
Adaption to dragonball

Djin is a normal depressed man. The world that he lives in is a noisy and chaotic place that poisons, corrupts, and taints. In order to avoid its toxicity, like many others, he shuts himself in, drowning out all of the noise with vices such as drugs and different forms media. Any distraction he can get his hands on to safely remains in the safety of his home as much as possible. Before the man falls to sleep, intrusive self destructive thoughts get the best of him and he wishes that his current slumber is his last... Any thing to escape from his situation. Unluckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants. He leaves his world and moves on… The problem is, he moves on to doomed planet, Vegeta. *Disclaimer* (Before you begin to read, the is not the Dragon Ball Z. Some characters will be a lot more aggressive and sadistic than they were originally written, and some characters will be written more powerful. Some characters will be written more laid back while other will be written more analytical. What you know of that Drago Ball world does not apply here. Sometimes, in the story, you may realize that some things regarding plot points in the story happen sooner rather than later. This can be attributed to the butterfly-effect of the Mc coming into existence, or The fact that this is not the same universe that you have grown to love. But hopefully, my world will grow on you as well. Side note: You will not experience the main character spending 85 chapters doing nothing on a random planet where he learns to cultivate and makes into some random made up heavenly realm. You will also come to know that this is not a harem with chapter long sex scenes. This is also not the Goku show. Keep that in mind before commenting.)

TalentlessAuthor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


"That's an awfully strange way to greet visitors… Don't you think?" I stated while breaking free from Popo with ease, crossing my arms, and swaying my tail. The two men, Kami and Popo, looked at me with great confusion written all over their faces.

"V-Visitors?" Kami stuttered while breathing heavily.

"Yes, visitors… Not hostile invaders, but visitors." With my words, Kami tried his best to calm himself. The tension within him slowly started to ease. As did Popo's since Ice had retracted his dagger.

"In that case, I apologize for my rudeness," Kami stated, keeping his Ki shield active. It wouldn't have been noticeable to most people… But I wasn't most people. I had spent 30+ years studying Ki alone with nothing else to do. It was my only source of entertainment besides reflecting on memories from another life.

"I'm not one keen on violence… It's just that I had not expected uninvited guests to arrive on my proverbial doorstep." He said while attempting a poker face… but I could sense his fear.

I honestly was confused. Why was he so scared of me? I was sure that I was suppressing my Ki well enough, right? Could it be the Ki that King Kai sensed?

"Well… Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Djin. This child here is my son, Ice."

Ice then bowed his head to the two individuals presented in front of him.

"Yes… as you can see, our resemblance is uncanny." I jested with a simile in an attempt to disarm their guards slightly. In turn, I got a blank stare from Popo and an apprehensive smile from Kami.

Honestly, besides the fact that my son and I were two different species, we did look similar. To any onlookers though, they would automatically assume that Ice was an orphan of another species that I had taken in as my own. Understandably so.

"Hi… As my father stated, I am Ice."

He said courteously.

"Ah… yes. Hello, Ice. I am Kami. The guardian of this planet."

Kami's words slowed down as he had finally taken notice of more of my traits.


"That tail?" He mumbled.

"Yes. I see it as well. It has a striking resemblance to his." Popo started with his hand under his chin.

"This one?" I said tilting my head while waving it around.

" I've only come across two people with that extra appendage who seemed relatively human during my duration of being a guardian and it signals me to wonder... are you perhaps related to a person by the name of Son Goku?" Asked Kami.

"No… I am not. But, I know who you are referring to. Him and I descend from the same race of people."

"Same race of… Wait. What are your implications? Are you from some type of ancient clan? Or are you perhaps from a different world as a whole?"

Kami asked with intense curiosity.

"The ladder… I'm from a ruined planet that was known as Vegeta. I am one of the last remaining members of its people. I am a Saiyan." At my revelation, Popo and Kami were awestruck.

For a moment, Kami's mind was rife with questions. He had known of Goku for the larger part of the man's life… and yet his origins were only now being revealed to him. To discover that the kind-hearted child he trained years ago was a part of an unknown alien species had completely thrown him for a loop. After all, he wasn't even aware of his galactic origin.

Giving him a moment to calm down, he finally spoke while gaining a serious expression.

"Djin. Although I want to give you a welcome with open arms, as the guardian of this planet, I am obligated to ask you these 3 questions.

First: Why did you decide to come to this planet?

Second: What are your intentions with its people?

Third: How long do you plan to stay here?"

"The reason for my interrogatories is that I must act accordingly if any of your intentions are deemed impure." Never in 3 billion years was Kami in any way shape or form capable of harming me. Him, nor anyone else on this planet. If I wanted something, I could take it by force without any repercussions, but that was not who I was. Nor was it ever going to be and so I indulge in Kami's questions .

