

Elena is a confident and brave girl who unfortunately finds herself struggling with finding a job. She meets Ryke at an art exhibition, Ryke is a charming guy who is the CEO of Alonso Security. Elena gets offered a temporary job until she finds her own. However, every time they see each other; they are at war with words. Will Elena be able to survive these few months of a temporary job? Family Problems, Depression, Love, Obsession, Hate, Regret, and many more emotions are all wrapped in the story of two admirers. Will their clash of opinions separate them? Read Admiration to find out!

anak123 · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

The dinner


I get ready for my flight to Madrid. I leave for the airport at sharp 6 am as my flight is at 9 am. it takes a lot of time to board.


I arrive in an hour. My Dad had initially informed me about a car that was supposed to pick me up but I didn't know he was actually sending Juan to pick me up. honestly, if this happened when I was 17 I would jump into his arms being his cute sister but I'm still too mad at him for ruining his life and mine. I see him walking through the arrivals panel.

He comes straight to my face. He's the same as he was when he left. He has blonde hair, Deep green eyes and he's grown a beard now. He's such a lousy brother but yet he is so handsome I wish luck to the girl he marries because she probably won't really get anything other than his looks.


"Stop staring and say hi at least" Juan looks at me with a dead face.

"Oh. Hi" I simply say

"Huh... never mind you know what just hop in the car" he replies.

I don't even respond. We drive home all quietly which I take the blame for because when he started talking about how I have been I wanted to kill him so I just told him not to speak to me. He asked me if I'm okay, sometimes I wonder how can he even fake his concern is that so easy for him? to show fake ass care. I'm not buying it anytime soon so I don't give a damn. we spent the entire 20-minute ride in pin-drop silence.

When we arrive I leave the car with my purse, as much as I hate entering my dad's mansion I know I can't really back off now. As I enter the strong aura and fragrance hit me; making me nostalgic. I'm back at my birthplace after a year, which almost felt like a decade of emotions. I walk towards the kitchen hoping to find mom there but I don't find her there instead I see someone I should not really expect to be here. It's Christian freaking Alonso.

"Hey, el," he says with a small smile.

I want to rip that smile off his face, that GODDAMN NICKNAME.

"Hello, Mr. Alonso, May I know what are YOU doing here?" I question which makes his smile even wide.

"Your dad invited me!" he says and walks past me.

what the fuck man. my dad literally told all of us to stay the hell away from these Alonso and now he is inviting them over. despite knowing what they got Juan involved in.

honestly, i never would have regretted coming here more than this.

I grab a glass of water and run upstairs to my old room. I really can't stand any of this right now.



I told my father that I won't go to that Martinez dinner so he threatened me that he will take my shares and when I still declined he chose Christian to go there. Can't really figure out the hell is wrong with my father. I call Christian to know what's the matter there.

"Hello," he says.

"What's going on?" I ask

"Nothing much although just saw that crazy bitch you are insane for," he says in an annoying tone.

"Watch your language Chris or I will forget you are my brother"

"It's actually surprising you consider me that"

"No shit Chris, Tell me why are you there?"

"Wait till you find out" he hung up.

yes. definitely. one of Martinez's is going to die today. That's the only thing that could happen or else dad won't send him. Last summer Christian and Juan were found in a drug dealing scandal. It was more of Juan's fault but he wanted me to deal with it and convince Christian to cover the situation up things got too out of hand before that, and I couldn't save Juan from the police and media situation so he chose to take revenge on me, forgetting im his best friend. He told his Dad to get her engaged to one of their cousins. I can't even describe how much that hurt. Juan told his dad that I'm interested in her, of course, him being a Martinez how could he not take revenge on Alonso; Daniel Martinez actually started planning an entire plan to get her married to someone else when Juan murdered one of our security guys, Lorenzo while being drunk. I'm afraid to admit but the revenge of Lorenzo might be taken tonight by Chris, Lorenzo was a great and useful man for us that Juan killed. Daniel Alonso had to send his son outside town and to save his image he sent her to valencia. But only if he knew it all around the world wherever he hides her ill find her. We are bound to each other and he can't change that. Now, all that I have to do is wait for Christian to kill someone so the war starts. I can't wait to win her over. I can't wait to see her. My phone rings and I pick it up.

it's Christian.

"The hell man" someone from the other line says who doesn't sound like Chris at all.

"Who is it?" I ask

"didn't know you would forget me that quickly"

Oh. It's him. Juan Fucking Martinez

"Too bad," I say when I hear him groaning after a gunshot.

so it was him that had to die. Juan Martinez is dead. Lorenzo's revenge taken.

I smirk and put my phone down.

The war has started I smile to myself.