
Adored By The Alpha

When Cepheusz Oshiro finds himself acting his Alpha instinct and ravages the unfamiliar Omega he just saved from getting attacked by three men. Cepheusz Oshiro is a wealthy and dominant Alpha, known as a ruthless man in the business world, and has a lot of connections in the underworld. He only focuses on making money and he doesn't give a shit about anything else if it's not related to money but when he accidentally slept with the Omega named Cade Saint- a penniless university student, he couldn't help himself to think about the intense night he had spent with the Omega. Since meeting Cade Saint, he has been experiencing various emotions and to his surprise, he found himself not allowing the Omega to disappear from his sight for even a second.

blaat · LGBT+
6 Chs


How many times had it been? He'd already lost track of time because they'd been doing it for hours, and his throat ached from all the moaning and screaming.

He nuzzled into the man's neck and buried his face into it. Unable to resist the urge to sniff his unique yet addicting and soothing scent. Probably it was the man's pheromones.

The man's throbbing flesh rammed into Cade, making him slightly arch his hip as his breath held in his throat. Even though they had been doing it nonstop for hours, he couldn't seem to get used to the man's size. He felt a little sting, but the pleasure was overflowing. It felt so hot, and his womb felt so full.

He was melting and unable to think clearly. His fingernails dug into the man's back, and whispered in a raspy, almost desperate voice, "N-not so hard,"

The man didn't seem to hear him and continued to push deeper and harder. Pounded his inside. Which made Cade roll his eyes back into his head, his legs tightened around the man's waist, and his hips rose to meet his thrusts.

The man kept hitting the unit inside him prompting him to fling his head causing his entire body to shake ferociously.

He fell to the bed. His chest heaved up and down, racing for oxygen and basking in the pleasure's afterglow.

Cade's vision was practically blurry and his thoughts were foggy. Maybe because he was too weary and intoxicated with their mixed pheromones, he was so close to losing his sanity. In the dim light of the room, he could only catch a fleeting glance of the man.

But Cade had the opportunity earlier at the party to carve the man's gorgeousness in his mind. It was as if he had witnessed something so magnificent that he wouldn't be able to forget, even if he went blind and aged.

There were so many prominent Alphas he saw at the party, but this man shone so dazzlingly in different ways, so impeccable that he wasn't the only one who was captivated but also everyone couldn't prevent but look in his way. Not ever in his life did he imagine he would end up sharing a bed with a divine creature such as this man. Embracing him with tenderness, as if they were lovers. Perhaps, tomorrow was the end of the world.

Cade never had a boyfriend, because he wasn't interested in other human beings except for his little brother. However, he bet lovers would act similarly.

Cade could feel the man's provocative gaze on him that could make one melt and submit.

Barely seeing the next move. The man move away a bit, with his elbows placed on both sides of Cade's head, and claimed his trembling lips. The kiss was hard yet passionate. Cade was so exhausted to respond, that he couldn't do anything other than open his mouth and accept the kiss.

He felt a strong arm encircling his slender waist and lifting him gently. Cade was made to flip over, his head was now turned to one side, and his stomach was facing the soft mattress.

The presence of the man was just right behind him and something poked and rubbed between his thigh. Though he was certain of what the man was attempting, Cade was no longer up to the task. He wanted to struggle, but he lacked the strength to do so.

"No, p-please... I can't anymore," with difficulty finding his words, Cade protested. Unable to even lift a finger because he was too worn out. His body was entirely paralyzed. At this rate, he might die.

"One more time, please?" the man whispered in a gentle voice, almost like humming a lullaby, with his lips hovering and brushing lightly on his ear.

According to Cade, it was the most enticing gesture and voice, sending electricity through his body. When he felt the man's ripped, warm body up against his back, he trembled a little. He was completely melted by his spell and found himself consenting, letting the man have his once more. Was he this easy?

"Good boy,"

A small grunt came out of Cade's mouth when he felt the man's organ buried inside him once again. His energy was completely depleted, but the gratification kept him awake, driving him wild along with the sensation of his cock scraping against the mattress each time the man moved.

He couldn't be more powerless in this position. Being as helpless as he possibly could be, his weak hands gripped the bed sheets as the man continued to rotate behind him.

The man linked their hands together, pinning him as if the Omega was going to run, crushing him with his weight and increasing his rhythm.

