who shouldn't be worshiped....A Fragment of The Losts....' 

Sunday Chapter....well I made it quite late this time.

And don't worry if you have doubts regarding the new terms like, Forgotten, Fragment of Losts...or Oblivion (One of Nehar's Past Identity)....everything will be explained later.

So, just keep reading and Enjoy!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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