"Those questions can all be answered with this one response… I want to be the next guardian."

Popo and Kami's ears perked up as I finished my statement.

At this point in DB history, Kami was around the ripe old age of 300. He was reaching the end of his rope. Going off of cannon, he only had about 10 more years until he was absorbed by Piccolo. The number of wrinkles on his face and the fact that he even considered Goku for guardian meant that all of his other options were bare to none. In his mind, the idea of a successor arriving out of the blue probably didn't sound too bad. The problem was that he and I didn't have an established relationship. I was a mysterious stranger.

"I'm sorry? Did I hear your words correctly?" asked Kami.

"I want to be the guardian… This planet's guardian. You heard correctly."

They both went silent waiting for me to continue.

"Before I arrived here today, I had just completed my decade-long training session in Otherworld."

"In my training, like you, I learned the art of far-seeing… along with other things. When I mastered it, I spent a large majority of my downtime observing planets… This one caught my attention, by far."

Now was time to tread carefully and play verbal gymnastics.

"Are you implying that you were somehow able to behold the progress of this planet from such a wide distance? Not only that, but you have studied me deeply and extensively enough to gauge my skill set." I began to pace back and forth.

"With ease, to your first question. To your second, yes… Let me talk to you about my experiences." Far-seeing required an expert level of Ki control

I was, in fact, a specialist.

"You see, you're not the only thing that I observed… I've perceived horrifically atrocious scenes take place here. I've watched demons invade and I witnessed corrupt militias inhumanely experiment on the populace… I've witnessed madmen indescribably murder and I've watched war perpetuate endlessly.

With all I've viewed, I still think this planet is worthwhile. Three individuals stood out to me."

Kami peered into the windows of my soul to see if there were any signs of untruths in my body language. Of course, my heart didn't contain any. I wanted to watch over the planet because I authentically cared about it. Even if it wasn't my original, it was still earth.

Sure enough, the continent's were slightly different, but some forms of media remained. Google existed along with things like Disney, Fox, and Warner Brothers. Even certain celebrities from my last life lived on this earth.

"Goku. Krillin. Yamcha. These three people are heroes produced by this planet. And in these past years, They combated the negativity on this planet. I admire them… They inspire me to make something out of a terrible situation. They make me want to make my surroundings a better place."

"The only problem is that right now, I have no surroundings. I may have been in the Otherworld, but I was only staying there to complete my training. I have no home… With that being said, those 3 make me want to be a part of one. I want to be a part of this one. I want to make this world a better place using the strength that resides within me as a means to do so."

"And so about a year ago, I began to wonder… What better way of doing that than becoming the guardian of this planet. Consequently, I began to study you. I had to if I wanted to get an understanding of your role." I looked Kami directly in his eyes without flinching or wavering.

I wasn't pulling my comments out of anywhere. I watched Kami in action. The job of the Guardian was quite beneficial to the overall quality of living on this planet. He peered into the minds of individuals and answered prayers. He stopped catastrophes. He stopped many from going through endless suffering.

Where there was pollution, the guardian would purify.

When there was famine, the guardian would provide.

Where there were fires, the guardian would extinguish.

Where there were catastrophes, the guardian would shelter.

In places of drought, The guardian would create rain.

But he could not know for sure that I would do the same.

"Halt, before you continue, I appreciate your earnestness, but I need to know who you actually are. You speak with wisdom to you, but what are the experiences that make your tale… I think it best if you and I were to discuss this in a more isolated environment. "

"Ah… It would only make sense."

I said while giving a sincere nod.

The 7-foot guardian walked past me, making his way towards the interior of the lookout, motioning me to follow. As I and Ice did, he stopped.

"I would prefer it if we spoke alone."

Ice had a look of hesitation not wanting to leave my side. Understandable. He was an infant after all.

[It's okay… Wait here. I promise that these two are upstanding individuals. Even if they weren't, you know how strong I am.]

With a slight look of disappointment and understanding, he went and sat on the edge of the lookout.


"Don't worry. That child is safe in the hands of Popo. He is a good friend of mine. I knew him for as long as I can remember."


Leading me to one of the surprisingly many rooms of the lookout, Kami and I now sat down across one another.

"*Sigh* Now that it's just the two of us, would you like tea?"

He then materialized a teapot from thin air onto the table. Funny enough, he looked as if he was expecting a reaction out of me. I then decided to materialize a steel knife to remove the dirt from my fingernails that had accumulated in my early training session.