The man's movements attacked the core of his body from the inside out and it felt so good. It was so good, so addicting, pure heaven. He was getting there, after being rammed multiple times. The sensation viciously corrupted Cade's body, his toes curled, his breath hitched and he quivered.

The man groaned as his speed dropped. Soon enough, Cade felt a hot liquid erupt in his womb. The man whispered something to him but the darkness engulfed him and prevented him from hearing it. The Omega fainted.


With his breath caught in his throat and sweat dripping over his forehead.

And Cade's head ached much worse than it had yesterday, and he had an odd feeling in his chest and stomach that made him feel like puking. He instinctively covered his mouth before running to the bathroom.

It had been 3 days since he ate with Tenpi at the Chinese restaurant. And since then, he had been throwing up consistently every morning accompanied by headaches. Cade assumed, he might have had food poisoning but the restaurant had received excellent ratings for its use of fresh ingredients. It didn't feel right if he blame the restaurant.

His stomach twisted just thinking about chicken soup, one of the cuisines he ate with Tenpi at the restaurant. He held onto the toilet seat tightly, as if his life depended on it, and puked again for several minutes, losing all his strength in the process.

He also asked Tenpi if he experienced the same symptoms as him but his friend said he did not and advised him to see a doctor. Cade had a plan without Tenpi telling him. However, because of his tight schedule and the fact that it was a weekday, he was unable to go. He did not want to miss out on his job or his studies.

Wobbling, Cade climbed to the bed after he puked to death in the toilet. His nausea seemed to subside a little after all the endless puking.

He shut his eyes. Seeing total darkness and his thoughts were scattered. He had a feeling this couldn't be simply because of being overworked. The only way to determine what was wrong with him was for him to visit the hospital. What if he got a life-threatening illness and the doctor would tell him he only had had 5 days to live? What would happen to him? What would happen to Cai?

He was still pondering what happened the previous evening. Cade had trouble falling asleep because of it, he felt unsettled. Even though it was utterly quiet outside of his door after he got chased by whoever it was. But that didn't make him feel any better at all. Was it intentional? A silly prank? It wasn't hilarious regardless of the motivation. Rather, he experienced such fear.

For his mental state, he shouldn't stay here any longer. He considered moving out. He may have gotten away with it last time, but he had a hunch that it might happen again. What if next time he wouldn't be able to run and escape? What if the perpetrator hurt him?

Unaware that he unconsciously had taken a nap. It wasn't long before he was startled awake by the notification tone from his phone next to him. Small noises had a way of waking him up.

Cade opened the message. He smiled seeing it was from Cai.

See you later!

Huh? His forehead wrinkled as he slid one of his thumbs on the phone and saw it was Saturday. Shoot! How could he forget about Cai? He looked at the time, startled. It had only a few minutes left before their meeting.

Even though he was still dizzy and weak, he forced himself to get up, dressed, and head to the location of their agreed-upon meeting. He couldn't afford to make Cai wait.


Cade easily recognized Cai, who was standing at the dessert shop's corner, like a lost puppy. He yelled the youngster's name.

Thank God! He just made it on time.

Cai seemed to hear him and turned his head to look at Cade, and the moment he saw him, his face brightened up.

"Brother!" Cai exclaimed, welcoming him with a warm hug.

Cade embraced Cai in return. It had been about a month since he had last seen him. He missed Cai so much. They only spoke to one another regularly by call or by text, but it wasn't enough.

He released Cai from the hug. He had a habit of ruffling his hair every chance he got which made his little brother scowl.

"Don't touch my hair, you're treating me like a kid again," Cai said, fixing his hair.

Cai was already 16 years old and was in high school. He had always seen him as a baby so it was a shocker for him to see him had grown up.

"But you're still a kid to me," He laughed and squeezed his cheeks.

"Brother, stop," Cai pouted.

Cade laughed again and decided to stop teasing Cai.

"Do you want to eat or let's head to Arcade first?" Cade asked.

Previously, they were texting. Cai chose the Arcade when he was asked where he wanted to go.

"I've eaten before coming here, I'm still full so arcade first," Cai replied, sounding enthusiastic.

After that, they went to an arcade. Cai and Cade were having the time of their lives, fully enjoying each other's company. Even though Cade was physically and mentally drained. All of that exhaustion disappeared when he saw Cai's happy face. Temporarily forgot the bad things that happened to him lately.

They spent almost three hours in the arcade, playing all the different kinds of games they had in there. They decided to leave when they both felt hungry.

"How are you, Cai?" Cade asked when they were seated across the table from each other, eating.

