
Adaptation : MHA fanfiction

Izuku Midoriya the child of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, the future symbol of peace and successor of One for All. However, this is not true. Or at least not completely true. The story of the Izuku Midoriya does not start with the happy couple of Inko and Hisashi but somewhere much more sinister...

a_wizard_did_it · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs


Izuku Midoriya the child of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, the future symbol of peace and successor of One for All. However, this is not true. Or at least not completely true. The story of the Izuku Midoriya does not start with the happy couple of Inko and Hisashi but somewhere much more sinister...


Toshinori Yagi more commonly known as All Might knew what he had to do. A villain named Regen had broken into a bank. The hero had only had just got off the plane from after a brief visit to I-Island to see David and daughter Melissa who only had just turned 2 years old. Rushing to the scene of the crime All Might was the first pro there.

"What happened officer?" All Might asked.

"All Might!" The officer shouted "uh, sorry," he apologised as his sound quirk allowed his voice reach higher pitches. It was a very annoying quirk.

"No, matter but what has happened?" All Might question once again.

"The villain Regen has taken hostages and stolen millions, his asking for safe passage out of Japan or he will kill the hostages" The officer said.


"Crap, All Might's here" Regen cursed. Today sucked. First he tries to rob a bank, no sweat he does it all the time but Fucking All Might was never there before.

"You get what you deserve you bastard" some random chick yelled at him.

Regen grabbed her smiling viciously he said "you and me are going to have some fun" dragging her away from the rest of the hostages as she screamed for help. For All Might.


Eraser Head was going to be sick, he had accidentally seen Regen do something horrible, poor woman would probably have to go to therapy now. He was supposed to see if Regen had a mutant or emitter type quirk. It was mutant. Sighing Eraser Head left to tell everyone he wasn't going to be any help.


Struggling to stay calm All Might watched as Regen walked towards the helicopter with a woman.



"1" "1" All Might said with Snipe who had the observation gear. He launched at rocket-like speed towards pair, his arm pulled back to punch Regen. All Might hit him straight in the jaw knocking him off the building's roof.

"Everything Is fine now madam" he said to the woman. As she fell down to her knees crying All Might jumped down from the bank's roof All Might landed on top of Regen who was just getting up after regenerating, All Might expecting him to be winded reach down to cuff him.

"You know I always knew this day would come" Regen said.

"Oh, so you knew good would Triumph over evil"

" No the day when my quirk would save me. You see my quirk isn't Regeneration but actually adaption". Regen said with a sick grin.


The battle rages on for some time, it wasn't until All Might uses his most powerful attack and finished Regen for go. The damage around him was immense. Each time All Might attacked Regen he would get used to the power and shrugged it off. It was annoying. Luckily his adaption was rather slow, if not for that All Might wouldn't have won. It had turned out Regen had killed all the other hostages so the only survivor was the woman he had 'fun' with. She was rushed to the hospital for some reason and because Regen was dead All Might had no reason to stick around. But oh boy the media was going to have a field day on this fight.


"I'm sorry to intrude but we would like to speak to you" a nurse said.

"Leave, we just had a miscarriage can you leave us alone for a minute" Hisashi asked.

"Normally yes but something has happened. A woman was just rushed in, it seems her unborn child quirk has just manifest" a doctor said "because they both have mutant regeneration quirks - Admittedly the unborn child was faster - We have no choice but to move the child, as you have just had a miscarriage you are perfect person to save the child". Not able to do anything but nod Inko knew she would save the child.


"So Mr and Mrs Midoriya you probably have some questions" the doctor said.

"Whose child is this?" Hisashi asked.

"We're unsure, the father was a villain named Regen who had an adaptation quirk and the mother was one of his victims with a regenerative quirk. Both of their quirks were mutant but we actually need to talk about your quirks". The doctor replied.

"Where is the mother?" Inko asked.

"She died... her regenerative was trying to keep the child as healthy as possible but the child adaptation quirk -we have decided to call it hype adaptation- tried to just well, adapt but by doing that the mother's quirk tried to speed up. This must have keep going until the mother lost. The father is also dead". The doctor replied coldly.

"What will happen to Inko then?" Hisashi question.

"Nothing, it's what may happen to the child is the question" the doctor answered strangely.

"What do you mean" Inko asked.

"Well as the child's quirk will make him adapt to you he will become in all regards except creation he will be your biological child, Inko is also a few months further into the pregnancy then normal more then likely this is due to the effects of his mother's quirk. Then there's the less obvious adaptations, such as perhaps copying your quirk for his own".

"So he will become our own child" Hisashi asked.

"Honestly I'm unsure with you becoming his father, but the only way for it to happen is a blood transfusion or doing the deed" the doctor replied.


So that's the end of the prologue what'd think? Please answer as this is my first BNHA fanfiction so conservative criticises is probably needed.

So first vital for the story to work correctly, All Might's age and location needed to be defined

All Might's timeline which is;

All Might graduates U.A leaves for America-18 years old

All Might come back to Japan-25 years old

All Might save Izuku's first Mum/Izuku is Born-39 years old

All Might fights All for One-40 years old

All Might mets Izuku-45 years old