"No. I'm fine." I said with a smile. The reason I decided to show my capabilities of creation was that it was an important skill you needed to become a guardian. Although, others would have argued that what I did was a display of arrogance.

"Ah… I see that the slight air magic around you wasn't a figment of my imagination.."

"Indeed. I wouldn't have come with such a request without first concluding that I was qualified."

"Very well… I first want to start this interview by asking, Who are you?"


"Yes… Interview."

He started sipping his tea.

"Ahh, I see. Well, let me start by assuming that, 'I am Djin, a Saiyan from Vegeta' will not suffice, right?"

I asked. To which, Kami nodded in agreement with my speculation.

"Where shall I start? Do you want me to tell you how I managed to evade my destruction on a doomed planet?"

"One's origin is important. From one's history, you can predict their future actions, as they say. But before we continue, I want to say that when I first laid eyes on you, I sensed a strange Ki from within you… At first, I thought it signified that your soul was corrupted by black magic, but your headspace seems to be far too clear for that to be a possibility. What is this aura that you have about yourself? That's what I want to know."

"Well… That question still remains a mystery to even King Kai in all honesty. But maybe, this story might allow you to help me figure that out. New perspectives and open-mindedness are what I thrive for… Perhaps you can come to that conclusion yourself by cross-referencing your past experiences."

"Ah… From the means you recited, I can tell that this story is going to be quite a thriller."


I then crossed my legs, created a pillow for the back of my seat to get comfortable. My story was going to take a while. Although unnecessary, I wanted Kami to know that the earth was in good hands once he retired so the near full truth would proceed.

And for the second time, I told my story of physical pain, and mental suffering not leaving out a single detail. From Vegeta to Ice. From Willison to Aka. From my son to King Kai


"Wait. So you mean that Saiyans are capable of controlling that transformation?" He couldn't help but reflect on his times with Goku.

"Yes… It's a matter of mental strength. This tail isn't our weakness… It's our greatest tool. Its utility holds the same level of importance as all of our limbs combined."


"Being in touch with nature. That is a very important trait with guardians…" Kami said with a heartwarming smile.


"You managed to learn all of those abilities in such a short amount of time?!" Kami asked awestruck.

"Although it might not have taken a long time, you have to realize that my proficiency is due to the fact that I have been training since the moment I arrived in this wide and ever so expanding universe. It was the first thing that came to me… well that, and learning how to survive without oxygen, water, or food. But that was my body adapting on its own."



In total, I spent 4 hours talking to Kami. From a cartoon character to a kind-hearted wise man.

"Extraordinary… A true odyssey. Who would have thought that regenerative immortality could be achieved without the use of magic?" He mumbled under his breath while pondering.

"Well, I was born with it. It's just an ability that I make the most of. I can't really glorify it considering that I may never grow old and all those who get close to me will one day perish." I said with my hand folded on my knee.

"Ah, no… How could you glorify suffering? I apologize if it seemed as if I was. I know that having this ability has put you through more turmoil than any individual deserves, No matter how tainted their soul. No matter how crude they were in the realm of the living. What you experienced was not hell, but something worse."

"Well…It sure wasn't fun. But that is the hand that was dealt. Now I have to make the best of what I can out of this situation before me. This vitality that I have within me may very well be infinite… but no matter how immortal I am, I don't have time to dwell on the past. I cannot portray myself as a victim." I meant this truly.

For a while, my words lingered. I could tell that Kami was critically analyzing what I had to say.

"Well… I've concluded."

"Oh? What's the outcome?"

"First, I want you to take me to the location of this, King Kai. I want to confirm a few things with him."

I then nodded my head, then touched my temple while closing my eyes. Focusing, I activated my long distance telepathy.

[North. It's Djin. The earth's guardian would like to meet you. Is that all right?"]

[Hmm? I didn't expect you to call back so early. Yema usually takes about a year. Congrats on being my new favorite student!]

"Hehe." I smiled while shaking my head. I was well aware of the relationship between the two.

I had met Yema a few times in the past. King Kai wanted me to converse with him in case my strange Ki had a property that was damaging my soul. As the King of the Underworld, Yema was a professional on the matter.

At first, he wanted to pass me on to the afterlife. From his perspective, I was a poor child that had been suffering since birth. When he reached into the presabous of my soul, he realized that no matter how far he dug, his hands were in a boundless void. He could not touch my spirit to properly analyze my condition. And so, no one knew what the hell my constitution was.

[Kami. Do you know him?]

[Of course. He's Yema's disciple. I've never met him, but I've only heard good things about him. What makes him want to come all the way yonder?]