Cai looked at him and seemed to ponder over something. "I'm okay,"

"How about auntie and uncle's treatment towards you?"

Cai downed the food in his mouth before responding. "If you're asking if they're still physically harming me or not, don't worry; they don't anymore,"

He wasn't sure if Cai was telling the truth or the contrary as he eyed him with some suspicion. He knew well his little brother pretty much. Cai might be lying to prevent him from worrying.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Cai simply nodded.

He exhaled and chose to believe him.

"That's great to know," he smiled and swiftly wiped the pasta sauce on Cai's side lips with a tissue paper.

Cai sipped his apple juice and looked at him, "Don't worry about me brother." he asked with a tinge of concern, "You should worry yourself. You look pale, are you okay?"

Cade cupped his cheeks. "Do I look that bad?"

"Honestly, yes," Cai replied without a hint of hesitation.

Cade had no idea he looked pale. He felt shame on his part. He should check himself in the mirror first before meeting with Cai. He was in a rush and neglected to do so. It wasn't a nice feeling to make Cai worry.

"How's your school?" Cade inquired, shifting the subject.

"It's fine. We have a field trip this coming next week but I told my teacher I don't want to come,"

Cade threw a questioning look.

"I just don't want to go," Cai answered short.

"What do you mean? Did uncle tell you not to?" he asked, a sense of annoyance in his voice.

"No. I didn't tell our uncle. It's my own will," Cai pursed his lips.

Cade had stubborn lines on his forehead as he tried to read Cai. If their uncle wasn't the reason, then there was only one explanation. He thought.

"Say, Cai. Is this about the fee?" he inquired.

Cai was momentarily startled. He glanced at Cade and returned his attention to his plate again. His speculation was right. Was he being too obvious? First of all, he should have kept the school field trip a secret, but Cade would eventually find out and he bet his life that it would infuriate him even more.

"N-no. Of course not." Cai denied. And came up with many excuses but Cade didn't buy them and cut him off.

"I'll pay for your field trip so tell your teacher you will come," Cade muttered.

Cai wanted to decline. He knew how much Cade struggled to make money, doing nonstop part-time jobs at the same time being a university student. He didn't want to put more of a strain on his shoulder than he already was.

"I'm sorry... for being a burden," Cai mumbled. Nearly, bawling.

Cade exhaled and pat Cai's head gently. He disliked Cai having these unnecessary worries. But at the same time, he was delighted that Cai was thinking along these lines. He had truly grown up.

"I take care of the money; you don't need to apologize or be concerned about it. Please. Don't hold back to say what's on your mind. Tell me anything you want. I'll do my best to meet them in my capacity as your older brother,"

Cai was gaping like a fish as he felt moved by his older brother's words. This was how his brother had always been. Always put him first and treated him with kindness. When their father passed away and their irresponsible mother left them. Ever since then, Cai didn't only act as a brother but also as a parent to him.

He couldn't bring his eyes to Cade's because he would cry if he did. So he averted his gaze by looking down.

"T-thank you," Cai sniffled.

Cade laugh.

"What a cry baby," he teased.

"S-shut up, I'm not,"

Cade just laughed again. Cai was just so cute to tease.

After that, they spent the rest of the time discussing activities they had engaged in over the previous weeks they were apart.


He took Cai to the train station when it was time to go home. And

the moment Cai got on the train, he proceeded to phone call Tenpi.

"Yes, honey boo?" Tenpi answered right away in a cheerful chime.

Cade chuckled. "Is the job still available?"

"Certainly, have you changed your mind?"


Tenpi remarked, "I like to hear it on Monday," referring to what caused Cade to change his mind. "I'll text you the address first,"

"Thank you,"

"Don't mention it, don't be late," Tenpi hung up the phone.

Tenpi mentioned another job for him. But this time it was at a bar. Although the pay was reasonable. He strongly declined because of the trauma of the previous incident at the hotel party. He no longer wanted to accept jobs involving alcohol where there were drunk individuals present he had to deal with.

However, right now. He needed extra income. For Cai's school field trip. His pay at the cafe and book shop wasn't sufficient. Also. The plan to move out had been finalized. Certainly, it wouldn't be easy to find a similar cheap apartment close to his university, so he anticipated that his next apartment to be a little pricey.

It was risky, yes. But he had no other option. After a bundle of contemplations, he decided to accept the job. He shouldn't fret over unnecessary things that wouldn't bring food to his table.