

1 month later

"*huff*…. *huff* You sure don't hold back old man." I said the slave driver that is my trainer. The man was extremely muscular the only thing that gave away his age was his face and hair.

When he heard me he just huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What do you expect, me to handle you with kid gloves." Of course, he says that he isn't the kind of person to give out praise if I learned anything over the past month.

I pushed myself off the ground and stood up. I could feel the sweat making my muscle shirt stick to my chest. While I hated feeling the pain the results were well worth it. My body became tougher and stronger than ever before. Ted Grant or better known as Wildcat has been teaching me boxing while using me as a punching bag.

"*huff* You could lighten up especially since I have a fight today." I noticed that when I mentioned that he slightly flinched at the mention of fighting. I knew he was blackmailed or something by Roulette, so he didn't say anything either positive or negative.

"Be grateful that you have five hours to cool off, kid." When he said that he just turned and left me alone in Roulette's private gym. Speaking of Roulette, she just strutted in with her usual expression on her face. I gave her a smile and nodded to her, "Good afternoon Miss Roulette."

She handed me a towel to dry off with. "Good evening Atlas, was your training?" Yes my new name is Atlas, Atlas Crow.

In a happy tone, "It was great Miss Roulette. Wildcat has toughened me up and I can take a lot of damage and dish it back out." Which is true, my strength has increased from the weight training and my speed increased from sprints and running. Even my resistance to blunt forces has increased after all my fights so far and being used as a punching bag and punching hard things.

"That is good Atlas because today is step into the big leagues because your opponent is Atomic Skull." When she said that I was slightly happy because my opponent fights against Superman occasionally so this will be a good benchmark for me. I gave a slight bow to Roulette.

"Thank you for this chance I won't let you down." Which I honestly believed with all my heart. Being able to receive this new life filled with superheroes and villains feels more real and fulfilling then anything I could remember of my old life and the person that I've grown attach to most was Roulette. I know that she isn't one to be trusted, but I still find myself trusting her even a bit.

See just gave me a nod, "I'm sure that you won't." She gave one last smile and left leaving me alone again in the room. I just sighed and made my way to the locker room so that I can clean myself and relax before my toughest fight yet.

I know for those like superman and Wonder Woman I could be folded like a twig, but the more I fight against strong people the stronger I become. Honestly, I have the makings of a top contender here so long as I am patient. By the time I finished my thoughts I was already done with my shower and back to my personal quarter.

My room wasn't much, but it was more than enough for me since Roulette told me that I would receive only the basic supplies from her and anything else would need to be funded by myself. So, I wasn't going to be spending money on anything frivolous till I have a sizable savings. I just laid down in my bed and set a timer on my new phone for two hours before the fight and took and let sleep claim me.

Watch Tower

"So, Bruce any leads on that missing person case." Asked Wonder Woman as she walked behind Batman as he was typing away on the Watch Towers head computer.

"No, Diana though I got a lead from Wildcat." Said Batman as he turned to face Wonder Woman. He turned to back toward the screen and multiple windows popped up. Most of them of an inconspicuous warehouse that was in Bludhaven.

"So how this is where the person may be?" asked Diana as she looked at the photo squinting her eyes.

"Yes and no. Apparently the teen is a being groomed by Roulette to be a fighter from Wildcat has said." As soon as Bruce said that Diana became slightly angry. She has had many run ins with Roulette and knows how she has manipulated supervillains and heroes to fight in her ring. She fears what would happen if an impressionable teen were left in her care for too long. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bruce.

"We need to grab him and show him that he is being manipulated further by her." When Diana finished saying that anyone can see the fire that was in her eyes. She was raised to be an honorable warrior and taught how to fight for her sisters and the weak. So, to see that youth was being corrupted was something that she could stand.

"That may be hard considering the fact most of this actions have seen him having a favorable opinion of them." When Bruce said Diana stopped and started to think of a way to bring the teen over to the side of justice. From what she has seen the teen seems to be swayed by females so maybe sending one around his age may be the answer.

"Do you have someone preferable a female that was can get in there and make contact with him or at least observe him?" Asked Diana as she looks at a picture that showed the teen in them. She will be honest the teen had a handsome appearance. So, there shouldn't be issue with asking one of them to contact him.

Bruce stopped typing for a second before pulling up numerous different superheroes that were being filtered down to three heroines. "These are all active ones that are currently in the area that can be there in time to make contact with teen."

The three people were: Batgirl, Miss Martian, and finally Super Girl. Batman had placed Batgirl on the list because she had been out of it lately trying to find the boy so this was the least he could do for his sidekick. Wonder Woman l looked over the list thinking of which one would be able to infiltrate the fighting ring while remaining undetected.

As Wonder Woman looked over three options she decided on Batgirl as she a high level of hand-to-hand combat skills. She can blend into the scene far easier than the other two and from her apprentice told her the other two were having issues that has been leaving them unstable as of late.

She looked at Batman, "I think that Batgirl would be the best option." Batman just hummed at her words and opened screen and downloaded the mission brief to Batgirls secure communication device.

"The mission has been delivered to her and a confirmation as been just received." Diana nodded at Bruce's words and smiled seeing that he was able to quickly set up and handle the situation.

"How do you think it will go?" asked Diana in a curious tone as she looked again at the picture of the young lad they were trying to contact him.

"It depends on how he views superheroes and if he has been brainwashed or conditioned since his time with Roulette." When Bruce said that Wonder Woman could only slightly frown hoping that her fears will be unfounded and that the teen will willingly come to them.

"I believe in your apprentice." Said Diana as she looked at the screen once more before leaving the room.

"So do I." said Batman as he looked at the screen before resuming his previous tasks.

Sorry for it being shorter than normal.

skinwalker112creators' thoughts