[Well, I'm pretty sure he wants you to confirm my character, but he says he wants to ask you a few questions.]

[A few questions? That's fine. Bring him over.]


Opening my closed eyes, I offered Kami a hand.

"He says come on over."

With a nod, he grabbed my hand and we teleported instantaneously.




Once we arrived on North's planet, I promptly made my exit back to earth. Kami already had the ability Kai Kai, so there was no need to assist him on the way home. The reason I bought him in the first place was because he had never even seen King Kai's planet or North himself. Neither of Kai Kai's requirements were fulfilled.

The moment I teleported back to the lookout before me sat Popo and Ice who were locked in an epic game of checkers while crisscrossed on the floor. I couldn't help but smile at the beauties of raising a child. He had understood the lessons that I had taught him and now ingrained them into his being.

They both looked as if they were plotting complex battle strategies of war.

"Hello, you two."


Ice said without turning his head while Popo gave a respectful nod as they continued on with their activity.

'Ah. I guess I should watch until Kami comes back.' I thought.




An hour had passed and Kami had finally made his appearance.

He had teleported in with an expression of clarity.

Whatever he discussed with King Kai had set his mind at ease.

"Ah. Kami." Popo said. He had concluded the game with Ice with the outcome of him being the victor. It was not easy for him at all, however. In their game, Ice had proven himself to be quite the challenge, keeping Popo on his toes, even causing him to sweat on multiple occasions.

While his failure initially caused him some dread, through my counsel and the assistance of Popo, Ice had been taught a valuable lesson about being humble.

"So, when should we get started on his training?" Asked Popo.

"Well… When should we get started, Djin?"

Asked Kami with a smile.

Initially, due to the relationship of Kami and Popo, I thought that Popo would have been a lot more hesitant with someone new taking up the mantle of guardian. To my surprise, that wasn't the case. In fact, he seemed happy with the idea.

"I'm assuming that everything in the Otherworld went well?"

Kami nodded.

"Indeed. Are you ready to take this position off of our hands?"

"Our hands?" I asked.

"Yes. Our hands. Meaning I and Popo."

"I can't help but be confused. Popo. Haven't you been here since the beginning?"

"Yes. Your speculation is true. But do you know the reason?"

Popo asked while smiling and tilting his head in curiosity.

"Honestly, no." Said Popo

"You see, as you can probably tell, I am not human. I am part of the Otherworld's many races of people. My placement here was only supposed to be temporary, but I ended up meeting the first guardian.

He and I became close friends almost immediately, creating the lookout and helping all those in need. Unfortunately, my good friend and I were of two different species. Mine didn't allow me to decay from old age while he couldn't be so fortunate.

On his deathbed, I promised to create the tradition of creating new guardians of the earth, spreading his legacy and philosophy of helping those in need and protecting the planet.

That was the moment that my pilgrimage of self-discovery turned into permanent immigration… but you have changed my fate."

He said with a closed-eye grin.

"You, who does not have to worry about lifespan. You, with the strength to protect. I thank you for ending the cycle of me watching my loved ones die and pass on."

He gave me a look of wholeheartedness as a tear of joy trickled down his face.

"No… I would like to thank you for the opportunity. Without you, this planet wouldn't have survived."

Popo along with Kami bowed, to which, I and frost returned.

"Well?" Kami beckoned.

"Now. Let's start my training now." I said with esteem.

Now, my occupation of being the earth's guardian had commenced.


Week 1

"Now that you have learned the history of this world, next is for you to learn magic that will aid in its health," Kami said while staring into the distant clouds.

He then raised his hand while magic with water affinity was formulating within, which I was able to see due to my magic imbued eyes and body. This wasn't anything special. Everyone with magic sense was capable of seeing the skeleton for a spell. For water magic, it looked like tiny little bubbles were rushing towards Kami.

As water-based mana rushed towards Kami, it looked like a violent tempest javelin was being created due to his molding and condensing. Then, winding back his arm, he launched the spell towards the clouds. Once the javelin made contact with the distant clouds, water mana exploded and started to spread like a virus. I could see the clouds gaining more pressure and density as seconds passed, causing them to expand, turning murky and gray.

Using my far-seeing, I watched as thirsty drylands were fed a watery feast. I watched as farmers with dying crops started to thank the heavens above for bringing an end to a drought.

"This is how you bless those who are in a drought." He said while looking back at me.

"Now, repeat the same action. But this time, towards that direction. They have it far worse, so use a little bit more magic, but not too much. You have to be precise with these spells, after all. House too much mana and you could accidentally turn a dessert into an ocean."

