

this chapter is specifically for notes about reader, about this book, and background knowledge on scp's if needed by the reader. my descriptions on the scp's are short, just having the necessary information. if you want the full descriptions, find them on the scp foundation's website.

notes and stuff that readers need to read for background will be lowercase and the actual story will be normal. [REDACTED] chapters are author's notes or chapters not related to the book.

in case some don't know, a thaumiel in the scp foundation is an scp that assists in keeping other scp's locked away or help learn more about an scp thanks to their abilities.

reader will always be referred to as scp-1768, the original scp-1768 being a crack scp, literally. the original scp is a trope on the whole "step on a crack, and you break your mother's back" thing. what type of scp the reader is (safe, euclid, keter, or just thaumiel) will depend on the chapter.

i will always try to keep the reader as gender neutral as possible to keep this book as open as possible, but with certain chapters i will specify genders as it is needed for the story.

in certain chapters, the reader might be a doctor or a guard or a random human for story purposes, and i will specify which chapters those are.

some scp's will be a platonic love and other's might be romantic love, it depends on the scp and logically if a romantic relationship could happen with the scp.

also with certain scp's, the love will not always be a good and healthy love. there will be topics like obsession, abuse, stalking and things that pertain the yandere trope. some chapters will include dark topics like murder, r*pe, suicide and other things bad. i will put a warning on the chapter and what it will include, but it is up to you to not read those if they could trigger you.

some chapters may have a title. most won't have titles unless they have an actual plot to it.