I then calmed my mind so that I could concentrate. Holding my hand out in front of me, I focused on the water particles around me, dragging them in and multiplying them with magic materialization.

Then, using a mere fraction of my power I shot my tempest javelin.


Week 4

"Your potential and your ability to learn things so rapidly are terrifying…"

I had fully mastered the supernatural ability of possession, currently residing in the body of Mr. Popo.

The feeling was strange… I felt 10 times heavier than usual and could only use a fragment of my power the way I wanted to. Clearing my confusion, I had realized that my body was just overall more optimal. My body's muscle and bone were reforged by a fire that was hot as the sun and had been tempered by the void of space.

Putting my body's efficiency aside, I was also in an alien body with different parts than me.


Week 36

"Now… When instilling your will upon the Dragon Balls, you have to use a mixture of telekinesis, telepathy, magic materialization, and your pool of Ki for the final touches. It's the heat that melts down an ingot if you will. If the fire is not hot enough, the ingot will not melt."

Nodding, I took his words into consideration.

"While you're doing this, think critically about how you want Sheron to appear. What is the password that you want to activate the dragonballs? Feel free to keep it the same. It's your choice." I had come to the conclusion that

"Password 415" would be the Dragon's new password. Why? Two reasons.

1:Because, no one would ever guess that a powerful artifact like the dragon balls would have such a simple call.

2: I thought it was funny.

"Don't forget, as Guardian, It would be best if you placed limitations on the dragon balls. Think carefully about the restrictions you would like to implement onto the dragon." Concentrating while activating telekinesis, I began to edit.

For a design, I decided to turn Shenron's scales crimson-red, matching my tail, and made his eyes yellow. His hair and back scales were black, signifying that I was his new God.

I had strengthened the balls, lifting the constraints on the amount of times that a person was able to be brought back from the dead, assuming that they did not die of natural causes. I also increased the wish count to 3. My name was Djin after all, although spelled differently.

Next, I made it so that you couldn't kill people with them. I didn't want to worry about people getting their hands on them and wishing that the world's population died.

Finally, instead of a year, I made the limitations of summoning Shenron every 6 months. Once the wishes were made, the dragon balls would return to the lookout in their stone form.

For restrictions, I made it so that no one would be able to wish for immortality. I didn't want the possibility of having to fight myself.

Finally finishing the magic side of things, I then forced my ki into the orbs, causing them to glow and grow in size. After moments passed, I looked back at Kami who looked proud of his teachings.

"Ah... I like the improvements that you have made… Also, I trust that you will not let those three wishes get out of hand. Although it is your duty to protect them, you must remember to keep them humble."

"Of course. I'm the guardian after all." I said with a smile. My training had finally been completed.




Week 48

"Now, the world is in your hands. What will you do with it?" Kami asked as he stood at the side of Popo.

"This world… I've been watching over it for so long… Now, The best thing to do would be to safeguard it. There are constant threats throughout the universe. I'll wait till they arrive."

"Very well… Then I guess this is it… Now, we will make our departure." He said with joy in his heart. He then grabbed onto the shoulder of Popo, but before leaving, he had final words to say.

"Before we go… Make sure you take care of Garlic Jr. He will attempt to break out of his imprisonment soon. He is a strong adversary who should not be toyed with." At this point in time, I still had not shown Kami my true strength. In his mind, he ranked me slightly higher than Goku in terms of strength. When he mentioned Garlic Jr

I could only laugh internally.

"Of course. I'll keep my eye on him."

"Also, When Goku arrives, teach him of his origin. I'm sure he'll appreciate knowing that he's not alone. Getting to know you would be like having a sibling to him."

"I promise to keep that in mind." I said with a bow.

[Also, please don't forget to help the young one, Piccolo. His father left him to this world without any proper mentorship. He is young. He may be arrogant, but he does not deserve to be tied down to an old soul such as mine that is nearing its end. Please break our bond with the Dragonballs?] Kami pledges with his eyes.

[Yes. I'll help him as much as I can.]

[Thank you.] He nodded.

"Farewell Mr.popo. It was a pleasure getting to know you. Whenever my father allows me to, I'll make time to visit you in the other world. You as well Kami." Said Ice while waving.

"Goodbye Ice. I hope that you continue your quest for knowledge and I wish you luck on your endeavor for power." said Popo.

"Make sure you take good care of the garden."

"I will." said Ice.

With that, they teleported away to Otherworld.

For a while, I sat down staring off into the distance along with Ice.

"So what do we do now?"

Asked Ice.

"Well… Now it's about time for me to teach you what this world has to offer." I said, placing my hand on his head.

Now… It was time to go sightseeing until a certain individual arrived in a couple of months.